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My cat had fleas. I treated her and I'm treating the house. I've tied her up on a tile surface and I'm giving her baths every 6 days with a flea growth regulator shampoo along with giving her a monthly spot treatment and feeding her garlic. I will admitt that I had a habit of laying clothes around and she liked to rest on the clothes in the laudary basket. While lying in bed awake, I've been bitten while wearing nothing but my underware. I put white sheets on the bed so I can see if any fleas are on the bed. Can they bite through clothing? Can they crawl under elastic? And last, but not least, if they get in my hair, what can I use to get them out? I've searched the net, but have found nothing for human hair. I was thinking of using alcohol since they die almost instantly from it. But what if they laid eggs. What do I do then?

2006-08-01 11:58:37 · 20 answers · asked by Fleas driving me crazy 1 in Pets Cats

20 answers

sarah c. is right. When you take a bath, and use shampoo, any flea that might still be in your hair will drown. Same goes for your clothes if you washed them in detergent soap. Water alone won't kill fleas because they can jump high (though a washing machine is closed so they wouldn't be able to escape.)
An initial spraying of Frontline should kill any eggs in soft furnishings and regular vacuum cleaning will sort out the rest.
Get Frontline or Advantage Treatment for your cat from the vet and don't buy over-the-counter remedies as they can sometimes cause adverse effects.
Get full information from your vet.
Fleas are nasty, but not life threatening. Don't be so paranoid about them! They are more of a health risk to your cat than they are to you, and can be debilitating to a kitten.
If they are really cat fleas, they will only bite you out of desparation. They don't like your taste.
I think you are being so selfish and also very cruel.
Good, having sorted that out, we need to move on to your poor cat. What you are doing to her is beyond all reason. You are torturing her! If you ever decide to untie her and she can be free of your sadistic treatment, I am sure she will find a way to leave you forever. Cats do not stay where they are mistreated.
You are probably going to make her have some serious hair problems besides psychological ones by bathing her so often and using all those chemicals on her. If she stays with you because she cannot escape from your cruelty, the vet's bills will cost you far more for your mishandling of her fleas than an initial purchase of flea treatment would have done.
I don't know how old you are, so I am going to have to hold my tongue. One thing is, you don't deserve her. If you can't handle even the simplest problems of responsible cat-ownership and resort to cruelty because you are scared for your own wee self, then the best thing to do is find someone who can love her and care for her properly.
You stick to goldfish until you mature.
By the way, flea eggs can survive for decades undisturbed. They will hatch when they sense warm blood to feed on. So, if you and your poor cat end up living together, you will have to de-flea her every spring and continue to do that until the season is over. And you will have to keep all soft-furnishings washed and vacuumed to make sure all eggs and fleas are removed.
If she runs away from you because you have hurt her feelings and tortured her, or if you give her away because you can't handle this responsibility, then the eggs will hatch and because there is no tasty cat blood around, they will go for you. So keep your place clean whatever you decide.
Punishing a cat because she has fleas! Who ever heard of such madness!
I have rarely been this angry. Cat flea bites are less bothersome for a human than mosquito bites! And they really prefer your cat's blood to yours.
Maybe the fleas that are freaking you out are actually not from your cat? On the way home from the vet, pop into a dermatologist and check it out.
Wish I could say good luck, but I am too angry.
But I want to wish your cat a much happier life!
P.S. I am surprised you forgot to put vinegar into her drinking water! Some garlic and vinegar won't hurt her. Remember onions will. As will detergents and frequent baths. But ask your vet, PLEASE!!!!

2006-08-02 06:32:49 · answer #1 · answered by kiteeze 5 · 0 2

Get a flea comb on the cat and brush the fleas out, whilst giving the cat loadsa love and attention. Use a flea collar and suitable flea treatment, but dont bath the poor thing!

Get a flea spray that lasts up to 3 months for your house (as thats how long the flea life cycle can be) Put bowls of warm water in the rooms...fleas are attracted to heat so will jump in and drown.

They will bite you if they jump on you but shouldnt 'live' on you. If you are worried use an insect repellent or bath and shampoo with a tea tree based product.

They cant bite through clothes but the little b*ggers will get under most clothes. Washing them will get rid of them.

If all else fails get in the council to spray the place.

It is horrid to get fleas, but it wont last for ever, the warm weather makes the fleas breed more so later in the year they will disappear.

Think the biggest problem you've got is the psychological damage to the cat! Lots of love and cuddles and tasty treats should help...

