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There is good & there is evil
I choose to be good
I believe that god is good
I know that god exists within me
How do I know this? – because I feel it. When I am scared I find comfort, when I see something good I laugh, when I see something evil I cry
I have NO concept of sin. I try to be good, when I succeed God knows this, when I fail God also knows this so why do I need to confess?
EVIL is in charge in this world & is kept at bay only by the people who choose to do good.
I know this because, either God is omnipotent but does not care, or he is not in fact omnipotent & does care but has no power to change it ( I believe the latter)
RELIGION is the tool that evil uses to make sure that good does not triumph. How else do you explain all the bloodshed that has occurred ( and continues to do so) in the name of religion.
You do not believe in the same god as I do, therefore I will shun/hate/kill/try to convert you. This is an EVIL concept fostered & maintained by religion
I do not believe that Jesus was the son of God
The bible does not reflect the true views & teachings of Jesus
Jesus was a GOOD man with important lessons to teach us that have been hijacked by RELIGION
I cannot believe in a God that would send his son to die for me. It does not make any sense. How does dying release me from my sin (which I don`t believe in anyway). This concept stems once again from religion & ancient customs which needed a sacrifice to please the pagan gods.
I have never felt close to God in any church or temple so I do not go. He exists there because he comes there with me if I go. When I leave so does he.
I pray every day
I do not need to be part of a group to know these things – I worked it out on my own
I have no idea what happens to us when we die – that is in the hands of God. I have faith that he has it under control.

I expect I will upset a few people & I expect the usual tirade of witty, sarcastic & downright stupid answers, but hey – do your worst. Unlike a lot of people here I am secure enough not to be offended by another person`s opinion.

My IM is open if you want to discuss this further.
Take care & be GOOD

2006-07-29 03:31:24 · 14 answers · asked by flicflac 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

This is a very beautifully put question. I do not agree with you 100 percent, but I agree with enough of it understand your meaning. The temple of God is our body, and you're right, people don't have to go to church to know that (some people have never stepped inside a church or know what one is). I also believe that being good is the right path and that IF there is a heaven then that's the key to open the door to get in, and has nothing to do with what religion you are or what church you attend, if any at all.

2006-07-29 03:49:34 · answer #1 · answered by arvecar 4 · 2 1

"RELIGION is the tool that evil uses to make sure that good does not triumph. How else do you explain all the bloodshed that has occurred ( and continues to do so) in the name of religion.
You do not believe in the same god as I do."

You were doing fine until this comment. Any negativity begets negativity. Why condemn all for the actions of few? That is the evil rampant in our world today.

No one should and does believe in the same God you do. God (the concept...it is not a pronoun) is a personal covenant for each of us and we then know His presence in our own way.

Yes...you sin! The interpretation of the word is...to miss the mark...it is an archery term. As we all miss the mark in this earth living, you are not exempt from sin. It is what we do with our lessons...our intents and purposes...that design our spirituality.

No..I do not believe in the Christian approach...but that is not the only religion and in fact is not the end all and be all that posters on this line tend to make of it. You have turned your back on this particular religion. Have you investigated any other? Do not lump all in with the same.

I do not find your tirade stupid nor would I treat it as such. But an honest evaluation through the question may be in order, if that was your purpose for the question.

2006-07-29 03:43:27 · answer #2 · answered by jmmevolve 6 · 0 0

If you do not believe that Jesus is the Son of god come to earth to die on the cross for our sins then what God do you blieve in? It seems hard to me to believe in half of the truth but only one half. After all why would God lie about His Son and Hi purpose here on earth. I am glad that you feel secure enough to take whatever blasts come your way, but what if one of teh blasts is from Goss Himself because you only half believe. In fact to say that you will shun/hate/kill/try to convert what kind of a christian or even believer threatens things like that? You are confusing. Are you sure you have a chriitian faith that is God centered? You have so manu contradictions to a follower od God I have to ask. I will pray for you.

2006-07-29 03:43:57 · answer #3 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 0 0

The thing is, if God hates evil, and God knows the evil you have done, then God will not simply accept you without there being a remedy for the evil you have committed. Your successes won't count against the evil you have done -- you could have succeeded without doing the evil, after all -- so what then? There must be a payment, a reciprocation, for the evil you have done, and this is what you are missing.

2006-07-29 03:36:34 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

you're gonna burn in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!

just kidding. people just don't seem to understand that a God that would even have a concept of hell, sin, punishment, sacrifice, etc. is NOT God. They are worshiping a man made diety. Everyone is chosen, even if they don't choose. It's just a matter of awareness. expect some excessive bible quoting responses to your question. you have the right to IGNORE them. Ancient Hebrew mystics referred to a devil as one who tells lies about God. That means anyone who believes in all the dogmatic statements of the major Abrahamic religions is a devil!

2006-07-29 03:40:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People will always have different perceptions of what is good, so "be good" can be applied by different people and create different results. I am unable to feel the presence of a higher being and am currently an atheist. I can't quite comprehend why you might be able to feel this "presence" if I cannot, so I am left with the option of you being wrong or both of us being wrong. I hope what you believe makes you happy.

2006-07-29 03:39:07 · answer #6 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 0 0

religion to me is based on churchs books and on worship and control so i say if religion of god then you are stating that god is also a religion concept. spirituality is based on god as well and thats where christians like you get it confused since you think a relationship with god is going to church and worshipping in masses is not a religion when it clearly is. if you want a relationship without a religion then stop going to church stop reading the bible and just accept god as it is and stop thinking relationship and religion are the same thing.

spirituality removes the worship and the books of christianity and accepts all ideas and beliefs of god in many of its aspects.

2006-07-29 04:09:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think u are too confused and i think u r very ryte at some points i like to know that someone now in this world like to know these stuff out of that rubbish topics i like ur thinking i am a muslim girl i beleive in gud and when u can distinguish b/w gudd and evil it means there is something NICE in ur heart its not about religion that a muslim have a GOD but i think GOD is despite of religion race creed color and all to be gudd with humanity is the religion i consider. and when we die there would be a life after death in which we will have the result of all our deeds thats doom's day and mind it religion itself are not bad but to fight for them is EVIL

2006-07-29 03:42:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A person's religious beliefs are theirs alone.
Anyone who says that you are not practicing religion correctly is mistaken. No one knows everything.
No religion can be proved to be the best.
If you devoutly believe, you are doing very well.
Those who find fault with another persons religion would best take a look at themselves.

2006-07-29 03:42:17 · answer #9 · answered by ha_mer 4 · 0 0

faith - a private set or institutionalized gadget of religious attitudes, ideals, and practices- a reason, concept, or gadget of ideals held to with ardor and faith. truly, however your definition of religion is slightly askew, you do make a solid element. I truly have additionally observed the tendency to confuse faith with faith in God, that's an argument of the spirit, and not a gadget of ideals. In different words, spirituality vs. religiousity.

2016-10-01 05:38:58 · answer #10 · answered by Erika 3 · 0 0

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