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I am an atheist. I love to learn about other religions though, I took religion in collage. And I have no problem when other people believe in fact sometimes I am jealous because the have something that they can believe in and I just can’t do it. I can’t bring my self to believe in a God who is invisible that has the power to send my to a wonderful place called heaven or a fiery place called hell. I tried for many years but felt like I was lying to my self. I’m some what of a closet atheist because I haven’t had the heart to tell my grandparents who are devote Catholics, although they know I don’t attend church, they just think that I’m not interested in going, not that I don’t believe in God. SO please tell me what you believe in. Is there anyone out there that believes like I do?

2006-07-29 04:07:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I understand your position. My father and stepmother were Catholic. When I went through philosophy class I learned all the logical refutations for the belief in God. There was only one reason to believe in God and that was direct experience. I went to the Monsiegnor and asked him if he had ever directly experienced God. He was kind enough to tell me the truth, no.

I went through a bunch of religions afterward, studied them hard. Tried from Baptist to Baha'i, came back to Catholic for awhile since I married a Catholic gal. It all revolved around taking somebody's word (usually somebody long dead) that there was something else waiting for me. No proof, mind you, just hearsay.

Just give me a sign, I cried. I meant it earnestly, too. Wasn't messing around here. I am a Nam vet and was very close to the edge.

Long story short, I have had two direct experiences now with The Ineffable Light. I do not expect you to take my word for it. I hardly know why I am telling you this. I do not expect nor want converts. Go read what folks who have had "near death" or "life-after-life" experiences write. I found out about that after my first time.

I was in a flotation chamber when I was whisked up into the Presence of something butterscotchy yellow, brightness, like the sun but it was as though I was warm after a lifetime of winters. I was loved and accepted. Nothing that I had done mattered. None of the bad or good.

Eventually I had to come back. Had more to do, I was told. I hated that coming back bit.

Now that all may be an illusion. It comforts me but if when I die that is the end and everything just winks out, fine. I mean I have not changed much about my life except to give up fear of death. Oh, that heaven and hell bit seems rather foolish, too. The Light did not seem to care about that.

I did not perceive that The Light cared much about the day to day thing with humans either. I mean about good and evil, about why we get cancer, have wars, people starving, etc That is all human stuff. Not much The Light gets involved with. Religion likewise. Looks like a scam to make money to me.

Right now I do good because it makes the world and life here and now a good place. Good generally radiates outward (and inward) just like doing bad to folks. Just my take on things.

And I would not come out, as it were, to your grandparents. The Blessed Virgin is a cool Lady. Hang out with Her a bit. *grin*

2006-07-29 06:48:40 · answer #1 · answered by NeoArt 6 · 3 4

I also feel the way you do, and it took me a long time to get there. I was raised Catholic too, but married a Methodist (in a Presbyterian church, no less!) and now am Agnostic. The main reason people become "non-believers" is because it seems so obvious to them that there is no God, they find it hard to believe that others "delude" themselves into thinking there is one (or more). You can find numerous websites that denounce every religion there is, outlining in great detail why each one of them is "wrong", how their "holy scriptures" are inaccurate, how purported miracles never occurred, etc. Respondents to those sites often include "non-believers" stating that ALL religions are false. They believe they are fostering intellectual dialogue by suggesting that it is all a myth. Sometimes they succeed, many times not.

Forgive the analogy, but religion is a lot like a magician who is so good at his/her craft, some people think s/he is actually performing "real" magic. (Chriss Angel comes to mind.) Forums on these websites have many people thinking he is a god, or a shaman - and they are serious! Often, "non-believers" (in the magicians' ablities) will explain how the actual tricks are performed, in an effort to "prove" how deluded these people are. When asked "why can't you just leave people alone to believe whatever they want to believe?" The intelligent ones respond that a belief in something that isn't true makes you suseptible to belief in other things that aren't true, and can make you vulnerable to higher forms of deceit and treachery. (Witness kamikazi pilots who were deluded into believing that flying a plane into an aircraft carrier would send them to Heaven; the Jim Jones cult; David Koresh, etc.) There are plenty of easliy-swayed people out there, ripe for being used and abused by people with an agenda. Many "non-believers" feel this is still the case with organized religion today.

Most non-believers feel the concept of an all-knowing, all-seeing Supreme Being is so illogical, it exceeds the bounds of reality. (Often, God is lumped in with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.) For believers, the opposite is true - all reality comes FROM God, and "faith" is the only explanation needed. (Often they will ask non-believers, "So where did everything, including the Big Bang, come from?")

I hope that helps you as you look for your personal truth - good luck!

