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who else (besides my husband and I) warning their sons of how girls will trap them by getting pregnant?

i don't understand why people think the girl is in a worse position than a boy when pregnancy occurs. if MY son got YOUR daughter pregnant, YOUR daughter and YOU would get to enjoy the child everyday and be able to build a strong bond with the child... MY son and I would end up visiting 4 times per month AND MY son would be paying for 18 years (although i am not argueing that men should pay for the kids). BUT, GIRLS do get pregnant on purpose A LOT now days! WHO FEELS THE SAME? WHO FEELS THAT I'M WRONG?

2006-07-29 07:42:40 · 17 answers · asked by JayneDoe 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

NONE of my boys have ever gotten anyone pregnant... i'm just saying that they are FULLY informed of the deceptions of the world. (i really think they are to scared to have sex, AS THEY SHOULD BE).

2006-07-29 07:51:14 · update #1

17 answers

I have a son 19 and daughter 17, and I tell them both the same thing, I treat them equal there.. tell my son, keep it in your pants son, and I tell my daughter to make sure her date keeps it in his pants. I lay it on the line with them, both of them. I am close with my kids.. they might still make a mistake, we all do, but.. both of my kids are fully aware, and they were raised by me, a single mom... they know what life can dish out. All kids should be taught that. I agree with you, no matter what sex they are, they are in the same position when it comes to that.

2006-07-29 13:17:53 · answer #1 · answered by tootsie45414 3 · 6 0

I disagree. Too often the boys don't take responsibilty for their part in it and just dont get involved unless court ordered. Also I don't feel sorry for any boy who says the girl got pregnant on purpose. It takes two to tango and regardless of whether or not the girl claims to be on the pill , if the boy wants to be safe he should provide and wear a condom EVERYTIME. If a boy is dumb enough to just trust that a teen age girl took a pill and took it at the right time then I have no sympathy for him. I mean teenagers forget to do their homework , chores and everything else BUT they would never forget their pill. Adults forget . Boys need to be responsible for their futures from the beginning.

2006-07-29 07:50:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It takes 2 to tango! My son is almost 16, and I make sure that he knows what is up. He has had the same girlfriend for almost a year, and he knows if he decides to have sex, that he needs to "wrap it up"(I DO NOT encourage sex, but I know if I say don't do it, they will, just to spite). If something like that happens, I would support whatever decision they make, and help in any way I could. Yes you are right saying girls get pregnant a lot these days on purpose, but if the boy wants to make sure it doesn't happen to him, he should wear a condom, or just not have sex.

2006-07-29 07:51:47 · answer #3 · answered by momx4 4 · 0 0

I agree. ALL teenagers regardless of gender need to be very very very careful of unplanned pregnancy. It rarely works out well for anyone and almost never works out well for the baby.I warn my boys as well as my girls about how being responsible for another human being will affect their lives. Money is a good motivator. I search online for the information about the percentage of teenage parents who go on to finsh higher education and about the wage difference over a lifetime of people who have a college degree versus those who drop out of high school. They are usally very surprised to realize that having a cute little baby now may mean living in a crappy apartment and driving a second hand car when they are 40. I'm not saying that no one who has a baby early goes on to be wealthy, just that it becomes much less likely.

2006-07-29 08:01:29 · answer #4 · answered by ppqppq10 3 · 1 0

Okay, give me a minute while I climb up on my soap-box; you are not alone out in parentland. I was blessed with two children of my own, one male and the other female...so I have the best of both worlds.

I agree with you...your SON does become pregnant when the girl he is with becomes pregnant....suddenly the carefree days of just messing around.

Yes, there are plenty of girls out there that intentionally get pregnant, just to try to keep their "man"; to that I say bullsh**; if that is the only way that you can keep someone, you don't need that person. You, the young girl, now have to not only take care of yourself....but now you have to take care of a new life....was it really worth it in the end?????

Your/my son on the other hand...will have to step up and be a daddy and not shirk his responsibilities. I told my son that if he feels the need to become a father at a young age, he damn well better have a good paying job and be ready to take on the responsibilities that come with child-rearing. He understands that he better keep his zipper zipped-up and his brain in gear....he is now 23 and has a great job with the federal government; so far, he has decided that parenthood is not in his near future.

I told my daughter, she's 18, that if this is her plan to have a little 'un, then she will lose her college education, her dreams will be shattered, and frankly, she will be stuck with that no good for nothing boyfriend of hers for LIFE....every time she looks at that child, she will see him.....every time it is his time for visitation, she will have to see him or his family...gee how much fun will that be???

The unfortunate part of today's youth is that they have decided that they have to be grown up...like yesterday....sex and other adult events, by some unknown blessing have to be theirs today; but they have done nothing to earn this privilege.

If it comes to my daughter getting pregnant, I will demand that the boy and his family do their part....I am too damn old to be raising someone else’s child......that little sucker will be putting forth some real $$$$$$$$ to raise his/her little bundle of joy......

I will climb down now....thank you for letting me vent and hang in there....you are not alone in your beliefs....God Bless

2006-07-29 08:54:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I warn my daughter that boys will just use them for sex and not have any feelings for them at all. Boys just experiment with girls at this age so they can learn how to do the dirty deed. I've heard boys wanting to trap girls too, so think about that. Boys are NOT innocent by any means. They are the ones who lie to the girls and say if you love me you will do this. You should teach your boys to respect women and not use them for the dirty deed just to practice. Is that what you did? You trapped your husband into marriage by getting pregnant? You must have or you wouldn't be talking like this. Thanks for the points !

2006-07-29 08:17:58 · answer #6 · answered by JBWPLGCSE 5 · 1 0

I agree, though it's not always the case. I got pregnant at 17 and it was no way because I was trying, just because we were not responsible. I knew a few girls who did get pregnant on purpose and some worked out ok and others didn't.

2006-07-29 07:46:12 · answer #7 · answered by Me 6 · 0 0

i agree to some point., you got tothink though that most girls dont intentally get pregnant its a mistake and thats how life works. but i think that if a girl and boy are ready for the reponsibilty of having sex then they need to understand the risks and be ready to take care of a child regarless of the circumstances. they both would be at fault not jst one person the girl because the guy chose to have sex also . thats just my opinion.

2006-07-29 07:51:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that alot of girls trap boys into having a family but on the other hand alot of boys pressure girls into unprotected sex that's why tell your kids to abstain from sex until they are ready to have a family on there own.....this is just my personal opinion I am not saying I am right or anything

2006-07-29 07:49:01 · answer #9 · answered by latinaangela2003 2 · 0 0

<> If your son and my daughter created a pregnancy I would be in court fighting you and YOUR son for child support. If you haven't taught YOUR son to be responsible with his penis then he has no business dating ANYONE'S daughter.
The girl IS in a worse position, she is the one who will have a parasite feeding off of her for the next 9 months (unless she has an abortion which is another bad position to be in) She is the one who will have to undergo the visits to the Obgyn and then the labor and delivery. She is the one who will have to face the health hazards of pregnancy/childbirth...women still die in childbirth and if my daughter dies giving birth your son will STILL be alive. (at least until I get hold of him). IF my daughter decides to have an abortion SHE will be the one to face the guilt and shame of her actions every single day of her life while YOUR son can go on impregnating other parent's daughters...It is YOUR responsibility to teach YOUR son to keep his pecker in his pants or at least keep it COVERED or not to have sex at all if he and YOU can't handle parenthood...obviously YOU can't.

2006-07-29 07:57:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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