He may have sleep apnea. When you sleep, the cartilage of your wind pipe relaxes and at times may get smaller or even obstructed. Sleep apnea over time can be dangerous and effect your overall health. He should see his Dr as there are a few methods for helping both of you deal with the snoring.
2006-07-29 17:39:29
answer #1
answered by Syli 2
Let's begin by putting your upper and lower molars together, very lightly. Now open your mouth pressing the molars as wide a part as you can, without stretching. Repeat this ten to twenty times. Make sure you only focus on your molars. All that matters is putting the molars together and then lowering your jaw... like hinges on a door, for about 20 times in a row. After about 5 to 10 times you should feel your jaw muscles strengthening and the back of your mouth opening up. This is the weak tissue that you are contracting, which you feel opening up your airways. The muscles you now feel contracting in the back of your throat... are one of the main problem areas in your snoring. If you felt them opening up, then... You've Just Proven One of the 24 Powerful Stop-Snoring Techniques in my Program! The reason why this works is because it goes right to the source of the problem: A block in your airways. You see, when your airways are blocked, the air has trouble getting into your lungs... and as it passes the narrow tissue, it starts "flapping" back and forth, like a flag in the wind, which causes the loud snoring sound. But strengthening the jaw alone won't cure your snoring. You see, the worst problem of snoring is that it often has 2, or even 3 causes - and often that combination of "air-blocks" makes your snoring "incurable"! . My program finally solves that by focusing on the root of each problem. In just 3 minutes a day, it teaches you how to: Strengthen the tongue to keep it from falling into your throat... a very common cause for snoring, and a very unhealthy and dangerous way of breathing in your sleep!
2016-03-16 08:24:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Everyone in my family is the same way it is really bad!! One of my brothers had to use a CPAP machine for a while because of his sleep apnea, but we finally found the answer to stop snoring and it is awesome!! It is a custom fitted mouthpiece that we purchased on http://www.prosnore.com it really works good and my brother doesn't even have to use his CPAP anymore!! IT IS AWESOME! GIVE IT A TRY!! PROSNORE.COM is the place!
2006-07-31 09:34:40
answer #3
answered by steve_0524 2
When mine snores I hold his nose shut until he starts gasping & coughing. This usually works, for a while atleast.
Turn their head to the side, it helps to open the airway.
2006-07-29 17:31:53
answer #4
answered by Feeling Froggy 3
get ear plugs. snoring is either caused by being over weight or it is transfered genatically from parents.
2006-07-29 17:32:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sleep in seperate rooms
2006-07-29 17:40:44
answer #6
answered by nanc 2
contact your nearest CHEST PHYSICIAN OR SLEEP SPECIALIST , she must be having sleep apnea, it can be treated by CPAP machine . you can save her life , sleep apnea can be dangerous, visit www.sleepnet.com for more information on snoring.
2006-07-29 18:10:28
answer #7
answered by sm 2
If he sleeps on his back try getting him to sleep on his side...or you could try some of those breath right strips...it just depends on how subtle you want to be about it :)
2006-07-29 17:31:56
answer #8
answered by ? 6
hold his nose while he is asleep,.
2006-07-29 17:32:24
answer #9
answered by revan 1
i dk. deal w/ it.
2006-07-29 17:30:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous