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and who agrees with it being legal or not legal

2006-07-29 06:33:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

17 answers

i didn't know it was illegal in other countries, but i'm glad it is and it should be illegal in america as well. ask any vet, declawing a cat is cruel, extremely painful and inhumane. removing cats claws is the same as chopping off a finger because their claws have blood vessels in them and they are attached to muscles-- that's why they are able push them out and retract them. people who do that to animals should not have any animals -- a cat that has a scratching post, enough toys to play with or even a cardboard box will not scratch up your furniture-- i've raised 5 cats already and 1 dog they are all happy...

2006-07-29 06:48:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because we do not want the government to rule every part of our lives!!!!!!
Sometimes there are situations where the cat has to be declawed, or face re-homing.
My parents have 2 cats. They were semi-feral kittens that my mom worked very hard to "tame" so they would at least be good with her and my dad, which they were. They were 4 years old when my dad was diagnosed with a condition that required him to be placed on kidney dialysis. The cats, when getting up on his lap, or off his lap,would sometimes dig their nails into him. This began causing infetions and led to a hospital stay and weeks of IV antobiotics. The doctor told him either the cats were declawed, or they had to find different homes for them. I tried them at my house, but they hid and did not eat and the whole thing was not working out.
The choice came down to putting the cats to sleep, or declawing them.
They were declawed and are doing fine.
What would have been the option for them if declawing ws illegal??????? Or how many hoops would we have had to go through to get them done. We had it done at a major Vet University with the new laser procedure, and they had no ill effects.
There are situation where people have no choice. In the shelter where I work, there are people all the time that had to move and the place they are needing to rent only allow declawed cats. Now either the cats get declawed, or they are turned over to the shelter. Then what??? We know how many cats are euthanized daily doe to the lack of homes. Some of these cats would also be euthanized.
Is it better for the cats to be declawed, or to have them end up at a shelter and face euthanasia??????????
You need to have an answer for that before you outlaw declawing.

2006-07-29 07:04:18 · answer #2 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 0 0

I have 2 cats, both declawed. I do not feel it is any crueler than cutting a dogs testicles out. They are both a part of the body. Yes I know neutering is for health reasons also. My cats are declawed to save the furniture, carpet, walls, and my kids from scratches. Of course they are indoor cats, so the protection thing is not an issue. Declawing them does not depress them, if done properly, and when they are young, they do not know the difference. At my house, my cats are spoiled rotten, fed good, and constantly loved. So if they had a choice of having their claws, or going to the shelter, I'm sure they would choose to stay here, clawless.

2006-07-29 09:03:19 · answer #3 · answered by violetpug 2 · 1 1

Well I will answer as best as possible. Cats being declawed should be a worldwide illegal law. First of all how would you like someone to declaw you? Second humans shouldn't have cats as pets, they were born in the wild, how would you like if someone had you as a pet? Declaw for what purpose? There is a natural right for cats abilities, they have claws for a reason. I look at US and they are crazy sometimes with their laws.

Rahim NYC

2006-07-29 06:44:50 · answer #4 · answered by Rah P 1 · 1 1

De-clawing a cat takes away it's main source of protection. Also, if you trim the nails wrong, you can severely hurt the cat.

Their claws actually have veins running right into the start of them. It is a serious matter to mess with that. It is extremely painful and if done wrong can get infected. Not to mention, a lot of cats sulk away and get depressed because of it too.

If they're young enough, they'll never know the difference. But I still say just buy them a scratching post.

2006-07-29 06:39:49 · answer #5 · answered by martinlh 4 · 0 0

In the United States, we value our furniture over our cats' basic instincts to scratch and claw things. I must say, I realize that the entire digits are removed, thus the word "declawing" should actually be "amputating", but in my experience, after a week or
so of discomfort, the cats learn to adjust to their new circumstances, and "forgive us own sin against them". A cat
whose claws(digits) have been removed, obviously, must be an "indoors-only" animal. It's a fair question, and I know many will disagree with me, but that's my take. Eagle(uc)Steve

2006-07-29 06:43:55 · answer #6 · answered by UCSteve 5 · 1 0

Because it is actually a very cruel practice - by declawing you are cutting a portion of their fingers off.

Just get a cat scratch thing and don't mutilate your cat.

2006-07-29 06:37:09 · answer #7 · answered by slipstreamer 7 · 0 0

I don't agree with it. I would never have a cat declawed. I'm curious though, in what countries is it illegal? I've never heard that before. Please let me know. That's interesting.

2006-07-29 19:16:42 · answer #8 · answered by Karen H 5 · 0 0

People in other countries eat cats. It would be inhumane to deprive cats in these countries of their main defense, and their human predators won't feel so guilty at dinner time.

It should be legal in the US at least, Here you are, providing everything for this waste of space, and his/her display of affection is clawing your funiture up. Then again, why would you have a cat in the first place?

2006-07-29 06:40:07 · answer #9 · answered by DaBigDawwg 3 · 1 0

It should not be legal. Because, it's painful for the Cat, even after it's been done for a long time, & it's their only defence. That's just like taking away a Dog's bark, or, the Cat's Meow. Their Vocal Cords, & yes as sad as it is, that has been done on our Animals, that were used in expermints!!!!

2006-07-29 06:44:27 · answer #10 · answered by sqishieears 4 · 0 1

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