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I don't know where exactly the quote comes from but I do know that many of us have heard "I Think & so I Am"-many say-"We have been given a choice"-I would like to know one person that can show me that they chose to enter Life-I know I came here representing my parents love for one another and their hope that I would be an expression of that LOVE and too, that I could enjoy the Joy of being in Love like they have found-They were not religious although we celebrated all the Christian religious Holidays-My father was Atheist and always referred to his 5 senses to explain everything-He was very capable and The Navy rewarded him its highest medal for officers ("Naval Accomadation" and he was and remains the only Commander to ever receive this citation)-as we travled the world I saw that any work from any religion was created magnificently to please A God(s)-Some believe God Inspires-So why would John condemn it all in Revelations-His book not Jesus'-and Christians believe this-GoodbyeEarth

2006-07-29 09:44:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The fact of the matter is Christians believe that there is a better place called heaven and I believe that this is it-and I work hard to make this world a better place-but I do not see THEM sacrificing their lives here to do so-How can we survive with this IT IS ALL GOING TO END attitude? It just will becaome an obstical to trying to save Mother Earth because They believe she is done for based on THIS TEXT ALONE and then because they see it happen believe it is so and so do nothing to appease or saccrifice their comfort here-Please wake up and smell the DESTRUCTION!

2006-07-29 09:48:20 · update #1

9 answers

"Cogito ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am.") ~ Rene Decartes

"I am that I am." ~ God

"I am what I am." ~ Popeye


"To be or not to be...." ~ Shakespeare

"To do is to be." ~ Socrates

"To be is to do." ~ Sartre

"Do be do be do..." ~ Sinatra

2006-07-29 09:59:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

well, I am really sorry that you see all Chritians this way, this is another sad sad generalization of Christianity- remember there are many denominations that call themselves Christian but are they really following Christ? #1 - I am a Christian and believe the Bible- there are many "interpretations" that I strongly question but I guess for the most part people would call me a fundamentalist, I would say, Messianic as I look at it all from the Hebrew perspective.
I believe that there will be an end to what we see, this is not heaven and all the material is wood hay and stubble and will not endure, God's word however will endure. I also believe that we are here for a reason and what we have, no matter what it is, from our bodies , to our money, to all the earthly resources is here for a reason and we are to be good stewards. We should take care of the earth, recycle, not be wasteful, eat and live healthy and take care of our bodies to the best of our abiblites. I think it is unGodly behavior and certainly not glorifying God to be wasteful and destructive just because it won't be here one day- There are MANY MANY christians who do a lot to make things better, feed the hungry, clean up the streets, encourage recycling and environmental education. We are to worship the CREATOR , not the creation but still be good stewards of the creation that we have been given charge over. Unfortunately, Christian AND nonchristians have taken for granted the blessings and have not taken good care of what we have been given - but don't stereotype and generalize and say that the world is in the state it is in because of ignorant or uncaring Christians - that would be an ingnorant statement.

2006-07-29 16:59:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am is referring to Jesus' being the Son of God.

You chose to enter life or you wouldn't be here, even though it is hard to believe.

All persons on the earth kept what is known as their first estate in the spirit world. We all knew God and supported His plan to allow us to progress in our journey toward Godhood. We would receive physical bodies and learn good and evil and choose which we would serve. You don't remember this but it is written in scripture and can be prayed about by exercising faith and asking God if these things be true.

You are now in your second estate. Which is the last before judgment.

This life is a probationary period for us to prepare and meet God.

2006-07-29 16:52:39 · answer #3 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

Perhaps my perspective is a bit different, being a Hindu and all, but I think that when God says "I am" in the Bible that it is similar to the saying "Tat tvam asi" in the Upanishads (translates as "You are that"). It's God's way of reminding us that we each contain the divine spark within us and that we should strive to not only realize that part of God in us, but also that part of God in everyone and everything. And that once we realize this then we should start treating everyone and everything with the same reverence, respect, and dignity that we give to God. I am not sure why John would condemn it all in Revelations, nor am I exactly sure that that was his intentions. When I read Revelations it sounds more like the internal mystical/spiritual process that occurs within us. It sounds like how we grow into that realization of the perspective of seeing God in everyone and everything. It's a real struggle because our egos get attached to it's own individualistic self and it doesn't like the idea that other egos are equal to it. Most egos would rather be better than other egos, to be right all the time, etc, then to surrender to the reality that they are all equal and that all egos, all of us, deserve to be treated with the same respect. It's often easy to give reverence, respect, and dignity to God that we can't see then it is to do the same in turn to those for whom we share the planet with. Our minds, our egos, can fix God into something that isn't in conflict with us...God is like us....whereas other people aren't always as easy to get along with as God. The Bible in 1 John chapter 4, I believe, even tells us to treat others whom we have seen in the same way that we treat God whom we haven't seen (I'm paraphrasing). And that does seem to be the universal message in the world's religions (although it seems that many people like to ignore that part...along with the parts about living in harmony with others, being compassionate, showing mercy and grace, etc, etc, etc.....people seem to just like to be right all the time, to want to try to make all the diversity in the world that they have a conflict with disappear rather than realizing that all that diversity is God).

2006-07-29 17:58:53 · answer #4 · answered by gabriel_zachary 5 · 0 0

If you represent your parent's love for each other, what does the child of a rape represent? I mean seriously. What would you tell them if they were right in front of you, that they 'represent'?

I generally agree with your sentiments, being an atheist, but that one bugs me.

2006-07-29 16:49:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do bacteria think? How about viruses or dirt? They are because they were created to be, not because they think. Sure, it's important to care for the earth, just dont worship it. Worship the one who creates, not the created.

2006-07-29 16:54:57 · answer #6 · answered by foxray43 4 · 0 0

Descartes said it...not God.

the 5 senses do not explain everything...

2006-07-29 16:52:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

gosh, you not only ask Jesus questions and write about Jesus in your profile, but you also answer Jesus questions. Get a grip and turn your life over to Him. Listen...I think I hear Him calling your name......

2006-07-29 18:20:23 · answer #8 · answered by Baby Bloo 4 · 0 0

Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore i am

2006-07-29 16:49:03 · answer #9 · answered by onlybygrace 3 · 0 0

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