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I want to start jogging but i dont know anything about it: from the proper jogging attire, to warm up and cool down exercises. any tips?

2006-07-30 02:19:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

Getting started
...on jogging and running

Advice from Windmilers coach Olwen Seear

Click as appropriate, depending on your level of fitness.

for the totally unfit person
if you are reasonably fit
warm up and stretch
advice for the unfit
(Firstly, it is recommended that you check with your doctor before embarking on any form of exercise). Illness does not have to be an obstacle, many runners are asthmatic, diabetic, suffer from Crohn’s disease, IBS, high blood pressure, Alzheimers, etc and running can also ease the pain/trauma of cancer for some runners.

Anyone can run and improvement is possible for anyone who tries. And, you don’t have to be young – some runners in the Windmilers didn’t take up running until their late fifties – so age is no excuse. However, you do need to walk before you can run, so use the following programme for guidance.

Wear loose fitting clothes and proper running shoes. There are many shoes on the market to cater for all types of bio-mechanical faults (pronation, supination, irregular leg lengths, etc). It is important to wear shoes with adequate cushioning and support and these shoes should be used for running only, not for wearing in the gym or for walking around in. They should not be worn every day because the cushioning gets compressed when you run in them and 24-36 hours ideally are needed for them to decompress before you wear them again. Therefore, if and when you run more regularly it would be a good idea to invest in two or three pairs so that you can alternate. Shoes also only have a life span of 500-600 miles before the cushioning wears out. Most injuries arise because runners continue to run in their old shoes.

Before you start your walk/jog you need to prepare your body for what it is about to do. Gently mobilise the joints by following the examples in the table at the end of this document. This releases a synovial fluid, making movement easier around the joints (like oiling a car). You then need to warm the body before stretching, as stretching “cold” can cause a muscle to tear, so follow the instructions below to warm up. If you have never stretched before, hold each warm up stretch for about 5 seconds. When you become fitter you can hold each warm up stretch for up to 10 seconds. These stretches prepare the muscles for the work they are about to do. Over-stretching before exercise can also cause injury, so be careful. Following your run it is important to stretch again, but this time to hold on to each stretch a little longer, as this increases flexibility.

And off you go...
week no. Tuesday Thursday Sunday
1 Walk 10 minutes Walk 10 minutes Walk 10 minutes
2 Walk 12 minutes Walk 10 minutes Walk 12 minutes
3 Walk 10 minutes briskly Walk 15 minutes Walk 12 minutes briskly
4 Walk 15 minutes briskly Walk 12 minutes briskly Walk 15 minutes briskly
5 Walk 20 minutes easy Walk 15 minutes briskly Walk 20 minutes briskly
6 Walk 20 minutes briskly Walk 20 minutes briskly Walk 20 minutes briskly
7 Walk and jog 10 minutes Walk and jog 10 minutes Walk and jog 10 minutes
8 Walk and jog 10 minutes Walk and jog 12 minutes Walk and jog 15 minutes

When walking briskly, swing the arms and stride out, so that you feel the body heating. When you start jogging, this should be like a “shuffle”. Don’t run too fast. Don’t hold your breath (most beginners try to hold on to their breath for as long as they can and then collapse). Concentrate on breathing out on, say, every second right step. Concentrate on breathing out more than in, because you will always have enough oxygen going in to your body. Breathing out releases toxins from your body and helps the circulation work more efficiently. Some runners sweat more than others and some lose large amounts of discharge from their noses — neither have anything to do with fitness levels, so if you find either of these happening with you, don’t let it discourage you.

Aim to jog from, say, one tree to the next, or a litter bin or lamp post until you eventually run the whole distance without walking (and you will if you persevere). Keep the arms low and relaxed. Try not to tense the shoulders and neck (common with beginners).

If you get a stitch, this is probably due to using muscles in the diaphragm that you don’t normally use. If this happens, squeeze the thumbs tightly and carry on walking. Concentrating hard on squeezing the thumbs encourages the muscles in the diaphragm to relax. A stitch can also be brought on by eating too soon before exercise so try not to eat for 2-3 hours before commencement.

You will need to increase your intake of water (think of what happens to your car if it runs out of water, your body will react in a similar way and leave you feeling exhausted). You will also need to increase your intake of carbohydrates (just as your car needs fuel to keep going) in the form of potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, etc. Protein (cheese, eggs, meat, etc) which is needed to replenish the muscles after exercise. Try to cut down on your fat intake (biscuits, crisps, sweets, etc). Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Repeat the above cycle (Weeks 1 - 8) with a mixture of jogging and walking until you can run three times a week for 20 minutes without walking. You will then be fit enough to come along to the Sunday Social run at 10am, where you will gain encouragement and advice from other runners. Continuing with the schedule, you should increase each run as in Weeks 1-8 by 5 minutes. If you feel you can start jogging earlier on in the schedule, then do so, following the advice above.

advice for the reasonably fit
If you are reasonably fit, you can start your running programme at what would be week 7 for the unfit, treating this as week 1. Using the same principle, keep repeating the weeks until you can run for 20 minutes three times a week without walking. You will also then be fit enough to come along to the Sunday Social run at 10am. Continuing with the schedule, increase your running time by 5 minutes each time. The secret is similar to climbing a ladder, you have to take one step at a time. If you tire, you rest and if you have gone up too high too soon, you step down. The same applies to running; if you do too much too soon you will tire and maybe even get injured. Be sensible and build up gradually and you will come to enjoy this wonderful experience. Have fun and good luck!


