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maybe its jsut me but i think my thighs are big and i want my stomch flat. how do i dso that in about a week??

2006-07-29 06:26:49 · 10 answers · asked by tif 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

10 answers

What I do for thighs and glutes are:

Plies in second position (i.e. like in ballet, feet turned out and spread ca. 2 ft. apart, depending on your height)

Straight-legged dead lifts (or the same motion without weight - IMPORTANT: don't lock your knees when you do this, and keep your back slightly arched, it helps to look ahead of you even in the down position). Lower your trunk, raise it (if you're using weight, let your arms hang down and hold a suitable barbell in your hands), contracting your glutes. Good for hamstrings too.

Skiers' squats (the ones where your arms come straight out in front of you as you lower into the squat - it's easier to keep your balance and at the same time keep your knees from coming out beyond your toes, but be careful to let your arms follow the squatting motion, not the other way around, so you don't accelerate - that's cheating).

If you have ankle weights or machinery available, you can also stand and raise first one foot up to your tushy (without moving your knee from its position) and then the other, or do the same sort of thing on a machine lying face down. Or you could just treat that as the most intense part of your aerobic workout and hop first on both feet, then raise one foot as above, hopping on the other one, then two feet, then the other foot, etc.

In between sets of these, I do a calf raises to rest the thighs and glutes. Start with one set of each, 10 or so, or if that's easy, start working up to three sets of 30 of each.

Another thing I do for glutes is get on all fours, lift my leg like a dog (but without, as far as possible, moving my body), then come down, but not resting my leg on the floor, and immediately kick back and up, and alternate like that until I get tired, then do the other side the same way.

For the tummy, there's lots of exercises. For the upper abdomen, anything that has you raising your head/trunk. I like to do crunches, you can bend your knees to a right angle and put them up on your bed, then lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor - with your chin tucked in so you don't accelerate because that's cheating - and hold. And down. And repeat.

For the lower abs, leg lifts. Lie down on the floor, place your hands palm down under your tushy, legs just off the floor, head also off the floor, chin tucked in, lift those legs off the floor and over your head, but without touching the floor behind your head, and back down, again, not touching the floor.

For both at once, double crunches. Balance on your tushy with your knees gathered in to your chest, then cross your arms on your chest and let both your head and your legs down simultaneously. As you get better at this, you may find yourself almost touching the floor at 'both ends'. Then gather your head to your knees. Important, always keep your lower legs parallel to the floor so you don't accelerate (that's cheating).

For your obliques: side crunches. Lie on your side with legs together, bent at a right angle, top foot more or less on top of the bottom foot, but a little more forward to keep you in the same vertical plane as you exercise. Start this exercise in the up position, wrap your lower arm around your waist to keep it out of the way, and extend the upper arm along your upper side. Cautiously lower yourself until you are just at the edge of losing your balance, and then come back up again. Keep your upper arm parallel to the floor.

Or you can try twisting bent knee situps, twisting in alternating directions each time you come up. Don't come all the way up, you should still have to exert an effort to hold yourself in place at the highest point.

VERY IMPORTANT: For all of the exercises, breathe in when you are relaxing the muscle being exercised, and breathe out when you are contracting it.

If you just can't stand doing three sets of thirty all at once, then you can break it up, but try to do at least twenty minutes at a time so you get aerobic value. If you do this every day, you may well see a difference even within three days without even changing your diet.

2006-07-29 07:10:44 · answer #1 · answered by songkaila 4 · 0 0

I can't say that I actually know the answer to your question, but I am having the same problem right now myself! My one-week plan is to try the cabbage soup diet (only for 7 days though, it's not good for long term) and pair that with about 20-30 minutes of daily cardio exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, etc). I've heard that the diet is effective for losing weight quickly because of the low amount of calories that you take in (you can do a yahoo search and read about it yourself if you aren't sure). Hopefully if I exercise as well, I will end up burning even more calories, and see at least a little bit of an effect! Good luck!

2006-07-29 06:33:09 · answer #2 · answered by Amanda 3 · 0 0

You are not going to get a thinner stomach or thighs in a week. you have to exercise and then after about 4 or 5 weeks you may start to see a difference. It takes time to firm up.

2006-07-29 08:08:52 · answer #3 · answered by crash 4 · 0 0

well obviosly you are gonna grow since you arent a lil kid no more...
its part of puberty, Its natural for women to have thighs like similar to yours and thats wat gives you a figure.
anyway you can be running like around a track or something for 1 hour a day and work hard dont just run up to what you are comfortable with to reduce your thighs you have to work harder. anyway about your stomach don't eat a lot wen u dont even need to never over eat. and do push ups like 30 a day. and increase it by the day.

2006-07-29 06:31:25 · answer #4 · answered by GodisLove 3 · 0 0

well whatever you do dont stop eating.. just do this:

eat like 4 fruits a day.. exersise for an hour a day.. drink LOADS of water.. like a cup every 3 hours.. drink soy milk.. and no junky foods.. and for desert have like a yogurt or another yummy fruit

2006-07-29 06:32:40 · answer #5 · answered by Tay 3 · 0 0

Exercise, cut back on your calorie intake, drink lots of water

2006-07-29 06:32:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

be patient you iidiot....lossing weight has to take time...go to the park and play with your brother...OR do some exerceise you know for now..buy some cosmo girl magazines they have exeriseing tips..^_^

2006-07-29 06:29:48 · answer #7 · answered by Grack 5 · 0 1

don't eat for a week, smoke lots of cigarettes, and do pilates.

2006-07-29 06:29:52 · answer #8 · answered by St. Anthony of Y!Answers 4 · 0 0

not possible in a week... unkless lipo is an option... but the scars!

2006-07-29 06:29:48 · answer #9 · answered by The_Answerer 3 · 0 0

smoke, mirrors and lipstick.

2006-07-29 06:31:20 · answer #10 · answered by classe300 2 · 0 0

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