2006-07-29 13:48:35 · answer #2 · answered by innovator 2 · 0 0

I echo Latterdaylady's comments as well.

Many others believe as you do, or do not believe as you do. Faith is the first prerequisite in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for without that we have nothing. The Lord answers our prayers through the faith we hold.

You say you can't believe in a God. Look around you--did the trees, the mountains, the stars, the earth and every living thing that came upon it happen accidentally? No. God the Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ, created all for our enjoyment, our trials, and our eternal progress.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, knowing His existence and purpose was divinely set, will help you gain not only your needful testimony, but will prepare you for the eternities to come. This mortal life is but a blip in the endless spectrums of the eternities that God has promised us all if we follow His teachings and His commandments.

There are many churches out there crying for your attendance. You must find the specific one that can answer all your questions without bigotry or blame.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and sits on the right hand of God the Father in the Celestial glory of heaven. I know in truth that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer of all mankind, and that through him we will be able to return to our heavenly Father's presence.

I hope you will one day reach that same level of testimony of the truth that I possess.

May God bless you for wanting more out of life.

2006-07-29 13:19:58 · answer #3 · answered by Guitarpicker 7 · 0 0

I believe in God. I am a Christian.
Now if you're an atheist I wonder if you have thought of this. For a God to exist who brought the world into existence He would have to be eternal because He created eternity which means He exists out of time.
Also, God created space and He could be anywhere. Now to say that He doesn't exist are you saying that no God ever existed anywhere? You would have had to be able to be everywhere at all times to say you know that.
I found Him and I know Him. So you get a yes from me.

2006-07-29 13:38:13 · answer #4 · answered by emmadoll83 2 · 0 0

I believe in the triune God.. Father Son and Holy Spirit.

I have a friend who was a catholic nun. She was very devout in her beliefs. After we had talked for almost a year she revealed to me that she felt that God did not love her. She believed that she had to get to heaven by her good works. She knew in her heart that she was not keeping God's Law perfectly so she felt God hated her and would send her to hell. What she didn't realize is that God knows that no one can live a perfect life to earn their way to heaven, so that is why he sent his own Son to live that perfect life for us. He saves everyone who trusts upon his son. We have a God of love, not a God of hate.

I have plenty of time if you ever want to talk. I can think of nothing more important I could do with my day.

Lord's blessings on your studies.

2006-07-29 13:20:02 · answer #5 · answered by d8 2 · 0 0

I do believe in God and I do believe in Jesus. It almost makes me happy that you said, "in fact sometimes I am jealous because they have something that they can believe in..." because that tells me that God is speaking to you! He is knocking on your door (heart) and waiting for you to let him in. You need something to believe in. Your almost like Thomas! He couldn't believe until he saw for his own eyes. Have you ever heard the expression..."Doubting Thomas"? Thomas was blessed because she had seen, but blessed are those who have not seen but believe.

I was born Catholic but am not practicing Catholic. I believe in Christianity. God gave us the power of choice, which means you can choose to believe or not just as you make choices in everyday life. My advice to you is to find a Church that explains the bible as well as just reading from the bible. At the same time, interpritation of the bible is different for many people. The truth is is that if you believe in the higher power and try to live with love, forgiveness of yourself and other people, you will have peace in your heart. And if you already have love in your heart and forgiveness you are half way there. Jesus just wants you to know him. That is my prayer for you, to have peace and to know that just because you can't see him, he is there for you morning, day and night. If you want to know of some awesome sites, let me know and I will be happy to help you.

Be Blessed!

2006-07-29 13:55:20 · answer #6 · answered by Bug's Mom 2 · 0 0

i believe in God but i'm not a Chrisitian.
i believe in God because the universe had to come from somewhere but i dont believe in that whole multiverse thing.
the way i see it there is either only a heaven, or neither a heaven Nor heLL, or reincarnation, or nothing after death, or a nether world or something.

2006-07-29 13:18:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe in God....sometimes one just has to let go of what the mind and eye and can see and just have faith and allow God to move in their life...He will show you if you really want to believe....
Jesus is Lord...

2006-07-29 13:34:14 · answer #8 · answered by shiningon 6 · 0 0

I believe in God and Jesus Christ. They are 2 seperate beings with one purpose. If you want to know what that purpose is, go to www.lds.org

2006-07-29 13:16:16 · answer #9 · answered by latterdaylady 3 · 0 0

I believe that God sent His one and Only Son, Jesus, to earth to die on the cross, and take away my sin.

2006-07-29 11:13:52 · answer #10 · answered by Coby J 2 · 0 0

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