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It almost seems that way because most Iraqis did not care if the Candidate they voted for Won or Lost, they were glad they at least got to have a say in the 1st place.

However in America there are those (especially Liberal Democrats) who whine that elections were stolen when their choice of Candidate loses cause they cannot get over the fact that there are many people who didn't like the loser (a good example is Gore and Kerry were both unpopular).

2006-07-29 09:59:58 · 11 answers · asked by MrCool1978 6 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

11 answers

This is an excellent question especially since today I stood in line for a hour to vote. I think we take for granted the rights and priviledges our soldiers fought so vilantly to win for us. The Iraqis, on the other hand were never given an option to choose.

In the city I live last year we had a problem during the election. It was finally determined that there was so much corruption going on that they threw out the votes and voided the winner. As a result of that event I think it helped to show people the importance of the election and how everyone has a responsibility to vote. The turnout today was enormous as I said, since I waited in line a hour. It certainly made me feel proud to walk out of the voting booth.

2006-07-29 14:39:02 · answer #1 · answered by Karen N 2 · 2 1

First off, I'm not a democrat and I claim that I'm a liberal, and for good reason, which is, what is the alternative? I would not make a good Pod Person.

Iraq used their election to put Saddam Hussein behind them.
We used the pretext of an election to install our own Saddam Hussein. Twice. In banana republic-type "elections."

Yes, bananas DO grow in Florida. And in my home state of Ohio, too.

Oh, yeah, let's talk about Gore and Kerry being unpopular. Gore won the popular vote by over half a million votes. THAT'S unpopular? Kerry barely lost, too.

But our own version of Saddam Hussein is sky-rocketing with a soaring 37% approval rating right now, which is actually an INCREASE. So Mister Popularity has two of his own citizens despising him for every one who doesn't. That's actually a little less popular public approval than what even the real Saddam Hussein had.

You're right. Many people didn't like the Loser. Especially the second time around.

So yes, I'd say Iraq almost has to be more grateful for their voting rights. Their most popular candidate won, which is something this country hasn't seen since 1996, ten years ago.

There is no shame in voting for a winner that loses. Only in voting for a Loser that wins. By any means available.

2006-07-29 18:58:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think that the question had some merit.

but the gooble dee goook in the rest of the statment was uncessary to a serious discussion, it makes you seem biased and untrustworthy.

but to answer, it is not fair to compare the two exactly for they are very diffrent.

for one most of these people have been deprived of a vote, so the taste of freedom of elections was worth a sniper bullet.

oh yeah snipers, remember, many people voted not only to express a new freedom but show those oppose that the people would not be silenced

except the entire Sunni population sat out of the elections...so not really represented.

the people of iraq voted in a theocratic leaning representives which may not play too well for us in the future

and they did not care if thier canidate lost....?????

prove it. in fact prove that they knew anything about the candidates?
remember the snipers....hmm oh yeah
canidates didn't really campain as they would be killed, many voted religous and ethinc lines.

so i guess its exactly like america......wrong sucka.

now in the US.

your argument is that if their was a belief that there was election faurd that the correct action would be.............

to remain silent.

that is your logic, that is your agurment.

that is also pretty retarded.

As an adult, and as an American regardless of party you should want every legal vote to matter and count!!!
thats being a f#cken adult.

what is sad is that as an american your suppose to look out for your fellow american.
instead you have choosen party loyalty, above country.

2006-07-29 17:21:16 · answer #3 · answered by nefariousx 6 · 0 0

Unless you happen to hang out in Bagdhad often, maybe during the elections and had seen the reactions, spoken the native language with the common people standing in the lines watching the traffic, waiting for the explosion, then you really are just depending on the greatest motion picture studio ever created, the world media for your point of view. The scarcity of actual truth in the media, the lack of depth, is not a mistake. Take whatever point of view you want from what you are watching, reading, etc as long as you take it from our station, channel, etc. Marketing as a left or right oriented news source just makes control and the spin involved, easier to create and maintain. News is just a product and we all know what makes the world go round. Money, lies, and war.

2006-07-29 17:53:23 · answer #4 · answered by rectoner 1 · 0 0

You are correct about the Iraqi people. They have not had to experience the self interest,corruption,and dirty tricks that the American people have allowed to occur yet. Do not allow yourself to be blinded by the fact that a macho shoot'em up candidate won. I would advise that you take a long hard look at his administration's record to date(foreign and domestic) with an open heart and mind. Peace.

2006-07-29 17:44:33 · answer #5 · answered by wildrover 6 · 0 0

The novelty will wear off when they become a bunch of selfish inward looking rich SOB's who live off the reputations their ancestors built.

2006-07-29 17:17:32 · answer #6 · answered by aka DarthDad 5 · 0 0

you said it, the problem now in the US is we treat it like it is a chore and not a privilege, and when it is pushed that it is our right to vote when you go you are told good for you but if you say I voted for (against what the pushers wanted) thay say you wasted your vote!

2006-07-29 17:08:47 · answer #7 · answered by gamemanual 4 · 0 0

I think its cause americas dont realize how much of a privledge it really is to be able to vote.

2006-07-29 17:03:36 · answer #8 · answered by OneDay 3 · 0 0

if it is a problem of who appreciates their voting rights i would have to say that none of us are in the range we want to be in because it wouldn't really matter..elections are fixed..and as long as that occurs we won't be able to appreciate it...

2006-07-29 17:06:37 · answer #9 · answered by aldamixxmasta 3 · 0 0

That's because iraq never had rights until now.....geeeeeeeez

2006-07-29 18:11:45 · answer #10 · answered by Lipstick 6 · 0 0

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