Water bottle works great. Just spray them when they do things you prefer they not do.
2006-07-30 09:27:16
answer #1
answered by midnightdealer 5
Kitchen Counters attract cats like a magnet, for two reasons:
* They love heights. Get any two cats together with a climbing tree or cat tower and you'll have a ready-made game of "King of the Hill." In this game, as in the wild, the top cat is the Top Cat.
* Kitchen Counters Smell Good! They're often loaded with tempting things to eat, such as raw chicken parts, ground beef, or yesterday's tuna casserole.
* Some cats also are attracted to running water in the kitchen sink, and for many cats, this is their main source for drinking water. Better than the toilet, I'm sure, but there are better alternatives.
Here are some ways of keeping cats off the counter that have been found to be successful by some readers:
* Apply Sticky Tape to the Edge. Cats hate the feeling of sticky tape, and will be discouraged after one or two tries. The disadvantage is that you may have to keep reapplying it indefinitely, and the sticky stuff may be difficult to clean up afterward.
* Tape a Strip of Aluminum Foil. It's not only the feel of it on their toes, but the noise that deters cats.
* The Pennies in a Can Trick. This is an old tried-and-true means of deterring cats from many forms of undesirable behavior. Drop a few pennies (or pebbles) in an empty aluminum can and tape the opening. When you see your cat start to jump on the counter, shake the can loudly. The problem here is that he'll learn it's okay to jump when you're not around.
Another method is to place several of these "shaker cans" right at the edge of the counter with just two or three inches betweeen them. One jump will bring down all the cans, and make a terrific racket, which will also bring down the cat.
* The Spray Bottle. I don't generally approve of using a spray bottle for discipline, because some people just get carried away and end up drenching the cat. However, ONE very quick spray set to fine mist will do the trick for that one time. If you can manage to do it so the cat doesn't connect you with the uncomfortable feeling, it may be a permanent solution. (However it's my opinion that cats are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.)
Commercial Deterrants
Although it may seem to be a Draconian solution, there is an excellent product called Ssscat! which uses a three-pronged approach. An electric-eye sensor on top of a cannister which detects the motion of the cat. A loud alarm sounds, coupled with a quick spray of harmless gas. The unit is adjustable, and the spray can be turned off for sound conditioning.
Another Product, called the Tattle Tale utilizes a vibration detection and a two second alarm, and then automatically resets itself.
Although not a deterrant in itself, an automatic water dispenser can be the solution for cats that counter surf exclusively for the purpose of finding fresh drinking water. I've compared the top two brands on the market here.
Give Him Legal Jumping Targets
Invest in (or build) a climbing tree or a cat tower for your kitty. Make it interesting enough to hold his attention, and once in awhile, "sweeten the deal" by hiding a tasty treat at the top. Pet him and praise him when he uses his climbing tree, so he will associate it with positive feelings.
By using a little ingenuity and staying "one jump" ahead of your cat, you should be able to discourage counter-surfing by your cat.
2006-07-30 16:48:26
answer #2
answered by confusedbuthappy 3
I think your boyfriend would agree when I say, get rid of some of those cats. Seven? Seven? Seven is a good number of fish to have, but not fish. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and put a call into Guiness for you, because seven cats may be a record for a female with a boyfriend. Without a boyfriend goes much higher, I'm sure.
I'm kidding. Cats are stuck up, and they do whatever they want. You could try spraying them with a water bottle, they hate that.
2006-07-30 16:30:22
answer #3
answered by marklin1972 2
There's really nothing you CAN do, but there are things you can try to deter them. Of course, they will still do it when you aren't there. Try a squirt gun or plant water-sprayer and give em a good squirting whenever they do it. You can also buy an aerosol can type product called SSSSCAT! that has a motion sensor and releases a loud puff of air that scares them off. I've never used it, but it sounds like it would be a good deterrent. I would recommend not getting any more cats, seven is an awful lot to take care of properly. Good luck!
2006-07-30 16:30:48
answer #4
answered by Robin 6
Obviously your kitties like to be up high so they can see what's going on. Cats love high places. One of my cats only jumps on the counter by the fridge so he can get up atop the cabinets. That is the only place he jumps to on the counter which is fine because I don't prepare any food at that area. But try getting your cats a perch or indoor climbing tree of some kind. There are deterrent sprays that can be used or wipe down the counter tops with white vinegar. Cats don't like the smell of white vinegar. Or you can try using a squirt gun every time one of them jumps up on the counter, but it is useless if your cat likes water. My youngest cat loves the squirt gun and thinks it is a toy. And make sure that you don't leave anything on the counter that may entice them to jump up on the counter like dairy products or meats.
2006-07-30 16:37:10
answer #5
answered by deltazeta_mary 5
If you live in Los Angeles County you are not allowed to have that many cats. You may only have four pets per household, unless you are a licensed breeder or trainer. If I were you I would take some of those cats to the ASPCA or adopt them out.
2006-07-30 16:49:42
answer #6
answered by Andrea 5
There's a product out there which is for this. Its just a can of compressed air with a motion sensor. Cat jumps on the counter, sensor detects cat, can emits a hiss of harmless air, and scared cat takes off and hides. I saw it on tv once. They claimed it worked great. You just buy new cans of air as needed. Beats standing around with a water pistol.
2006-07-30 16:29:48
answer #7
answered by fishing66833 6
try a furby or some other motion sensative toy, its no joke. My cat used to go on the table all the time and chew plants or lick whatever was stuck to it at the time. I put my brothers furby up there, which scared the hell out of my cat. He hates the thing, after a few times setting the thing off, jumping out of his skin and bolting down the hall to god knows where. ive never seen him up there again.
2006-07-30 16:31:44
answer #8
answered by spyderfantum13 2
wrap up the counter with tin foil they wont like the feel and sound of the foil then once they get the idea not 2 go on the counter reward them. lol my kitty learned the hard way when she dove in2 a cake on the counter that she didnt see and got icing all over her paws.
2006-07-30 16:39:53
answer #9
answered by dot 4
Get a water bottle, spray them when they get up on the counter. You'd be amazed at what power water has over kitties.
2006-08-03 14:39:01
answer #10
answered by Blossom_Kitty 3
Ive heard if you sprinkle red pepper on the counter they wont get on it, but seven cats is 6 caats too many
2006-07-30 16:28:12
answer #11
answered by handi1 1