how do you no that he is not real
2006-07-29 06:24:46
answer #1
answered by Neil G 6
As with most occurrences before the technology era, there is no rock solid evidence. If you want a picture or a video of Jesus, you won't be able to find one. People accept that there was a person named Jesus because there are several accounts of the man, and verifications of those accounts. I think that something becomes a fact when when so many people see the same thing.
2006-07-29 13:26:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus never said that was the God if you read the bible you'll know it was people who mistaked him to be GOD and yes there is a GOD "Allah" he is one and only.
If you read the Holy Quran you'll see modern science such as about the Bigbang theory, the earth is flat, how a child is born etc. And this all was revealed to the people 1400 years ago what the science has found 40 or 50 years ago....And my friend there is so much more proof.
2006-07-29 13:37:21
answer #3
answered by Kazi 1
How do we know what makes the light come on when we turn the switch on, or how do we know the wind blows...? Just because you can see something or don't have video of it doesn't mean it isn't real and doesn't exist. We do have the Bible and all of God's creation to help us know the Creator. If that isn't enough then...sorry! Check out Kirk Cameron's site:
2006-07-29 13:33:20
answer #4
answered by chynna30_2000 4
It is historical fact that Jesus existed. However, the fact that he was the son of god is to be debated.
David Koresh also claimed to be the son of god. Who is to say that he wasn't? His followers sure thought he was, the same as those who followed Jesus. The fact of the matter is, he was probably a very good at public speaking and not the son of god. He obviously made a great salesman. He probably became very wealthy selling furniture. And raised a family with such funds.
2006-07-29 13:29:36
answer #5
answered by trevor22in 4
It's always a challenge to accept something as 'real' without seeing it. I never saw my great-great-grandparents, and no video exists of them, but I'm confident they existed. Likewise, I can 'see' a rainbow, but I know it doesn't physically 'exist.' Further, don't limit your thinking to Jesus - no one alive today has seen Mohammad, Buddha, Moses, etc.
Based on your question, you have three choices:
1) Believe in a god, somewhere, based on thorough analysis of their holy texts, and their people;
2) Believe in no god at all, ie, put your 'faith' in scientific analysis;
3) Take a 'wait-and-see' approach, where you feel that, until there is better proof of divine intervention in this world, you will hold off on committing yourself to a particular belief.
Good luck with whatever path you take!
2006-07-29 13:32:11
answer #6
answered by innovator 2
What? Jesus is the dishwaher at the MexiHutt just down the street. I had Corona's with him last night. OF COURSE Jesus exists.
We dont need no stinkin video!!
2006-07-29 13:25:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well I am here to let you know that JESUS IS VERY REAL.
It's not a game at all. I would guess that no one has ever told you about the BIBLE? Or Maybe you have heard of the BIBLE but someone or many people have told you that's an old book that doesn't apply to todays world. I just want you to know that's a lie straight from hell. That is a very common statement about the Bible from those who do not believe. I want you to know that first of all it's not by chance that you are asking this question. And it's not by chance that I am going to tell you my personal experience of knowing JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY.
Yes, I said personally. Ofcourse your first thought will be that I am CRAZY, RIGHT? How can someone have a personal relationship with someone that you can not see, hear or touch? I am going to give you the answer. Jesus Lives in the Hearts of all believers, this is how we know him personally. It is an on going relationship, just like any other relationship that we would have with another person. Only it takes FAITH IN JESUS FOR THIS TO HAPPEN. When a person asks Jesus to come into their heart He is the one who gives you the Faith & strength to have the relationship with him. The Bible explains how this takes place in a persons life. I met Jesus when I was some where between the ages of 3 to five yrs. old. Now ask yourself how that this is possible. He came to me in his Spirit. I don't mean in some weird or spooky way. The Bible tells us All we like sheep have go astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6 Do you realize what this verse is saying? It is telling us that we are selfish, each & every one of us. It is also telling us that Jesus died for our sins. I will tell you that is very hard for anyone to want to hear or agree with that statement. Now I want to ask you to to take a look at the world around you, remember 911? How can we ever forget it? Do you see cruilty in the world? Do you see the lying, cheating, stealing, rape, abuse & murder in our world? If the answer is yes, then how can anyone not realize that we are sinners and that is why we do bad things. Have you read the 10 Commandments? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever wanted something someone else has? Don't you want to be in total control of your life? Would you be willing to give your life for someone else's? Well that is what Jesus did for every person in the universe from the very 1st person to the very last person. Oh, it's been said that those of us who do believe are crazy & that we are using this Jesus thing as a crutch. Well I am here to tell you that he is very real and to know & walk with Jesus is the hardest choice a person can make. Because our lives are not easy. It takes great CHARACTER in a person to walk with Jesus. You can not be weak and walk with Jesus. The reason is the Bible tells us that the believers in Jesus Christ will be persecuted. I can tell you that is very true. But through his Holy Spirit who lives in us gives us the strength to bear anything. Now I will explain how you can get to know Jesus for yourself. God Loves YOU.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US. Romans 5:8. For all have sinned & fall short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:23. Now to let you know the way to JESUS CHRIST, this is the most important decision you will ever make in your entire life. These are the words that Jesus has spoken: ALL MAY BE SAVED NOW. Behold, I stand at the door & knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20. For "who ever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13. This is what you would do to get know our Precious Lord & Saviour: Repeat these following words:My Decision to Receive Christ As My Saviour. Confessing to God that you are a sinner and believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and was raised for your justification, I do now receive and confess Him as my personal Saviour. Believe me I have been a believer in Jesus for approx. 50 yrs. and it wasn't because I had Parents who crammed it down my throat. Jesus tells us in the Bible that little children have great faith. I was told about him when I was a little child. And he has been with me my whole life. There is no way that I can live without Jesus. In the Bible Jesus also tells us that nothing or no one will ever totally fill our hearts & make us completely happy. Not all the riches in this world or material things not even if we have children. Not our Husbands or wives not anything. I have had money success a husband & children. And I found out that what Jesus said is true. None of these things can completely fill my heart the way he does. You need to know the Bible also tells us that not everyone will be a believer in Jesus Christ. The decision is yours, he leaves it up to you. I will hope & pray for your eternal salvation. I hope you have been kind enough to read this entire answer even if you think I am crazy. There are those people who have said that Jesus is crazy, well then I am in the best company I could ever be in. And yes, I said is crazy, that's because he rose from the dead and is alive in Heaven and will be returning someday soon. If you want to know the creator ask him to show himself to you & if you mean it with all of your heart he will do just that. Jesus also told us in the Bible that many are called but, few are chosen. God Bless You
2006-07-29 16:54:59
answer #8
answered by sweetpea 1
Satan is playing this 'game of Earth.' According to biblical history, when he fell from the grace of god, he was given dominion over the earth. I don't know who's running his other gig...the one called hell.
2006-07-29 13:25:20
answer #9
answered by kaylora 4
There was no video of you breathing for the last 5 hours, but I think that happened...
Unless you are an alien...
2006-07-29 13:24:12
answer #10
answered by merigold00 6
How do we know that was a Plato, or Caesar, or Homer? Was there really a Shakespear or King George?
2006-07-29 13:29:51
answer #11
answered by Anonymous