Good luck

2006-08-05 06:41:21 · answer #2 · answered by Ah! 5 · 0 0

The best way to get rid of the blighters is to dab at them with a little Betadine on cotton wool. This kills them but you will have to pick them off with your nails after or a nit comb. This is what my vet advised.

They should come off your clothes with washing as they will drown but it best to use a dilutable disinfetctant/bleach in your machine such as Zoflora - go easy though as you only need a little bit. I´m have no idea if they bite through clothing or not.

The main problem is if they get on your mattress so it is a good idea to get your linen off the bed quick smart and get washing. Fleas can only live for a short while without a warm body so if you have spare bed to sleep in for a few days this should do the trick. Good luck.

2006-08-02 03:16:19 · answer #3 · answered by honeyduke 2 · 0 0

Do not repeat NOT bath your cat. It is not a normal situation for a cat to be in, and you are causing massive distress without doing anything at all to kill fleas. Likewise do not feed her garlic; what are you trying to do, poison her???
Go to a VET and buy Frontline drops for your cat- these go on the back of her neck and kill both fleas and eggs in her fur. You also need cans of Raid flea eradicator, or the large yellow can from the vet. Spray the whole house; floors, cupboards, furnishings, clothes, chairs, beds, laundry, everything. Repeat this again in 10 days to 2 weeks, and if you keep your cat flea-free with the Frontline drops (or Stronghold) you should never be bothered with fleas again. Dont bath the cat; it does absolutely nothing to the fleas, dont give her garlic- if youre ever not sure, ask a vet. Dont experiment with silly folk remedies that are harming your pet.

2006-08-01 12:08:26 · answer #4 · answered by k0005kat@btinternet.com 4 · 0 0

When you use the vetinary" One Spot" or "Advantage"
on your cat it will also get rid of fleas in your house.
They should not be in your hair at all, anyway.
If you have something in your hair it is probably
If you have used a lice treatment and it still is not working,
get some Skin So Soft from Avon, and saturate your hair in it.
Then use a nit comb and comb through your hair.
This loosens up the eggs from your hair and will get rid of them once and for all.

2006-08-01 12:07:25 · answer #5 · answered by retta 4 · 0 0

If you are still striving to boost you are vertical and you are hoping to get the hands over the rim, put Vert Shock to the test, a course you will find it here https://tr.im/N0DQO  and give it a take to, you'll be taken aback of how quickly you can become a beast hopper if you prepare the best way.
The program will not cause you to jump a large number of instances because Vert Shock was produced and utilized by genuine elite level basketball players.
When it comes right down to it, if you really want to leap larger, you merely found the best system on earth to do so. Every other way might simply be described as a waste of time.

2016-04-21 10:11:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fleas only jump on to bite, then they jump off on to the carpet to lay their eggs. You won't get them laying eggs in your hair.
Insects can be killed by ordinary shampoo, even fleas and nits; on your own hair just leave the shampoo on for over 4 minutes and they'll drown. It breaks down the waxy coating that keeps them waterproof, and they breathe through their skin so they're vulnerable.
Hoover your bed and carpets, and don't worry about it.. You can also get electric flea traps, the fleas hop on and stick so get one of those.

2006-08-01 12:07:24 · answer #7 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 0

Fleas wont stay on you long your main worry should be getting rid of them off your cat and getting them out of your carpet.A flea can lie dormant in your carpet for up to 2 yrs before it hatches.The only reason i know this is cos i had them in my house one time and the council where i live came and sprayed round the house with an industrial insecticide.He told me about it.Putting your pillows in the dryer will kill them but if they have got in your mattress you need something good cos they will live in there.If your in council property it might be worth giving them a ring to see if they can help........good luck.

2006-08-02 04:34:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh,dear!Fleas are one of the most successful and resilient groups of creatures.Since they only spend a small percentage of their life span on the host, the environment is the most important area to treat.Use Household flea spray and repeat until under control.Put flea collar inside vacuum-bag.Treat all areas the cat frequents."Johnsons 4FLEAS tablets will start killing fleas on cats within 20 minutes.You are overdosing the cat by doubling up on spot on and insecticidal baths,DANGEROUS.Fleas are host-specific. Will not stay on you for long, so don't panic.

2006-08-01 19:48:16 · answer #9 · answered by Sue H 2 · 0 0

Wash your clothes with Borax, 1 cup instead of 1/2 & Detergent.. Use antiperspirant instead of deodorant it is only a perfume. You could also try taking chlorophyll tablets from a health food store to get rid of any bad body odors from sweat. Also change detergents, biological soap powder is not always your best cleaning choice it sours your clothes easily, and doesn't have the additives to destroy odors in clothes that non biological detergents have.

2016-03-16 10:37:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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