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Please do not suggest counseling.I am in it,and it does not help...it only makes my wallet empty.

2006-07-29 09:45:48 · 22 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7 in Health Mental Health

Gee--Zabela--thanks for your exquisite sensitivity!

2006-07-29 09:49:01 · update #1

Neil G.--I cannot do that--I have 4 children.

2006-07-29 09:50:14 · update #2

22 answers

Bad days - everyone has them, so you go for a walk and you turn it around. I've been there!

There are some things that you can take some control over how you feel by using some of the strategies listed below:
1. Learn some ways to relax and incorporate them into your daily routine. Even if too much stress and tension aren't the cause of your depression (although they very well might be), they certainly aggravate it.
2. Identify things that are pleasant for you and plan them into your schedule. Research suggests that depressed people have a lack of pleasurable events in their lives and that they actually avoid things that give them pleasure.
3. Increase your activity level. Unfortunately, depressed individuals don't have much energy for exercise, so they tend to remain inactive. Low activity level serves to increase depressed feelings, which then inhibit activity further. To break this cycle, schedule daily exercise that is appropriate for your lifestyle and conditioning level. Take a walk, it's not how fast you walk, it's just the movement - the act of doing it. Remember the turtle and the rabbit. The turtle won the race because he kept on moving at a slow comfortable pace. It's the fact that he finished the race that's important.
4. Identify self-ctitical thoughts and switch to self-rewarding thinking. In other words, get off your back. It is easy to make yourself depressed by being overly harsh and critical.
5. Analyze your social behavior. Many depressed people are lonely and isolated. By learning new social skills and assertive communication, you can often get needed support .
6. Children might avoid the need for presciption antidepressents and if one of the parents are depressed, getting the parent help can prevent the child from becoming depressed.
7. Listen to soft soothing relaxing music or something with lots of rhythm. Music is to the spirit of mankind like a bandaid is to a cut.
8. Learn way to control your anger ie: a hobby such as karate, tae kwan do, tia chi, yoga or anger management classes.
9. Learn to meditate. Two minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes.
10. Research shows that depressed people tend to be deficient in mostly B vitamins. Take a B vitamin complex and 5000 mg of sublingual vitamin B12. (See vitamin therapy in my list)
11. Drink lots of water add a few drops of apple juice or grape juice to the water to give it a sparkle. Research shows that even a little dehydration can cause us to be depressed.
12. There are support groups in your local aarea as well as online for free. See below.

You can contact me sos@lighthouseofhalo.com

Smile! When you have children, sometimes you're busy doing things for them but not for you. I know I've been there. Schedule some Me Time.

2006-07-29 10:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 23 8

Have you tried going to a park or lake for an hour and just doing deep breathing exercises? In through your nose, out through your mouth. If you can't, maybe take 15-20 minutes sometime during the day and putting on some classical music or whatever that is soothing and calming to you and just letting your mind go blank.

I know its sometimes easier said than done (the above stuff I suggested) but believe me I've been in your shoes. Actually I am right now and I've decided to move away from my present situation (no opportunities, needing a change)...NJ to CA. You might not be able to do that, but see what a change of scenery (even for a brief time) can do for your mind.

Good luck.

2006-07-29 09:57:46 · answer #2 · answered by PrincipessaLHO 4 · 0 0

get lost in prayer... i know this sounds really goofy and i would have never believed it myself until about a year ago. I am 39, just now graduating from college (2 year degree) and live with my 74 year old mother again for the first time since i was 19! I have a drug addict for an ex... a mother that is totally depend ant on me... no car, just got a job for the first time since i started college again, not much money and a new boyfriend that is totally obsessed with me and all my time, which i have not got too much of!
i make sure i have 30 minutes of "meditation" for me and God in the a.m. and when i don't have this time, i find everything gets all tangled up during the day.
I am far from a bible toting freak, but trust me, whoever you want to pray to... just do it... the time you take for this each day will really pay off. u will really feel that you are connecting to the most important person in your life...YOU
counselors are just overpaid under suggestive folks who spent a little more time in school than any one else would like to... we go to them and pay high dollar and if you think about it.. we are only paying them in hope that they tell us what we want to hear or what we already know and just didn't realize it.
The answers are always right in front of us we just are too tangled up in our problems to try to resolve them..

