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Ok everyone, my co-worker gave me a few pounds of garlic (and some onions too) to use, and I want to preserve some of it and use some of it in cooking, how do I preserve it and what are some good, economical recipes for me to use the rest up? I'm about to move into my own apartment and need cheaply prepared recipes (and PLEASE! No recipes requiring curry! Not my thing.), any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

2006-07-31 16:34:06 · 29 answers · asked by collegebutterfly73 3 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

29 answers

You can freeze chopped onions and garlic once it is peeled.
Chopped onions and garlic can be cooked in butter or olive oil and you can add eggs or potato's .Or add just about any type of veggie and serve over pasta or rice. YUM

2006-07-31 16:40:54 · answer #1 · answered by Mickey's gurl 3 · 3 0

Try looking on garlicfarm.ca. They have tips for curing and storing garlic properly. As for recipes, a great idea is to roast a whole head of garlic. Wrap in tinfoil and roast at 350F until soft (about 20 to 30 minutes depending on size of garlic head). When it's soft, take it out and let it cool until you can handle it. Then squeeze it and the garlic paste will come right out. You can use this as a dip or spread.

You can also use chopped garlic in stews and sauces. Spaghetti sauce freezes well. All you need is a large can of tomato sauce, a small can of tomato paste, seasonings to your taste (Italian seasoning, pepper, salt, etc), chopped onions, chopped green peppers and of course chopped garlic. Simmer over low heat for an hour. When cool, put in freezer proof containers. It will keep in the freezer for a few weeks.

2006-08-01 06:45:14 · answer #2 · answered by Garfield 6 · 0 0

You can freeze onions once they are chopped,make sure you put um in a freezer bag and make sure there isn't air in with them. I am not sure about garlic though. If you brown ground meat then add chopped onions and garlic and sautee it(always add garlic last because it burns faster than it takes to cook onions)add traditional speghetti sauce and some extra basil and oregano And Violla you have a wonderful sauce. or you could just sautee the garlic and onion and do a butter Or olive oil sauce with parmegan cheese on the noodles (if you add some red pepper flakes to that too it is really good)

2006-07-31 16:41:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get some raffia at the craft store and braid the heads then hang them in the kitchen.

Peel as much as you want, put them in a jar, pour in some vinegar and herbs, keep in the fridge, and make pickled garlic.

Cut off the top of three or four bulbs, put in a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil and bake on 350 for about 50 minutes to make roasted garlic. Squeeze out the garlic onto crackers.

2006-07-31 16:37:45 · answer #4 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 0 0

Garlic goes with everything, haven't you ever been to a Garlic festival? I forgot where it is in CA, but we used to go every year. You could mash some up and make a garlic paste which is good for spreading over other veggies, meats to be grilled, and ofcourse garlic bread. You know, they even had garlic icecream which wasn't half bad. Oh, and the paste, if properly sealed, can be stored frozen. I think you add just a little bit of oil to make it more spreadable. So many great things to do with it, I wish I were in your shoes! Make a cream sauce and add tons of garlic, pepper, and dry mustard then serve over schnitzel (breaded pork loin) or over a pasta with some chicken breast. That sounds pretty good to me. Have fun with your garlic!

2006-07-31 16:42:56 · answer #5 · answered by elliecow 3 · 0 0

I just asked that question about a week ago! I had 2 1/2 pounds of garlic. I ended up roasting it. Coarsely chopping it in the food processor. Then I froze it in ice cube trays. Now I have garlic cubes that are ready to go at any time! Check out some of the other answers that were given on my question. : )

2006-07-31 19:19:28 · answer #6 · answered by scrappykins 7 · 0 0

40 Clove Garlic Chicken

2 chicken breasts -- split
4 tablespoons oil
4 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup sweet vermouth
40 cloves garlic -- whole


Don't let the amount of garlic scare you off. When cooked with the vermouth it takes on a sweeter flavor and is quite delicious. Melt butter in frying pan. Add oil. Brown chicken well on both sides. Remove chicken. Add garlic and saute for about a minute. Add dry vermouth. Stir. Put chicken back in the pan on top of garlic. Cover and simmer about one hour, turning chicken occasionally. When done, serve chicken with cloves of garlic on the side. Garlic can be mashed and spread on bread or on chicken.

2006-07-31 16:42:26 · answer #7 · answered by psycho_mommy 2 · 0 0

recipe for Garlic Bites:
-melt 1/2 stick butter
-run 2-3 cloves of garlic through a garlic press and into the melted butter
-take a package of refrigerator biscuits and cut each one into about 6 pieces and drop them into the melted butter and garlic mixture
-stir/toss the pieces so they are coated evenly
-bake according to the directions on the biscuit package
-eat (you can share them if you want, but you'll want 2 batches for that, at least!!)
*note: if you have a frying pan you can bake in that's the best, otherwise just a small casserole or oven-safe dish works fine.


2006-07-31 16:41:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Garlic Bread?

2006-07-31 16:37:32 · answer #9 · answered by UZ 3 · 0 0

I had an uncle that ate a bulb of garlic a day, just raw, and yes I mean a whole bulb. He was so stinky! When he would sweat omg! Garlic is not a good thing to smell like!

2006-07-31 16:37:43 · answer #10 · answered by flyingbumblebee 5 · 0 0