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then why did the earlier christians try to hide inconsistancies in the bible? and why did they burn ancient accounts of other religions saying that someone from their country was crucified for our sins? and is it true that christians used fear tactics to convert people to christianity?? and also is it true that black people werent originally christians , but were muslim until they were brought to america??

2006-07-29 08:38:07 · 12 answers · asked by loveme2leaveme 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

People twist and distort scripture to justify the evil they would like to commit. This is true for Muslims and Christians alike. Read the book “Misquoting Jesus” by Bart D. Ehrman. The book exams who determined what would go into the Bible.

Yes, blacks were Muslims back in Africa. But, before the Arabs invaded Africa, they were NOT Muslims. Some people say that Islam is the true religion of the black man but that is false for they were NOT Muslim in the beginning. You should do some research on the subject; it is pretty interesting.

2006-07-30 01:42:35 · answer #1 · answered by truly 6 · 0 0

Jesus is the Messiah, he was born of a virgin, lived, taught, performed miracles, was crucified as the ultimate sacrifice to save "man, woman" from sin, was buried for three days, and then rose on the third day as the living, true savior. We have to accept him as our Lord of Savior.

As for the burning i am not sure of, but i have recently seen documentaries stating the the Catholic Church in the beginning, in order to control the people, held the biblical documents and kind of made their own rules, then Henry the VIII, I believe, wanted a divorce and the catholic church would not allow it. He then got the scrolls and had them translated and put in a book so the people could see what was really there and not what they were made to believe was there. It is my understanding that a long, long time ago Catholics were even told NOT to read the Bible but now they are told to read and study. Do not get me wrong - The Bible was inspired and created by God, he used different people to write the history and the happenings so that we today can know that, study, learn, and gain the truth and knowledge so many seek about God, Jesus, the church and well, everything biblical.

I do not believe that Christians use scare tactics. I am a christian. Yes preachers teach about hell, fire and brimstone and what will happen to your eternal soul if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is in the Bible, written in black and white, and depending on the Bible, red lettering for what Jesus spoke. I think some christians use it as a scare tactic, but regardless if you do not whole heartedly accept Christ as your Lord and Savior yourself and just say you do, God knows what is in your heart, it is a relationship between you and him, he knows if someone has been "scared" or if someone believes by faith.

As for the black people, i do not know. "American History" teaches us that blacks were first brought here in the slave days from Africa, we are taught that blacks were "tribal people", and even referred to as animals (I don't believe this but have actually read this in school books and history books that high schoolers read and adults for that matter). As if those "teachings" are true or not, I did not live then, I do not know. God created ALL people. Jesus was not black or white, I beleive his skin color was more along the lines of arabic which, if you look closely at that skin tone you will see a ray of colors, black, white, red, yellow the basic "race" colors of today. I personally would not think they were muslim but like i said, not sure, i would go more toward the tribal believes but we do not know how God, over the years, has revealed himself to people.

Oh yea, and another thing...as for these "books" they are finding today that were left out of the Bible supposidly, Revelations tells us (Revelation 22: 17 - 19) that if anyone adds to his book, God will add to the person the plagues described in the Bible, and if anyone takes away from the book, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holey city that are described in the Bible.

The inconsistancies you asked about relate to interpretations by different denominations and even other religions.

Okay, i wrote a book, sorry. I just got going and my fingers did not stop. I hope this helps.

2006-07-29 09:11:54 · answer #2 · answered by Lildisneylover 1 · 0 0

Earlier Christians (those after the original 12 apostles and Paul and their congregations of believers) began changing and altering the beliefs to convince other Gentile races to join. For example, the Egyptians used to believe in trinity gods, if any god was kicked out of a trinity he lost all power. So when the Christians came along with a single person God (Jehovah or Jesus as the case may be) the Egyptians believed He had no power because He was by himself. So the Christians came up with the Father, Son, Holy Ghost trinity to convince Egyptians to join, but since it didn't fit in with the Bible, they started hiding that. And they repeatedly compromised and then hid the compromises and original teachings later so it looked solid.

As far as the black people originally being Muslim, that is a no. Islam began in the Middle East with the Arabs but the Africans had various gods and beliefs differing from tribe to tribe throughout the continent. But Islam wasn't one of them (except maybe some in Egypt). After many were taken away to be slaves, the slaves often adopted the Christianity of their owners. Later as blacks were given freedom but harassed and killed and so on, many (though not even the majority of them) went searching for other belief systems that fit in better with them being equals (while Christianity does make them equals, at the time they weren't treated by Christians as equals).

One of the versions of Islam (there are many versions, just like many versions of Christianity) has that Allah (their version of God) made black people. Yakub (their version of Satan) made white people to counter God's perfect people. Many blacks turned to Yakub, many whites turned to Allah, and when they did this those that turned away from their creators and to the other side turned brown-skinned. According to this story then, pure white people are evil, blacks are good, and brown are just a side effect of belief changes. So when blacks at the time were looking for something that made them more than what they were being treated as, what could look more inviting than a belief system that made your oppressors look evil and them good. That is why many blacks during the 60's especially took to Islam so well.

