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If someone is fat and we call it like it truly is; why is it wrong? If they are indeed fat and they don't like it maybe that means they should lose weight because sometimes the truth hurts, right?

2006-07-29 07:33:04 · 13 answers · asked by Wisdom 4 in Health Diet & Fitness

13 answers

Don't feel sorry, but don't be mean either. Unless they ask for your opinion or advice as my mom always says,"if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself." People, who are overweight are usually suffering from a mental problem, so be nice to them because someday you'll have problems and you'll want people to be kind to you.

2006-07-29 07:37:30 · answer #1 · answered by solitas777 3 · 0 1

Not sorry. But it isn't as simple as some people here put it. I'm skinny or maybe just a bit too thin and I can't help it no matter what kind of food I eat. Some people get fat from the air they breathe. I believe we should sympathize if it makes them feel bad - more health problems, less chances in love and socializing, etc., etc. In fact, sympathizing, being empathic is a good thing and the world would be a better place if everyone acted that way instead of JUDGING.

2006-07-29 14:39:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here's the deal, a lot of people are fat because of their metabolism. These people have bodies that store fat more easily than other people. These people are not able to eat like reghular people, because EVERYTHING they eat, makes them gain weight. So -- in that case, yes, you could feel at least a little bit sorry for them.

The extremely obese people (the people who end up on Dr. Phil or Oprah because they can't leave their homes) have not only a metabolism problem, but most of the time, they are master manipulators. They are not only addicted to food, but they are also manipulating family and friends to buy them food and bring it to them. It's sad -- and yes, I feel sorry for them, because their lives are very sad and pathetic.

Here's the sad truth -- poor people are often fat because they can afford to buy all the macaroni and ramen noodles they want -- but fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive.

If you are blessed with a wonderful metabolism and have never had to worry about your weight, that's great -- but don't be so quick to judge others who are not as fortunate as you are!

2006-07-29 14:44:49 · answer #3 · answered by Ifeelyourpain 4 · 0 0

Yes, we should feel sorry for fat people. You have to understand that many times people just don't get up one day and say, I want to be fat. Many times it has to do with the environments we are brought up in. Some cultures eat alot of carbs and fats and not everyone is a dietitian and don't understand the concept of how the body breaks down and stores food. Also people don't understand that being heavy causes you to have all kinds of health issues. So, I don't think you should get up in some ones face and say your fat, do something about it. Why don't we get in drug addicts faces, smokers, abusers etc...Sometimes when you are blunt with a person who already knows they have this problem you only make them more depressed and they will turn to food. I feel bad for big people. They get a lot of stares and statements and life is not very fun for them, why keep pouring salt into their wounds.

2006-07-29 15:03:36 · answer #4 · answered by crash 4 · 0 0

You shouldn't call someone fat because I doubt you'd want someone to call you "shorty," or "bucktooth" or anything else like that. It's rude, insensitive, and thoughtless. All it does is show what a mean, petty person YOU are. I assure you that a fat person does not need the benefit of your great insight to know that they need to lose weight.

2006-07-29 14:37:57 · answer #5 · answered by clarity 7 · 0 0

Some people gain weight for reasons aside from eating too much. People gain weight from medications and illnesses also - so, it is just plain rude (in my opinion) to call someone fat to his/her face (unless it is your friend asking for an honest opinion) or make fun of them, point and laugh, etc. - .

Feel sorry for them, no... but respect them as a person - YES! A person who is overweight normally knows he or she is overweight, and doesn't need someone being rude or making fun of him/her.

2006-07-29 14:40:26 · answer #6 · answered by Only_my_opinion 4 · 0 0

you never know for certain why a person is fat. a little girl in our town had leukemia and kidney disease at the same time. she was by no means mentally ill. her medications and her body's inability to function properly made her almost double her weight even though she was on a strict diet for her kidneys. lots of people stared, laughed, made fake gagging noises, made rude comments and offered her and her parents *helpful suggestions* for diet and exercise to lose the weight. not one of those things did anything more to help her. all these people mangaged to do was to shatter the confidence and self-esteem of a precious little girl whose illnesses ended her life all too soon.

2006-07-29 14:56:14 · answer #7 · answered by jbslass 6 · 0 0

I don't feel a bit sorry for anyone who is fat. YOU are the reason that YOU are fat, and if you are unhappy with it, you can always change it. If you want to be fat, go ahead, but you're not getting pitty from me when you are 600 pounds and can't walk. :]

2006-07-29 14:36:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NO,we should not feel any sorrier for fatties than for smokers, drinkers, liars or anyone else...........fat is fat...I have become fat,, some because of my meds, some because of my emotional crap but mostly because every time my elbow bends,my mouth opens..We do not need to waste time feeling sorry for anyone who has enough food to become fat.GOOD LORD.......people are such wimps(me included) How about you?

2006-07-29 14:43:14 · answer #9 · answered by blahblahblah 3 · 0 0

NO WAY... people can decide about how they want to be.. they have different opinions.. some ppl enjoy being what they are.. its like saying someone really skinny enjoys being who he/she is.. and yes, you can change that too..gain or lose weight.. is all your choice.

2006-07-29 14:47:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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