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My self-esteem is currently running at an all time low. I am about to attend an interview for a new job, so I'm naturally nervous about showing myself up.
It's not only the interview, however. I feel it very difficult to make conversation with people and I feel very self conscious

2006-07-29 06:51:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

17 answers

"I am a very special, unique, and valuable person. I deserve to feel good about myself."

Write that down and repeat it to yourself. it works for me.

2006-07-29 06:56:27 · answer #1 · answered by sunniej1977 4 · 2 0

A lot of people do feel like this... some more than others.

I use to be like this during my School years.

Today, I dont care what people think of me. You should also have that attitude.

Because you are self-conscious, your low self esteem may be triggered by something visible, regarding an area of you body which your unhappy with for example. With this, you struggle speaking to people.

Whether that being your breasts or maybe a birth mark under your eye, you should stand tall and be proud.

For now girl, focus on you interview...

Afterwards, focus on the area that is causing the low self-esteem and go from there.

I hope this helps...

2006-07-29 15:52:02 · answer #2 · answered by The Avenger 4 · 0 0

I have used Lalapetal's technique to deal with a few hard situations. It does work for the short term.

Meanwhile, remember it's all right to be nervous. It's all right to take your time to answer questions. Do your best, and look the interviewer in the eye when you answer. Keep your back straight and your shoulders squared: Little things like that will give the impression of confidence, and it will actually help you feel better too. Do you have anyone, either real or imaginary, that you look up to? Try to imagine what they would say or do in X situation- then do it.

Good luck!

2006-07-29 14:58:48 · answer #3 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

What you have to do is become an actor, pretend you are a confident person-how is the interviewer going to know that you arent?

Eye contact- try and look the person in the eye, but dont stare!
Smile when you first meet the person- very important for them to know you are friendly- they have to picture working with you!
When you meet the interviewer, listen to what they say, look at what they are wearing, try to figure out what kind of person they are. Make it obvious that you are the only person perfect for the job.
Try not to give one line answers they need to see that you are a thinker.
If they ask you a question that you really dont know the answer to(what would you do if........) be honest and say, "Ive never been in that situation but if i was i would....."
Try not to ever just say i dont know to anything, it is a conversation killer for a start!
Sell yourself, for instance if the job is a care job, you would want to come over as a caring compassionate person. Firm handshake, warm smile, dress well, and always think of one or two questions to ask them, after all remember you are also interviewing them as a potential employer!!!

My best advice for someone who is nervous or shy in a social situation, is to smile at people when you meet them, most people are naturally drawn to a warm person. Keep conversation, friendly and polite, try to keep a sense of humour about it, and remember the person you are talking to may be more shy than you!
Remember not to look at your shoes all the time, and remember to smile, because some people who are shy can come over as standoffish(i am very shy too) but with practice you can overcome it.
Most people in this world love to talk so in a sense you have got it easy, after the introduction, most people wont shut up! Ask someone a question about themselves- and just listen alot!! That way you dont have to say much until you are comfortable, and the other person will always remember you as the kind of person who is good to talk to.
i hope this may help you and you can always email me if you need any more ideas!

2006-07-29 14:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by BRICK 3 · 0 0

I have been at both sides of the interview desk and I can tell you that its just as nerve racking for the interviewer as it is for the interviewee, so bear that in mind.
When being interviewed remember, tell yourself, its o.k. to be nervous. Listen to the question, pause, take a breath and count to 15 before answering - you'll give the right answer! If all else fails look straight at the interviewer(s) and imagine him/her naked and embarrassed and it will make you laugh inwardly and make you relax!
We all feel self conscious, its just a part of life, tell yourself its no big deal, and under no circumstances take yourself too seriously. Tell yourself throughout the day " Life is short, I am my own creation, I am inferior to no-one!"
Try it, believe it, Good Luck!

2006-07-29 14:00:33 · answer #5 · answered by Raymo 6 · 0 0

Low self esteem tends to be one of those self fulfilling prophesies.
As someone once wisely said: we are whatever we perceive and we get whatever we think we deserve. i,e if we don't think we're worth much, we don't get much, regardless of however good looking or intelligent someone might be. So, the answer is to change your self perception. It's easier than you might think, just pretend to be someone else for a while if your struggling with being yourself. Take on their persona. It can be an actor, singer, the woman who lives up the road, doesn't matter..and take on the traits you wish you had. I've had the occasional Al Pacino moment. It does work.

2006-07-29 14:08:23 · answer #6 · answered by mikey 5 · 0 0

Self-esteem? What is it anyway? Could it be merely a set of beliefs we hold about ourself. If you are currently holding a negative, self-defeating set of beliefs then your self-esteem will be on the low end of the continuum. If however you begin to define what you really value about yourself, or in general, character qualities that you truly admire in others, and then begin to act as if you truly possess these qualities yourself, you will begin to realize that your self-esteem is dramatically improving. One requirement for this to work is that you must be diligent and consistent. How quick this fix will be all depends on how consistent your are. Here is a phrase to guide you in your new quest: “When I believe it, I will see it

2006-07-29 15:13:26 · answer #7 · answered by QuetalQ 1 · 0 0

Hi gemeni,

There isn't a "quick fix" for self-esteem. But one thing that works for me: if I feel my self-esteem waning, I perform an esteemable act! In other words, do something for someone else (without expecting a reward). You may not feel an immediate lift in esteem, but if you do this daily, after a while you can't HELP but feel better about yourself.

Also, avoid all mind-altering substances, such as alcohol, marijuana, etc. They are self-esteem killers.

I know that isn't much, but I hope it helps...

Love, Jack

2006-07-29 14:39:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

come on girl... your a Gemini, and we gemini's dont really suffer self esteem, we get down and we get sad, but inside we are a fighter and we dont give in. As for the interview, you know your capable or you wouldnt be attending, just believe in your self more... i bet your friends do.

2006-07-29 13:55:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its okay....... I feel the same way. I just try to stay away from crowds and when there is no way of getting around not talking to people , I just be myself and try to make them laugh. Not at a job interview though. Just try to be calm as possible.

2006-07-29 13:58:54 · answer #10 · answered by sweenygirll 5 · 0 0

try going to the gym. working out produces indulfins, which are responsible for making you happy. otherwise, hang out with friends, watch one of your avorite movies. try doing something that is generally known to make you happy. as for talking to other people, just try to act positive and welcoming. say hello to people and put on a smile. happiness spreads, so if you are happy, others around you will be happy.

try not to worry too much about your job interview. do something that will take your mind off of it. relax and act positive. i'm sure you'll do fine.

2006-07-29 15:07:53 · answer #11 · answered by daniel_shmushmu 2 · 0 0

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