Well, maybe Jesus had originally founded the Catholic Church but people later corrupted it. I was raised through the Catholic system through grade 12. I then left it at age 21 over 35 years now. I feel it is a very corrupt and dark ages institution having little to do with God or Jesus.
2006-07-30 15:05:17
answer #1
answered by Greanwitch 3
The Roman Catholic Church and all Churches in full communion with it, can trace back to the Apostles. Does that mean that every Catholic guy on the street has it all right about God and how we should live, know. It is a living and human Body of Christ, and there are sick, dying and dead members of the Church. But if Christ said, "Thou art Peter and upon this Rock (Petrus) I will build my Church... and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, as Christian I think we should take that seriously and look in the Christian world today and find the institution that is claiming to be that Church. And we should examine its teaching, not necessarily only its present day ministers. As for incorporating the pagan traditions. The Da Vinci Code is fiction. The Church has often used cultural traditions and Christianized them, because that is what mankind for centuries has been used to. Is is polytheistic and superstitious in teaching, No! Again look to the doctrine, look to the fathers, examine the Catholic Catechism. Look it is there, and then judge based on what you have read!
2006-07-30 22:31:42
answer #2
answered by ingamit2006 2
The church WAS NOT set up built on Peter. The church was built upon the foundation 'bedrock' which was Peter's confession, the true identity of Jesus. There was never an intent that there be an "earthly head" for the church. The only organization established for churches was at the local level.
Several Greek words are used interchangeably in the New Testament to describe the same people who were given the charge of the LOCAL church. The first of these, poimain, is translated "shepherd" or "pastor." This word is used DESCRIBING LOCAL LEADERS in Ephesians 4:11 "He is the One who gave some the gift to be apostles. He gave some the gift to be prophets. He gave some the gift of preaching the good news. And he gave some the gift to be PASTORS and teachers. "
The verb form of the same root, poimaino, is found in Acts 20:28 “Keep watch over yourselves. Keep watch over all the believers. The Holy Spirit has made you leaders over them. BE SHEPHERDS of God’s church. He bought it with his own blood. " -- We learn from this passage that these men are not selected by men, but by the Holy Spirit.
This passage also brings us to the next word used to describe church leaders, episkopos which means "bishop", "overseer" or "leader." Both words are used here and clearly describe a single group of people. This word is also used in both 1 Timothy and Titus where the selection and "qualifications" of these leaders are discussed.
The other word family used is presbuteros, or "elder." This is found in Acts 14:23, "Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church. The elders had trusted in the Lord. Paul and Barnabas prayed and fasted. They placed the elders in the Lord’s care."
Here we see them being designated again by the evangelists (Paul and Silas, see also Timothy and Titus) after praying about the selection. Since they were selected in "each church" they were not regional or over several churches but single congregations. This departure from the New Testament pattern didn't happen for many years (second century).
The New Testament does not show the creation of any earthly organization or "government" for the church beyond the local level. Only one person is ever described as a chief (arch___ in Greek) over any of these local church leaders and that is Jesus. Any man claiming that position is in the wrong place.
2006-07-30 22:47:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Holy Spirit (God) started the church. It became polluted with false teachings early. Between 300-600 it became the catholic church. It became very perverted and stayed that way. Finally Christianity broke out in the reformation. No church operating today was started by God. Many churches today are cults-JW, LSD, Unitarian, and others. Few churches are clean-some are Baptist, Presbyterian, Bible Church, Calvary Chapel, some Independents, some Pentecostal, Mennonite, Amish. There are not many.
2006-07-30 22:13:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are correct to question how humans can split off as many times as they want and still maintain their holiness and link to GOD. The first part of an answer comes from the fact that ALL of these splinters still maintain the same beliefs - just not the HUMAN rules that are set up by the ruling humans. So GOD is still the center, not a human.
This applies to Roman Catholics - sort of. RC was started by JESUS himself. HE split us CORRECTLY from our fore fathers JEWISH heritage, because some power full humans had mucked up the effectiveness of most of the rules - food prep, medicine, care of the poor,etc. to the reduction of following GOD word.
Secondly as we (humans) have FREE WILL - we continue to split of into groups that make the followers core comfortable, and we will forever. If a large enough group do not like the human rules or policies then the split - but I don't think they change the need for GOD as their center.
Lastly if GOD does not want it, the new or old "sect, religion" will not be around long. (see druids, human sacrifice,etc).
2006-07-30 22:27:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Isn't there enough discord between religions with out asking something like that in a public forum?
Is it a good thing for unbelievers and non church people to read?
God founded the TRUE Church and there are many branches of the CHURCH. Just like we are USA but there are many states. Is any one state better than another? NO
If a religion teaches That Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and we need only accept Him and repent then that religion is doing the right thing .
2006-07-30 22:08:23
answer #6
answered by Mr Bingo 4
i recall reading that Christ told peter, upon this rock i shall build my church...i don't recall reading anything about whether peter followed any blueprints...nor do i recall reading anything about Christ coming up with the idea of a 'pope', bishops, archbishops, canonization, nor any of the other customs and/or traditions that the catholic church AND other churches follow...the pharisees and saducees were big on traditions, church authority, and the intercession of priests and others between God and man...and yet, when Christ was crucified, the veil of the temple was torn from the top to the bottom, which is how God showed that, thru the death of His Son, the separation was ended...i guess i've probably managed to offend a lot of people...not my intent, but...the bottom line is...Christ said "I am the way the truth and the life-none may come to the Father except thru Me"...if a church is following this simple scripture, then my opinion is that they are a 'right church'...the name on the sign doesn't matter...
2006-07-30 22:15:47
answer #7
answered by spike missing debra m 7
God's church is not a physical organization . . not an earthly organization.
It is an essentially invisible organization: it is the collection of all true believers (both alive and those who have died and those who haven't been born yet), all those who have embraced and obeyed the Gospel of Jesus, as set out in the New Testament.
It is directed by the Holy Spirit, not by any man or any earthly body of men.
The Catholic church has departed from the truth, and that's why God raised up Martin Luther and others to be the channel of His truth back to mankind.
2006-07-30 22:04:13
answer #8
answered by Wayne A 5
Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion. Their system of worship restores the type of first century Christianity that was practiced by the apostles and early disciples who were personally taught by Jesus Christ himself.
Witnesses use the bible as their only authority, and reject paganism, philosophy, and human tradition. They have restored the use of the divine name (Matt 6:9), and the house to house ministry which Jesus established (see Luke 10:1-16). Their Christianity is pure and undefiled.
Learn more:
2006-07-31 03:04:48
answer #9
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Do not wonder how it started...listen to what is being taught. Catholicism has many laws, many do's and don'ts. Christ said to Peter..Upon this little rock (petros) I found my church (petros or big rock). But Christ said this in response to the words of Peter "I believe you are the Son of God." It is on this Truth that God founded His church, not a living man. Jesus also said, as he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, if the people did not cry out his name, then the very rocks (petros) would claim it! All belivers who confess Christ as Lord and Savior of their life are Little Rocks shouting the Name of the Lord!
If your church avoids talking about Sin, Forgiveness, Hell and he one true way to God - Jesus Christ, it is not founded in Truth. Catholics and Protestants are both right in they believe Jesus died to take away their sins, we are all sinful beings, and in need of the forgiveness only Jesus could give. Any who do not hold to this central belief, cannot be Christian. And if any church tells you there is a way to heaven other than Jesus Christ - turn around and RUN!
2006-07-30 22:17:41
answer #10
answered by Jennifer W 4