Just stay away from him! My husband was really controlling when we first got married..................hes calmed down tons. I just did what I wanted. Now we get along great !
2006-07-31 04:10:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Good riddance.
He was a control freak because he could get away with it.
Find someone who will care enough about you to make decisions with you.
Don't ever talk to that guy again.
Take comfort in the knowledge that you will go on and have a healthy relationship with someone who adores you and cares whether you are happy. He will go on to have a completely dysfunctional relationship with someone who doesn't have the brains to have their own opinion, and likely he'll learn to be abusive.
I say again, GOOD RIDDANCE!
2006-07-31 11:14:09
answer #2
answered by niffer's mom 4
Honey, I have had a couple of those. Don't drive yourself crazy asking why he is that way. Be VERY thankful that it is over. I am in one of those situations right now. Unfortunately, there are children involved so I feel really stuck. Be happy that he left! PLEASE don't take him back even if he comes begging and making you promises. With guys like that they are empty promises. Things go OK for awhile and then it is right back to the old control freak routine.
2006-07-31 11:12:33
answer #3
answered by geni 3
He was a control freak because you let him right from the beginning. No one can control you if you don't allow it. It is a good thing that you are no longer with him. Find someone else that will treat you the way you deserve.
2006-07-31 11:12:55
answer #4
answered by doglady 5
some guys feel like they have to control everything because if not they find it as a threat to there man hood to have a woman think on the same level and to share control with a woman.
2006-07-31 11:14:00
answer #5
answered by bookwormforever16 2
Quit acting like a 16 year old and go find a new man.
2006-07-31 11:10:25
answer #6
answered by LaNessa 1
The relationship is over. Don't stress it. Go out and have fun. Drink triple, see double, live single.
2006-07-31 11:11:09
answer #7
answered by Yoro 3
Well, bless your heart. I guess he couldn't control you and that's why you got dumped. My heart goes out to you sweetie. There are better fellas out there. Keep your heart open, but your guard up!
2006-07-31 11:11:23
answer #8
answered by Mommymonster 7
you should be glad hes gone.I would be if i were you.You don't need to have a guy like that.Because guy's like that aren't any good.If there controling then that only leads to abuse later on. trust me I know.I've been with 2 men who thought they could control me.but they were wrong.
2006-07-31 11:14:54
answer #9
answered by Angel sent from heaven 5
Some guys are just like that, you need to find someone who isn't controlling.
2006-07-31 11:10:12
answer #10
answered by ? 4