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lately he keeps telling you he can't come and see you (even if he has a car and you're just an hour away...) because he's busy (true that he's in med school and is maintaining his status as top of his class)...then you find out that on a weekend he goes to a friend's birthday party (which he openly admits he did and tells you he was bored)...but then you find out he was with another girl (supposedly one of his ex-'s but one who is really crazy and might have something up her sleeve that can destroy his reputation)...would you confront him or just wait 'til he tells you? What if you're in a gray area where you really don't know what you are to this guy except that he does try to call you everyday to make up for the times when he can't see you.....

2006-08-01 23:57:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

27 answers

u have been dumped by a loser who hasnt got the balls to tell u. if i were u, i'd ditch this idiot and find yourself a real man who will respect you. this guy obviously doesnt

2006-08-02 00:01:11 · answer #1 · answered by marabierto1961 5 · 0 1

By now you know the answer you will always be second fiddle to this guy I am sure he's a nice guy but he does not have you or relationships as his #1 priority which in his case is best get acareer first maybe it is best to let yoursleve go from him and move on you can still stay in touch and if you two are ment to be together things can work out in time dont bang your head all the time woorying about him I am sure he is not doing the same Good luck>

2006-08-02 07:05:15 · answer #2 · answered by richard 2 · 0 0

First of all, how long do you know him before being with him? Do you think you really know this guy? You said he's busy with his studies,perhaps he's. But if you are his partner, he wont be forgetting to inform you that he's going for a party especially he's calling you everyday.
From my point of view, he's not taking you as his partner at all..If someone is in love with you,he can't wait to see you everyday,don't say travelling time is 1hour, even its 4 hours, he will also fly there to see you when you guys are just 4 months- honeymoon stage.
A call from him mean nothing...Its just a call, no effort is needed..perhaps he just need to take a break from his revision and decided to call you to chat? There's nothing more to that...So to me, i feel that you should stop having hopes on this guy.

2006-08-02 07:14:51 · answer #3 · answered by barelyahrie 3 · 0 0

Med-school means lots and lots of study and dedication. If he's set his sights on maintaining his top-of-the-class status then he ought not to divert his time and attention with peripheral matters. You can see him occasionally and talk to him but if he's not interested then you ought to find someone else. Try a music student who studies playing the tambourine, it'd be fun for both of you and it would be a swingi'n relationship !!!

2006-08-02 07:07:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't give hope to yourself,dump the liar guy,because he seems like not enjoying your company and making such excuses and dating with other girl or attended party the he's busted by you! Forget him and find some other guys for a date! There are many fishes in the ocean!Don't waste your time with that jerk,topnotcher liar in his class!

2006-08-02 07:03:42 · answer #5 · answered by tutax 4 · 0 0

There is really no problem that cannot be solved with a cheesecake, an ice cube, and a pair of rubber bands. But for those who are less creatively minded, I would calmly talk to said guy and ask him simple, painful questions.

Actually, I wouldn't know. I find men disgusting.

2006-08-02 07:01:41 · answer #6 · answered by alpha32blue 2 · 0 0

u must be a dud to believe that guy. He's out there enjoying his life to the hilt and u r waiting for him to come up to u and tell u the truth. Forget him. And I suggest that u should confrnt him, don't give him the chance of thinking that u're okay with whatever he's doing. u'll definitely find someone else. good luck.

2006-08-02 07:08:18 · answer #7 · answered by Rebecca 3 · 0 0

Are you saying this woman is blackmailing your man? Ask you boyfriend what is going on and to be honest with you. Just ask him if he is going out with her and if he is to let you know so you can move on. Sometimes guys who are going to doctors are so popular that they can lead girls on because they think they can. Do not let this guy do this to you. Being with a doctor who is in medical school and then residency is no picnic and you will have to be paitent. If he is not faithful now you need to launch him and not put time into him.

2006-08-02 07:03:02 · answer #8 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 0 0

I would confront the man you have not been together long enough to know his character. Be direct ask questions and always be honest ,everything on the table ,in this early stage don't be scared men will respect your smart strategy

2006-08-02 07:11:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Something definately smells! Dump him while the dumping is good. I don't care if he ends up being a successful brain surgeon. He will make you unhappy!

2006-08-02 07:01:43 · answer #10 · answered by bookfreak2day 6 · 0 0

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