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2006-07-29 10:01:58 · 18 answers · asked by Marjorie T 2 in Health Mental Health

18 answers

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... whatever you do.. don't do that. I've been there done that sweetie and it messes up your body for life. It screws with your metabolism, your memory, your organs. I know that none of that matters to you right now because all you can think about is getting thin, but after years of being aneroxic myself, I can tell you what a mess I am. Please get nutritional counseling on healthier ways to lose weight!!! Please take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-29 10:06:23 · answer #1 · answered by alexis 2 · 0 0

I don't know how old you are, not that it really makes any difference, but I have found that it's mostly younger women that have this disease, as I did when I was younger.
I went fron 160 to 80 in less than six months, and of course ended up in the hospital, and then on drugs for a long time afterwards.
Believe me when I say it's not something that you want to self induce. Your hair will fall out, your teeth will rot, but oh sure, you will definitely weigh less.
I am no doctor, but it sounds like you need to be treated for depression if you want to self induce a disease that will destroy your body inside and out.
This is the biggest reason I absolutely hate Teenage magazines, and even some for adults. They try to tell everyone that being a skeleton of yourself is " perfect". It's NOT ! It's VERY unhealthy.
Not to mention that the pictures of the people that you see in those magazines have been airbrushed, They'don;t even look like that ! But they tell us that we should !
Please....for your own sake, don't do what you are thinking of. Think about all the pain and suffering that it will cause, And believe me, it will. Not just for you, but for everyone that cares about you.
If you fell you need to lose some weight, there are several ways to do that, like exercise and diet. But you're talking about a disease that can be fatal.
So, ask yourself this question..........". Am I really dying to be thin ?" Because that's what anorexia nervosa is.
God bless you and help you make the right choices.

2006-07-29 10:45:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You cannot "induce" anorexia. It is a deadly disease, and just because you think you want it doesn't mean you have it. Anorexia IS deadly. Trust me. I have a friend who was anorexic and ended up going to the hospital for it. She would have died if she hadn't received the proper counseling and nutrition that she needed. Anorexia, even if it doesn't kill you, will severely screw up your body. Your metabolism will be very low, which means that you'll gain the weight back very quickly. Anorexia can also cause serious damage to the liver and pretty much every other part of your body. Your energy will be extremely depleted, you will start losing your hair, and grow fine hair all over your body (this is your body's way of trying to keep your body temperature normal, since you are losing your insulating body fat, which IS imporant to having a functioning body). This isn't even the beginning. Is this the way you really want to live?

There are many HEALTHY ways to lose weight. You should eat healthy foods, and cut back as much as possible on junk foods. You should see a doctor or nutritionist to help you plan a diet. Exercise is the best way to boost your metabolism, and the best time to do it is sometime in the day before your main meal. A half an hour to an hour is a good amount of time for vigorous exercise such as running. It is also possible though, that you don't need to lose weight at all. A good way to determine this, is by a BMI, or body mass index, test. You should go to a doctor and they will use something called a calliper test. The online BMI tests can be flawed (the tests where you enter your weight and height) because it depends on the amount of muscle and fat you have.

I hope that you will realize that anorexia is not something that you want to have. If you honestly feel that your situation is getting out of control, it is up to you to see a school counselor or ask your parents to get you a professional psychologist. For your sake though, you should not let anorexia destroy your life.

2006-08-01 18:12:05 · answer #3 · answered by tumblingtumblers 2 · 0 0


The biggest challenge in treating anorexia nervosa is having the person recognize that their eating behavior is itself a problem, not a solution to other problems. However, most people who suffer from anorexia nervosa deny that they have an eating disorder. Therefore, most individuals enter treatment when their condition is fairly advanced.

The purpose of treatment is first to restore normal body weight and eating habits, and then attempt to resolve psychological issues. Hospitalization may be indicated in some cases (usually when body weight falls below 30% of expected weight).

Supportive care by health care providers, structured behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and anti-depressant drug therapy are some of the methods that are used for treatment. Severe and life-threatening malnutrition may require intravenous feeding.

