Are these enough for you or not? You Zionism Lover... [Photo] [Newest Slaughtering in Qana_Lebanon] [Video] [Newest Slaughtering in Qana_Lebanon] [Video] [1996 Slaughtered in Qana_Lebanon] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Video] [Video] [Photo] [Photo]
2006-07-31 10:50:56
answer #1
answered by ±50% 5
Not far enough!!!!!
Israel has every right to defend herself! We shouldn't have to sit quietly while our country is being attacked in every which way!
What kind of creatures get on a crowded bus, trying to kill as many as possible? What kind of monsters run into a pizza shop with the intention of m.urdering any women, children or anyone else around? Who kidnaps civilians and soldiers on a regular basis?
Why must our children live in fear?
Israelis are hard, stubborn and rude people because that's the only way we can survive this daily routine of experiencing d.eath close up; attending funerals of so many loved ones; surviving an attack by a s.uicide b.omber.
We kicked out THOUSANDS of families from their homes, some have been living in TENTS for the better part of a year now, just to quiet the arabs. What do we get for it? Rockets and missiles fired from that same land we gave them, deeper into Israel than ever before.
Everywhere you go in this country you see plaques in memory of the peopler who were m.urdered in that very spot. Enough is enough. We can't stay quiet any longer.
I don't expect everyone to understand, but if you just live in Israel for a little while, I'm sure you too will experience the same anxiety we do every time we see someone carrying a big black bag on the bus. You might feel the same way we do when we turn on the radio in the morning, just knowing something terrible has happened; just waiting to hear the names of those who were killed.
Just some more food for thought:
2006-07-31 16:08:44
answer #2
answered by onlyhuman 3
Have any of you seen any published comments by Hizbullah, or heard any announcements from them, expressing regret for any civilian Israeli casualties caused by the war? Even once?
Yeah, I thought so. You see, that is the difference between the two sides. Hizbullah deliberately targets civilians using indiscriminate weapons of terror. The only reason they have not killed more people in Israel is because their weapons have little or no guidance.
Hezbollah spokesperson Hassan Ezzedin had this to say about the disputed Sheba Farms area, supposedly the root of the current conflict on Israel's border with Lebanon: "If they go from Sheba'a, we will not stop fighting them. Our goal is to liberate the 1948 borders of Palestine...[Jews] can go back to Germany or wherever they came from.” New Yorker, (October 14, 2002).
With an implacable enemy like that, your choices of response are pretty clear cut.
If you read the answers here, and in other questions, you will frequently see how supporters of the Arab terrorists and extremists, and the Palestinians talk about how Israel is killing them all off, killing their children, taking their land, etc.
It's all true! I would be the last to say it isn't, but, why is Israel doing this?
The answer is that the Arabs have not stopped attacking and provoking the Jews since the 1920's. It's as if the Arabs expect the Jews to be punching bags: "Hey Yid, you stand still there, while I shoot at you, stab you, blow you up and push you into the sea".
And so, Israel fights back. A double standard has always applied to Israel, of course. It's the burden the Jewish people have had to carry for their entire history. If we do fight back, we are always wrong, we go "too far".
I ask the people on here who say Israel has gone too far, have the Arabs gone too far? Constant suicide bombings, rocket attacks, shootings and stabbings. This after withdrawing from Gaza last summer and from Lebanon six years ago.
Hizbbollah has been provoking border fights with Israel since 2000. The ridiculous claim that the Sheba Farms territory is disputed and is actually part of Lebanon, had been proven to be nothing but a Hizbullah political ploy. The UN itself checked 90 maps when it determined where the Blue Line is, and out of those, only one showed the Sheba Farms to be part of Lebanon. That one map was proven to be a forgery. All the other maps, including Lebanese and Syrian military maps, showed the territory to be inside Syria. It is only recently that Syria has said Sheba Farms is part of Lebanon, but, it has refused to take any official steps to set the international border to portray this. This just proves that Syria is once again, along with Iran, stirring the pot of Mid-East instability.
Israel will have gone far enough when Syria and Iran take decisive steps to stop supplying the terrorists with weapons. I feel bad for the Lebanese people, who so recently finally seemed on the road to national recovery. The Hizbullah cancer in it's midst has brought on this disaster.
2006-07-31 16:29:05
answer #3
answered by Jack 5
Israel always goes too far. It's the most successful terrorist organisation of modern times. How do you steal a whole country? Answer - only with the help of the USA
Read some history.
2006-08-01 01:32:41
answer #4
answered by brainstorm 7
It's too soon to answer your question. Israel must do whatever it takes to teach their nighbors that they want to be left alone.
One person who gave an answer pointed out that killing so many Muslims for he capture of two Israelis is unfair. He's forgetting that rockets have been lobbed into Israel for a long time. Suicide bombers have been killing for a long time.
Without showing the Hezblooah and their backers that it doesn't pay to continue the slaughter of neighbors, it would go on forever. Maybe the Muslims will learn, but I doubt it.
2006-07-31 16:08:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not far enough. The international community always calls them off with promises of protection and then reneges on promises. Israel can't depend on anyone but themselves for their own security.
2006-07-31 17:29:35
answer #6
answered by Hatikvah 7
not far enough at all!!! kill all those terrorist bastards.
by the way, penners, you should Find out how many kidnapped soldiers Israel really has.
in Israel live is precious, they don't send children to the battlefield and they hide in shelters when being bombed, that is why there are less killed.
2006-07-31 16:03:26
answer #7
answered by poilkj 1
Not far enough. We didn't stop fighting WW2 until we reached Berlin and nuked Japan. You've got to go all they way and finish them off, or they'll just be back again in a couple of years.
2006-07-31 15:57:48
answer #8
answered by Aegis of Freedom 7
Israel rocks! Do not "F" with Israel they will 1 up you! It is just that their neighbors are too stupid to realize that Israel has mite and will damn well use it! G Israel, I wish the US had their attitude....
2006-07-31 17:08:59
answer #9
answered by Marshal 3
For the kidnapping of two soldiers, they have killed 600 civilians. That works out to about 330 eyes forr an eye.
2006-07-31 15:57:17
answer #10
answered by October 7