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Atheists,Who created you?Please don't tell me that you evolved from an ape,that is not possible.Read John 1:10 and answer my question.

2006-07-29 07:31:32 · 25 answers · asked by kathy6500 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

can I get an Amen

2006-07-29 07:34:34 · answer #1 · answered by darkangel1111 5 · 4 3

This has been said before, but I suppose very few ever read the answers that they ask for.
I wasn't created. I grew from cells of my mother and father, just as all other animals do.
No, I nor you, nor anyone else evolved from apes.All living things evolved from lower forms. Humans passed through a period when they may have had many features of the ape family. There is no scientific evidence that supports the belief that humans at one time passed through a stage when they were true apes.
Now, don't you tell me that someone hokus-pokus dominokus and there we are. If you think evolution is impossible. try that one on for size.
I really don't care what John said. He lived way back in the superstitious ages when everything was governed by signs and omens. Sorry, I have no superstitions.

2006-07-29 07:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Accept that you are a very smart Ape.

Knowing that you developed from apes does not negate the existance of god. Begin to understand that "gods" plan is so complex that we cannot possibly comprehend what it is and how it really functions. It is better to accept "god" as a concept that is beyond the bounds of logic, time or a known reality.

The often-mentioned fact that humans and chimpanzees are 99.9 percent identical in their DNA is hard to accept for some people, who can't comprehend how we could share so much of our basic genetic endowment even with the most humanlike ape. Yet this genetic similarity is very real, and it dramatically shows how parsimonious natural selection can be -- it reuses genes and structures that have worked well in the past.

The Human Genome Project is revealing many dramatic examples of how genes have been "conserved" throughout evolution -- that is, genes that perform certain functions in lower animals have been maintained even in the human DNA script, though sometimes the genes have been modified for more complex functions.

And the evolutionary view of a single (and very ancient) origin of life is supported at the deepest level imaginable: the very nature of the DNA code in which the instructions of genes and chromosomes are written. In all living organisms, the instructions for reproducing and operating the individual is encoded in a chemical language with four letters -- A, C, T, and G, the initials of four chemicals.

Every species on Earth carries a genetic code that is, for all intents and purposes, identical and universal.

2006-07-29 07:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by P. S. G 2 · 0 0

Ask yourself this. Why do you close your mind to the possiblities that there are other ways we could have been put here? Your religion in a trend, true or not true, it is a fad. More than likely it will fizzle out eventually. You can believe as you wish, but I'm keeping my options open. I tell you what. Read Darwin's book on evolution. Look into the theory's on atoms and strings and molecules... Take a look at mythology while you're at it. And I will not give you an answer you want. You're going to think I am ignorant and selfish but you should open your mind and look at everything from different angles, not just the bible. But then again, we do need simple minded people.

2006-07-29 07:42:33 · answer #4 · answered by BenJamin 2 · 0 0

man evolved from ape and if you believe the bible as truth then it makes sense how you learned how to be close minded and see that a series of fairy tales like adam and eve living for hundreds of years or the millions of years of dinosaurs only taking place in mere moments. The world formed through the collision and eradication of matter and anti matter to form just matter through an off set ratio. this made atoms which made the planets and stars which then made the oceans which breed single celled creatures which evolved into more complex things like humand over trillions of years. Man is still evolving. The appendix used to be a functioning organ and now it is just eronious

2006-07-29 07:40:24 · answer #5 · answered by marishka 5 · 0 0

Another misinformed person. We didn't come from apes. We had a common ancestor. Part of them took advantge of conditions and moved to the plains and became humans while the others stayed where they were and became apes and monkeys.

Just because I am here is no proof that God exists. Why do you have to read a bible to find an answer. Can't you think for yourself? Oh, I forgot, Bible thumpers don't think...they only know how to thump and are totally clueless and brainless.

2006-07-29 07:37:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why is that not possible? It is a scientific fact, there are fossils showing this fact. The bible is a collection of books that was written by men trying to keep the masses in line 2000 years ago. There are millions of years to prove evolution. If you believe the bible, the world is only around 6 thousand years old, how is that possible? How did the grand canyon form in that little of time? And i dont like to read propaganda any longer, i read the bible, but take it as the ultimate business startup guide and mass control literature. With all the wars going on in gods name, now would be the time for him/her to show himself to stop all the destruction. Sorry my friend, we are alone in this. All we have is each other.

2006-07-29 07:38:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You keep putting up juvenille arguments backed up with a book that carries no weight with Atheists. You may as well ask us to read something from Dr Seuss and take it as gospel. Do you understand that? No Atheist is going to be swayed by any scripture, how can you not get that???

You show your total ignorance about anything scientific or logical with every word you type, yet you think it will somehow change the mind of an informed person.

I know many Christians and are friends with many because they are the moderate type and respect my beliefs.

You are the type of person that gives Christians a bad name. You are an embarrasment to your faith.

2006-07-29 07:52:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only people who say that man evolved from apes are creationist liars who are on a mission to misrepresent evolution to their scientifically-illiterate flock (sheeple).

Evolution is a biological science that deals with changes to the genetic populations of organisms, over time. The mechanism for change is mutation (random), operated on by natural selection (NOT random).

Modern apes and humans share a common primate ancestor. Both apes and humans ARE primates... genetic cousins.

There is no scientific controversy pertaining to evolution. There is a pseudo-controversy, perpetrated by Liars For Jesus (LFJ)... i.e., they claim loudly and repeatedly (and FALSELY) that there IS a controversy, knowing that their minions are essentially brain-dead, and do not pay attention to any actual scientific sources... only to them. They take full advantage of the fact that their flock thinks they (being men of god) would not lie... by lying constantly, blatantly, consistently and with impunity.

The content of your question reveals that you do not know squat about evolution. So, before you flap your gums and again reveal your ignorance, you would be wise to learn something about what you are trying to criticize... from a REAL source... an actual science book, or perhaps some university web sites... NOT the pre-packaged lies, misrepresentations and cynical deceptions that you gullibly and unwittingly regurgitate.

2006-07-29 07:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can evolve from an ape and be created by God. Yes we did evolve, but it was God that gave us the abilities to think above all the other species.

2006-07-29 07:35:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well we did'nt evolve from an ape. Apes and humans are all primates. We have a common ancestor.
That is reality. That is science.
You on the other hand have what? An outdated and irrelevant book of bronze age jewish mythology. Thanks anyway. I'll take reality over your mythology any day of the week, including sunday.

2006-07-29 07:35:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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