2006-07-29 10:09:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why on earth would you be willfully willing to put yourself through that? That is torture on your body!! Let me guess your reasonings: a) for my boyfriend or husband b) peer pressure from my friends c) everybody I know is doing it d) society does it e) to attrack a man f) something that makes me feel good about myself. Does any of these reasonings ring a bell or hit the nail on the head?? Let me tell you something. True beauty of a person is in the inside, not outward appearances. You certainly won't be a happier person if you purposely starve yourself to death. You won't have any energy to do anything and you'll be sick all the time. Your immune system will be so depleted that you'll get colds and flus much faster and they will last longer. How do I know so much about this? Because I used to be one many years ago. If you are unhappy about your weight, then go see your family doctor and ask him or her for a proper weight loss program and exercise program that you could do. Starving yourself is not the answer. Becoming an anorexic is not a pretty site and it not only affects you but everyone around you including your family and friends! Don't put yourself through that, it's not worth it. But I am only speaking from experience. It's up to you to decide what you want to do in your life.

Good luck to you and I hope I was some what helpful!

2006-07-29 10:17:45 · answer #5 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 0

Anorexia Nervosa is a illness that includes recommendations,spirit, and physique. this is a distortion of ways the recommendations is perceiving the visual attraction of the physique besides as self (inner being). i'm regretful to enable you be responsive to that there are no longer any rapid fixes to this ailment. you need to manage the recommendations,spirit, and physique. to start, i might say to you first seek for out a physician that would assist you stabilize your device such with the aid of fact the recommendations. What I propose via this is this...... once you starve the physique your nutrients are starved out of the physique and once you do not have something for the physique to artwork with it throws off the chemical components on your recommendations then inflicting a brilliant area of matters jointly with.. melancholy, bipolar, anger, psychosis, self distortion--the type you locate your self besides as life it is self. this is basically the psychological area of it there is likewise the actual area of it. This illness, sweetie, is to no longer be taken gently and there is plenty psychological discomfort at the back of anorexia nervosa, nutrients is basically the outdoors situation, there's a underlined subject that counseling can get to. there's a root reason to this illness and that i decide for to inspire you to seek for it out via contacting some experts on your particular area. ok? besides the undeniable fact that, from a private viewpoint i'm able to enable you be responsive to that the inspiration motives for bulimia besides as anorexia are often------concern,and Rejection in a guy or woman's life time, that have operated in one way or the different and is very possible that it continues to be working to this very day. i visit be praying for you. would the Lord bless and save you.

2016-11-03 06:37:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that is so so stupid people with anorexia see themselves as fat when they look in the mirror even when there bones are sticking out so if you want to be skinny that's not the way to go about it, it would actually be contradicting yourself, and you cant self induce it people who do are just wannabes and will never be defined as having it. but if you really want to become severely depressed with no self worth and no respect for yourself very tiard all the time,constapated and eventually have to have a tube thru your nose to feed you thru by all means go ahead and try.

2006-07-29 14:32:26 · answer #7 · answered by RACHEL 3 · 0 0

You need to induce yourself into a car and drive to the nearest psychiatrist.

Anorexia can be a fatal disease. There's nothing glamourous about having hollowed cheek bones, losing your hair, having no energy, being sick all the time because you have no immune system, breaking bones, having failing organs, looking like a walking skeleton with skin, or dying.

Please grow up and don't do something stupid like that.
You're extremely lucky I'm not your Father. :)

2006-07-29 10:07:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why not just skip the ugly part, and shoot yourself? It'll save you a long, and horrible death. Try to excercise, and eat properly.....It's a much better option, than starving yourself. I'm not trying to have a go at you, but you'd be well advised to go and blow a couple of bucks, on a few visits to a psychologist. They'll offer you a better direction, than anyone here ( unless there's a psychologist handing out free advice, on here).

2006-07-29 10:14:45 · answer #9 · answered by flaming_dog_racing 3 · 1 0

U can't self-induce a disease like that. Do u have any behavior of its kind? If so I wouldn't tell u to stop (its not my place) Just go find some support. Theres's a lot of pro ana sites out there.

2006-07-29 10:46:33 · answer #10 · answered by Frankie_77♥♠♣ 3 · 0 1

Thats Stuipid

2006-07-29 10:05:34 · answer #11 · answered by mks 7-15-02 6 · 0 0

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