2006-07-29 08:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Because they want people to believe in them and having inconsistencies is very counter-intuitive.
2. See above answer.
3. Yes, but more so to keep Christians loyal to their religion.
4. No. Where the f*ck did you hear that from?!

2006-07-29 08:45:58 · answer #4 · answered by evylllogos 1 · 0 0

Hun, its because religion was created to controll the uniformed masses. Blah typical answer from some bible nut, "its mans intrepretation" religion is the #1 KILLER OF ALL TIME, and all religions think that thier right, when they all cant possibly be right.
Maybe we need something other then more religoin, like human compassion and an understanding for others. Isnt that what most religions try to push off, ironic someone like me who dosent go to church thinks like that and actualy means it?

2006-07-29 08:42:24 · answer #5 · answered by matt83840 5 · 0 0

I think you might have misinterpreted your information... since when were black people muslim until they we're brought to america??? God's Word is also in no way inconsistent

2006-07-29 08:52:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where do you get your misinfo from? The Bible is not inconsistent. It's man's reading and interpreting that is inconsistent.

2006-07-29 08:41:42 · answer #7 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 0 0

You have a lot of questions regarding the ways of man..

Stick with the inspired Word of God and you will be fine.

2006-07-29 08:42:57 · answer #8 · answered by d8 2 · 0 0

Those are all true and not very well-hidden in the history books.

2006-07-29 08:56:37 · answer #9 · answered by shmux 6 · 0 0

Hello -

There were many questions that you asked, but I'd like to first address the one in which you wrote : " Is it true that black people weren't originally christians, but were muslim until they were brought to america?"

Ethiopia (Bible-period Africa) is mentioned so many times in the Bible that one would presume that its extensive political, cultural and economic significance in the Biblical period was common knowledge.

Below, find a few examples of the recognition given to Africa in the ancient times:

Jeremiah 13:23:

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Amos 9:7:

Are you not as children of Ethiopia unto me, O children of Israel. Have I not brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt?

Nahum 3:9:

Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Punt and Lubim were thy helpers.

Zephania 3:10:

From beyond the borders of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering.

Genesis 2:13:

Ethiopia is one of the first countries mentioned in the Bible. It is associated with the garden of Eden.

Genesis 10:6-20:

Describes the kingdoms founded by the families of the founders of Ethiopia.

Numbers 12:1:

And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.

Later on in his career, Moses was sheltered and counseled by his Ethiopian father-in-law, Jethro (Exodus 3:1, 4:18,18:1-12)

2 Kings 19:9:

And when he heard say of Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, Behold, he is come out to fight against thee: he (king of Babylon) sent messengers again unto Hezekiah…

2 Chronicles 14:9:

Ethiopian general, Zerah, led an army of thousands upon thousands with 300 chariots.

Esther 1:1, 8:9:

Ethiopia is used as a border to measure an empire.

Job 28:19:

The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold.

Psalms 68:31:

Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.

Psalm 87:4:

I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

Jeremiah 38:7,10,12:

Ethiopian royal official rescues prophet Jeremiah.

Nahum 3:9:

“Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite.”

Acts 8:27:

Ethiopian government official goes to Jerusalem to worship, accepts Christianity and brings it back to Ethiopia which was ruled by Ethiopian Queen Kandake (Candace).

Aaron, Miriam, and Moses may not have been Ethopian themselves, but they sure weren’t East Europeans from the Caucasoids, nor any other European, as is mistakenly thought today, but so many uninformed.

Eritrea was considered to be named “Punt”:

Eritrean history is one of the longest of Africa and even the world. Together with Abyssinian (Today most part of Ethiopia) and the southeastern part of the Red Sea coast of Sudan, it is considered the most likely location of the land known to the ancient Egyptians as Punt (or “Ta Netjeru,” meaning land of the Gods), whose first mention dates to the 25th century BC.

Eritrea is commonly forgotten, maybe in biblical times it was part of ethiopia, i do not know. It is a small country and its ancestry is thought to have been derived from the Yemeni’s. Eritrea is on the coast of Africa and is bordered by Sudan in the west. ethiopia in the south and the RED SEA.

The Bible also teaches that their is not race, color or origin (male - female) in the true teaching, that their is only one race, the human race. It is vital that we all understand that we are connected and God loves us and has loved us from the beginning of time.

As for scare tactics, our saviour Christ Jesus gave us a Love commandment before he left. As Christians that is what we are to be rooted in at all times.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I apologize for not having more time to complete your other questions.

Love and Gratitude,

2006-07-29 08:57:07 · answer #10 · answered by Darren Meade 2 · 0 0

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