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if my son were to get someone pregnant i think i would refinance my house and hire a KILLER attorney and take custody from the teenage girl. in this day and age A GREAT DEAL of men get full custody, all they have to do is fight for it. my brother took full custody of his 1 year old daughter in a divorce. there was nothing wrong with the mother other than her family was to poor to fight with a good attorney. IF GUYS got custody of newborns do you think girls would be forced to think? the girl could pay my boy child support and we could raise the baby!

my boys are 17, 16, 14... they've never gotten a girl pregnant, BUT... this is a fine idea!

what do you think of this idea?

2006-07-29 08:08:18 · 9 answers · asked by JayneDoe 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

9 answers

it's an excellent idea! i fought for custody of my 1 and 2 year old daughters when my ex and i divorced. i ended up with full custody with ease. it wasn't that there was anything wrong with her, BUT with a high dollar attorney fighting, it comes down to who goes broke first. my ex didn't have a lot of money so, i won.
she gets visitation every other weekend and pays me a tiny bit of child support. i don't understand why all of these women think it's their RIGHT to keep the child and that a man should have less rights. women want equal rights- THEY GOT IT NOW and that means men have equal rights to all of the kids. i know if my ex would have been pregnant i would have gotten an unborn child as easily as the other two. i am remarried and my new wife takes good care of my kids and they call both "moms" mom. a woman doesn't have to be proven unfit to lose her kids! thank you for the question. i hope this gives hope to boys that get trapped. if any guy wants to they can e-mail me for my attorneys name and referrals if you are a guy in a tough place with custody. i would be more than happy to help!

2006-07-29 11:13:30 · answer #1 · answered by Officer Walkins 1 · 5 2

It really depends. I'm 17, I got married at 15 and pregnant at 16. I have a nine month old daughter. My husband worked for 3 months of the three years we were married, I lived in a trailor with his parents and all through my pregnancy I got sick because we couldn't afford food. It's not that he couldn't work, he didn't want to. I went into premature labor a few times and had her four weeks premature. I tried to leave him multiple times but I was scared. When I did I left him the wrong way, I met a guy who took care of me and we got along great. He had to move to Florida and wanted to take me and the baby. My husband wouldn't let me touch her, he told me he'd kill me. I was suppose to go for a few weeks and get a place set up, but everytime he wouldn't let me take her, since he had her and we were still married there was nothing I could do, the police wouldn't help and usually whoever has the baby wins custody, I spent nights worrying about my daughter. We moved back to my mothers house and we got the baby, she wasn't as advanced as she should have been and she has night terrors, the reason my doctor told me is this:

This baby was in your body, she heard your heart beat, heard your voice in the womb. She had a bond with you before she was even born. Since he had the baby the thing that has been there since her begining was gone.

I think if the girl was a bad person, or couldn't take care of the baby then it would be ok. But if its her family that is the problem or just the fact that she is young there is other solutions. Think about your grandchild, would you really want it to grow up without a mother? A girl in my town is fourteen, she is no longer with her baby's father but the father's parents took her in. You could take the girl to your home and let the baby have a full family. If she was willing to breastfeed and you took her away you would be hurting your grandchild more than anything.
I don't question you'd know what to do with the baby, but boys don't have the same mothering a mother does, (there are some, but the chances are low) I think that if one of your sons got a girl pregnant that the concern is no longer your son or the girl, it's the baby and the baby needs a mother.

That's my quite long opinion.

2006-07-29 15:30:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think its stupid and ignorant yes fathers have the right to have their child but mothers do to why would a judge give your family custody when u said u would be caring for the baby even hireing the lawyer thats stupid your just the grandmother not the father and the mother those are the two that decides and i sure don't think someone should have there baby took away from them because they couldn't afford the best attorney that ignorance a baby deserves more than that i just hope if one of your sons do get a girl pregnant they have enough since to leave u out of it u would only be the grandmother hello u shouldn't even think that way unless the child was in harm i think u just want a baby have one of your own

2006-07-30 00:49:34 · answer #3 · answered by heather f 3 · 0 0

first of all if your son was to get a girl pregnant why would you put all the blame on the girl. last time i checked it takes two to make a child. and why do you automatically assume she will be unfit to raise the baby? Why is it only the girls who need to be forced to think? what about the boys? it takes alot more than just child support to raise a baby, you should know that since you have 3. personally i think your idea is alittle messed up because your putting all the blame on the girl and assuming your son will want that responsibility of raising that child on his own... but its your opinion..

2006-07-29 16:04:57 · answer #4 · answered by sassy_girl200501 2 · 0 0

I think you are a cruel person to take a baby away from its mother if it is not necessary. I am 9 months pregnant (23 years old) and the father has done nothing to help me out. If he or his mother...(who has no freakin business taking my child away from me) even tried, I would kill them both, or seriously make them regret it. You are a sad women, and I would understand if the girl had serious issues, but if she was perfectly fine with raising it...then you should leave her be. She is the one who has to go through the morning sickness, the mood changes, the pain, the birth...all of that so someone could stand back and watch then take the baby? I would think that you, as a mother, could understand that. Go get your own baby lady. There is no reason why they cant work it out together...without you.

2006-07-29 15:23:27 · answer #5 · answered by HeavenLee 3 · 0 1

Short answer is it wont happen.

Roe Vs Wade gave women all the rights about children and basically told father to go to hell.

The same year as RVW a similar case was before the supreme court called Gomez vs Perez and it was not ruled on until after Roe even though it had been argued prior to it. It was a complete departure from the normal way the supreme court does business and very shady. Feel free to read up it.

2006-07-29 16:20:58 · answer #6 · answered by sso_dsh 2 · 0 0

Quite frankly it's a stupid idea.

Both girls and boys should be forced to "think" and boys more-so. Boys can (and often do) go around hopping on girl after girl and not have to worry about their period coming or worrying about taking care of their child(ren).

You shouldn't be glad if your son knocks up some teenager because you get to teach HER a lesson. You should be spending your time worrying about teaching your sons not to have sex until they are mature enough. Why worry about what other people's kids are doing?

For the record, guys are much bigger sl*ts than girls are, so drop the double standard that you have think about something else.

It sounds to me like you just want to have a baby and you are now too old. Adopt one whose mother does not want it, rather than corrupting your own kids and hurting some girl who might actually want to be a good mother!

2006-07-29 17:22:08 · answer #7 · answered by Queen D 3 · 0 1

Is this some sort of blame game? Nobody wins when teenagers get pregnant..Especially the child...It almost sounds like you would want to punish the girl your son got pregnant...

2006-07-29 15:18:12 · answer #8 · answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5 · 1 1

Better hope it doesn't happen, sounds like you want it to. Well if thats what you want and your dumb enough to want it to happen then you deserve anything bad that you get from those girls parents. thanks for the points !

2006-07-29 15:13:06 · answer #9 · answered by JBWPLGCSE 5 · 0 1

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