Mobilisation, warm up and stretch prior to walking/running
Stand with feet shoulder width apart
Keep knees “soft”
Hold tummy in
Repeat each movement eight times
Movements should be slow and controlled
circle arms forward x 8, then back x8
move arms across fron of body, side to side
turn head side to side
circle hips left, then right, then forward and back
bend and straighten the knees gently
Warm up
(repeat these movements until you feel warm and puffed)

Elbow to knee: Lift knee across front of body to meet opposite elbow x 8 each side
Hamstring rows: Flick heels back alternately towards your bottom as you pull back & forth with arms in rowing motion x 8 each leg
March on the spot and/or jog on the spot
Stretches for Warm up and warm down
Hold each stretch for 5-10 seconds
Keep feet parallel, with toes pointing forward to ensure joints are kept in line and muscles correctly aligned
Hold tummy in and keep knees “soft” when standing parallel
shoulders - trapezius Stand with feet shoulder width apart
Knees soft and tummy in
Clasp hands out in front
Keep elbows slightly bent (“hug a tree”)
chest - pecs Stand with feet shoulder width apart
Clasp hands behind back
Lift chest to stretch it out
Hold tummy in
back of arms - triceps Place hand behind neck between shoulder blades
Take hold of elbow with other hand and press on it
Feel stretch on back of upper arm
Repeat on the other side
calf - gastrocnemius Place one leg behind and keep it straight
Keep front leg bent and rest hands on front thigh
Both toes facing forward
Press both heels down and relax toes
Feel stretch in back of lower leg
hip flexors Step a large step with one foot in front of the other
Raise back heel off ground and push hips forward
Front leg is bent, back leg is straight
Feel stretch down front of hip on the back leg
lower calf - soleus Place one foot slightly behind the other
Keep both heels on the ground and bend both knees
Keep back straight to put weight on back leg
Can hold on to wall for support
Feel stretch in lower back leg and heel
quadriceps Lean against wall with one hand
Take foot behind and hold to centre of bum
Feel stretch down front of leg
Repeat other side
stomach - obliques Stand with feet shoulder width apart
Place one hand on hip to support back
Reach up to the sky with other hand
Lean slightly to side, bending from waist
Feel stretch on side of waist
hamstrings Place one leg in front and slightly wider than hip
keep that leg straight
Lean forward, bending other leg
Rest hands on bent thigh for support
Lift buttocks and hold tummy in
Feel stretch down back of straight leg

Hold the same stretches for 10-15 seconds after your walk/run.

If you need any further advice or assistance, please contact me via email: olwenseear@hdwe.co.uk

Page posted 1998 06 24, last modified 2005 08 11

Windmilers home page

2006-07-30 02:33:06 · answer #1 · answered by Ouros 5 · 2 1

How To Jog Properly

2016-10-02 21:47:53 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

How do I jog properly?
I want to start jogging but i dont know anything about it: from the proper jogging attire, to warm up and cool down exercises. any tips?

2015-08-19 01:03:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are three main ways to lose weight quickly.

1) Use only water as liquid and eliminate all other liquid drinks from your diet. You must drink as much water as possible every day. You must drink about half of your weight. If you have weight of 200 pounds then you must drink about 100 oz of water.

2) The interval between the eating is very important. If you eat once, then you must eat next after 4 hours. You must take breakfast regularly. In the night eat your food three hours before going to bed.

3) Walking is very good. You must walk as much as you can. Walk everywhere you can. Use of elevators and escalators must be reduced and instead of these you must climb stairs more often.

These are some of the fastest ways to lose weight. By just following the simple steps, you can lose your weight very quickly. You must consult your doctor if want to change your diet or exercise routine.


2016-04-22 10:53:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Warm up-stretch
Run for about five minutes at a moderate pace, then check your pulse, it should be at 70-80% of your max. (google: maximum heart rate).
Continue jogging as long as you can.
Cool down-stretch
It's really not that hard, once you get into it.

2006-07-30 02:28:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm Laurie and I've lost 60 pounds. I went from a size 14 to a size 6.Since I've lost the weight I feel great. I have lots of energy. I'm willing to do different things. I just love going out, and playing with the kids, and having fun. It's changed everything. My whole life has changed.

2015-02-08 22:59:53 · answer #6 · answered by ? 1 · 2 0

Protein need to lose weight and to repair muscle after working out. When muscles repair themselves, they grow. But that depends on the type of exercise. Usually lifting heavy weights breaks muscles more. So, there is more growth during repairs. Add a healthy fat into your diet, too. Salmon, flax seeds, nuts, olive oil. There are many useful information about losing weight and building muscles here:

2015-02-08 07:28:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hire An Athletic

2006-07-30 02:24:27 · answer #8 · answered by Thomas J 2 · 0 1

You must swet a lot so your body is healthier!

2006-07-30 02:26:34 · answer #9 · answered by Armanda Ang 1 · 0 1

Check out the ehow site and see if it helps.


2006-07-30 02:25:01 · answer #10 · answered by Yarn Junkie 4 · 1 0

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