2006-07-29 10:18:48 · answer #3 · answered by nanceecarol 1 · 0 0

I HEAR YOU..... Well, it helps me to tell the kids what they are doing that irritates me so much and then order them to do chores right then and there.

Then I go to my room and scream into my pillow. I take a shower and shout at the walls.

Then (Depending on the age of your kids) I send them to their rooms and clean the kitchen - Banging cabinet doors on occasion.

after a while, it's all good.

Counselor's can help but mostly you have to remember that 50% of all counselors graduated in the bottom half of their class. A sympathetic friend sometimes is way more effective than someone whose catch phrase is "and how does that make you feel?"

2006-07-29 10:00:34 · answer #4 · answered by judyblue_pa 3 · 0 0

Try EFT (Emotional Freedom technique) it is a way of releasing pent up anger and strong emotions that you can't seem to get rid of through therapy or other traditional methods...but it really works. I can tell you that I have tried it and it is fantastic. People can overcome lifelong problems in a matter of minutes instead of years.
It seems so simplistic that one might say, that won't work, but it truly does. How it was discovered, an acupressure therapist was trying to help a woman overcome her lifelong fear of water and he had her sit by a pool. As he was tapping under her eye, she suddenly jumped up and ran to the pool and jumped in. She had no fear of the water anymore. They found that it works to diffuse and release emotions quickly and permanently. I used it myself this last weekend, when we were staying in a large high rise. I was trapped in an elevator in Europe 3 years ago for a short time, but since then I have hated to ride in elevators. We were on the 15th floor this weekend, so I had no choice. I did the tapping and I had no more problems or fear of elevators.

In a nutshell, you continue to tap under your eye and you say
"even though I am claustrophobic and afraid of being closed in this elevator and trapped...(you fill in your own situation here) I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Give it a try, can't hurt. It has worked for thousands of people. I have used it for other situations as well. I highly recommend it.

2006-07-29 11:18:11 · answer #5 · answered by cthrogmorton 2 · 0 0

Well I am getting to that point right now. seems stress can really do that to a person. have you tired taking walks? maybe have someone like a Family member watch the kids and you go out and do things you like to do. or maybe Just take a few days off by yourself. I know that one I'm sure you"t can't do. I know I didn't help much. but I hope you find something to help you. Take Care of yourself no one else will :)

2006-07-29 11:12:49 · answer #6 · answered by Proud Mommy 6 · 0 0

Yes I'm fully uninterested. I have injured the hand I write with and due to the fact that I paintings in a choice centre I being subjected to the measly dull jobs! I additionally are not able to do something due to the fact that it hurts to contact something. I simply suppose fully vain. I'm additionally now not drowsing adequately due to the fact that I'm in such a lot ache. So sure if it makes you suppose greater you're now not the one one uninterested. But they do say a concern shared is a concern halved so percentage away!

2016-08-28 15:56:49 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well that would be me most of the time,,god knows i love them but i need to scream at them every once in awhile....What i do to releave stress is...when i get so mad at the people around me i throw stuff but not at them..i would if i knew i could get away with it...and no counceling doesnt work...its just someone to talk to that really doesnt give a crap about you they just listen for the money to hit their desk..i have been known to take long walks and yell and scream at my self..under my breath so no one can hear me...at least i hope they dont.roflmao...and this does help..

2006-07-29 09:56:37 · answer #8 · answered by bllnickie 6 · 0 0

Have you tried sitting on a park bench and watching the squirrels? Have you tried to cook something new recently? Borrow a book that is the favorite of a librarian? How about jogging?

2006-07-29 09:49:45 · answer #9 · answered by ttogreh 2 · 0 0

I take some time alone to think and go out into nature on a hike to collect my thoughts. I sometimes go bird watching, different strokes for different folks. The main thing is to clear your head and spend some time with your self. whether its outside or your own space inside.

2006-07-29 09:56:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Escape from reality. Go fishing, walk in the park, just calm down. Ignore everything and everyone. Take care of yourself first! Stop worrying and let everything go!

2006-07-29 09:55:02 · answer #11 · answered by Blue Water 1 · 0 0

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