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please can anybody help me in translating this danish pargraph...thanks in advance

"Hey hvorfor er det lige du tror du kender mig
A shabi rasi hrakni
Så jeg venter bare på du kommer med en kommentar
Nogen burde sku bare klap i
For der er mange som der misforstår, når vi går
Render rundt og tror vi alle bistand får
YO hold lige
Kan vi ikke få nogle argumenter med noget hold i
Så må i heller komme igen med noget bedre
For jeg ser det mange steder
Læser osse om det når jeg sidder, og tjekker det på tv men jeg gider ikke sige hvad de hedder
Og de allerede ved at forberede nye ting
Siger det kun fordi jeg kan være det bekendt
Og de er allerede ved at forberede syge ting
I må heller kom med et bedre argument
Og jeg sidder og læser avisen, tænker hvorfor skriver de
Nogle ting om og om igen
For i denne verden som vi lever i
Må vi heller' bare kom igen"

2006-08-01 02:30:12 · 4 answers · asked by ahmed_mo2nis 4 in Society & Culture Languages

4 answers

Hi, it seems to be a rap text or something like that. Here goes:

Hey, why is it that you think you know me,
A shabi rasi hrakni (not Danish)
So I just wait for you to comment
Someone ought to just shot up
'cause a lot are misunderstandig,
thinking we all on social welfare
Yo' hold on
Can we get some solid argeuments
You better come again with something better
'cause I see it a lot around
Read 'bout it when I sit and watch tv, but I wont say their names
and they are already cooking up new stuff
I'm only telling you because I can
And they are allready cooking up sick stuff
You better come up with something better
And I'm sitting reading the paper thinking why do they write
some things over and over again
'cause in this world we're living in
we better just come again

Stuff like this are not to be translated 1 to 1. But this is almost 1 to 1. Besides I'm not into rap. But it's pretty close, and it's definetly the essense.

2006-08-07 03:28:14 · answer #1 · answered by stigadk 3 · 1 0

"Hey! Why is it that you think you judge me 'A shabi rasi hranki' [I have no idea what this is]. So I wait only that you come with a comment
Norway had to push just in a clap because there are many who don't understand, now we go running around and we think everybody are sheep.
Hold right.
Can we not make some argument with some group better
because I say they are in danger"

Sorry.. I know no Danish. I did that based on my poor Norwegian. It is only like the first part of it. But don't trust much of this translation. Maybe some better one will be available for you.

2006-08-01 02:56:09 · answer #2 · answered by kamelåså 7 · 1 0

It is Dutch from the Netherlands. Danish is from Denmark. It says that your software for a visa has been rejected on the grounds that you don´t meet the requisites of article five and on the grounds that it kind of feels the granting of a visa could have an impact on global family members.

2016-08-28 14:36:37 · answer #3 · answered by alienello 4 · 0 0

Every time i ask a question, even if it is the easiest one, they cant offer me a good informed answer here. what happened to people who really take the time to answer??

2016-08-23 03:19:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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