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Ok let's forget mexicans, seems they are the only ones attacked. Why don't people ever mention chinese, korean or other ethnic towns that have all their signs and traffic signs in their native language. I drove through china town and most of the signs were in chinese, some were in english and chinese. I thought you wanted assimilation, but i don't ever hear anyone talk about assimilation fair and across the board, always mexican learn english type deal. So what's up?

2006-07-29 03:31:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

17 answers

the republican congress has'nt told the consevatives that is a problem yet.....give them time

2006-07-29 03:42:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The problem people have with Mexicans is that they seem to have an arrogant attitude about this country. Other cultures come here knowing that they leave their country behind and will do what it takes to succeed here. Mexicans can come here and never adjust to the culture because there are so many of them. They have gotten so used to it, now it seems they expect this country to change to suit their culture.

I spend a lot of time with Latino immigrants (friends, clients). Sometimes when I hear them spouting some arrogant hogwash like the national anthem should be sung in Spanish, I ask them how they would feel if the same thing were happening in their own country. Mexicans and Latinos in general are very proud of their language and nation and culture. They would never tolerate a couple million Americans coming into their country and demanding that they change their language and culture. Yet they expect us to do just that. It shows a basic lack of respect. People pick up on that, and that's where the anger comes from.

2006-07-29 14:12:06 · answer #2 · answered by grdnoviz 4 · 0 0

" I/We are doing the wrong thing, so why don't/didn't you treat those others who were wrong before we were doing wrong, with concern?"
This is your reasoning. It doesn't make any sense to point to others who have been criminal before you have, and say that makes it OK.
He robbed a bank and got away with it, how come when I rob a bank and get caught, you blame me?! That's the long and short of your reasoning. They did wrong, so now I can do wrong.
This doesn't wash and won't work in the USA. Maybe in Mexico or some other 3rd world country ...but not here.
I have no problem with signs in other languages on biz etc. But I do have a concern when I call a governmental agency and I have to listen to a message in Spanish as well as English. Why are Spanish speakers given sway over Korean, Chinese or German or French or? It's way out of whack and there are a lot of English speaking people who see it for what it is.
It is UN AMERICAN ...because it is unfair and unequal. Outside of that it is costly to our system and wasteful. It cannot be tolerated any longer.
Hope that covers your question and "dillusion" on the subject.

2006-07-29 14:33:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you speak at home is your business. English is our COMMON language, the language of commerce and the communication medium.

Without an official language, you can have many people speaking something different and nothing gets accomplished, you have created a tower of Babel. and it falls.

That's why we need a common language, and that language here is English.

I will not conform to the lifestyle of cultures that are primarily Spanish nor should I have to. If your in our country you speak ENGLISH. If I am in Mexico I speak SPANISH.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that America is a soverign country?

What does assimilate mean?

It means speaking our common language English.
It means accepting our constitution as our way of life.
It means respecting our laws even if you don't agree.
it means leaving your old life for a new one as an American.
It means adopting the flag of your new country.
It means participating in our common welfare and defense, which means fighting crime not protesting for it.
It means everyone is the same. If the rules are better for you than for the general population, then we are unequal and we will fight you tooth and nail.
It means adopting the American way of life - not two hour siestas in the middle of the day or bringing a corruptus attitude from where you came to add to what we have already - such as the drug cartels buying political power in the south.
It means our common currency is dollars, not pesos and sure as hell not Ameros.
It means belonging to a country - a world superpower - that cannot be divided that cannot give up all of our heritages for one of another foreign country, we must be indivisible no matter what your primary language is. If America falls to being divided, it would carry a terrible message the free world over - and expect less freedom for everyone.
It means paying taxes and keeping our economy strong, not the country you came from first.
It means having common traits of citizenship, and not fall to multicultural differences that divides us.
It means defending our country as an American over the country you came from. If you can't do this, you shouldn't be here.
It means recognizing that America is a soveriegn country, and it's not where you came from and you cannot change it into that.

Whithout assimilation there would only be divisions of loyalty and country.


Or England, Or Spain, OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY!

2006-07-29 10:53:33 · answer #4 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 0

David, that's total BS. Your own personal anecdotes doesn't mean it applies universally.

Everyone is telling Mexicans to speak English, yet they ARE! It just doesn't happen overnight. Like even David admitted, it takes a few years.

Just look at the facts...Mexican immigrants are learning English much faster than expected. They assimilate into American culture faster than any other ethnic group. It's a FACT! Nobody wants to admit it though, because they have their own prejudiced, racist beliefs. They expect Mexican immigrants to wake up tomorrow and be able to speak perfect accent-free English. Well, frankly, that's impossible, but they can pick up on it very fast.

2006-07-29 13:50:34 · answer #5 · answered by clorox.bleech 3 · 0 0

Correct, and on the North side of Chicago, it's all in Polish.
It's about a willingness to become a value added citizen, not the superficial trappings of how you dress, or what you eat.
The Asian population is nearly fanatical about education, self reliance, and upward mobility. They have a microscopically small percentage of their population on social services. The work , they vote, and are politically aware. Who cares what the signs in their local shops read. Most speak and read in several languages. They are dynamic, law abiding producers in our nation as a whole. They come here, take low end jobs, work like fools and in one generation, are in the mainstream.
Non-assimilating Mexicans are perceived as looking for a free ride, or bringing cultural traits that are not as desired or as high minded as Orientals or Europeans. Remember I said "perceived".

2006-07-29 10:51:03 · answer #6 · answered by electricpole 7 · 0 0

Those people who don't know English have pretty much restricted themselves to living in those small areas, only. Those small areas were started a long time ago and those people didn't assimilate. They are stifled to that one area if they don't know English and refuse to or cannot mix in with other Americans. That is a good example of WHY people NEED to assimilate.They kept it IN certain areas instead of expecting the rest of the USA to become like them. Much of Florida is Hispanic, it'll probably always be that way. Louisiana has a French quarter, it will most likely always be that way. We have our Amish, Pennsylvania Dutch, who speak German (most know English, however). None of those areas expect the rest of the USA to speak THEIR language. They DO assimilate when they go to other areas of the USA. They don't protest the USA, they are Pro-American.

2006-07-29 10:45:20 · answer #7 · answered by whitefeather 2 · 0 0

The question Of assimilation in regard to others besides Mexican or Hispanic is easy they almost all speak English very soon after they come hear. Just some examples from my life: a girlfriend Imet in college came here from Vietnam in 1979 I met her in 1984 she spoke perfect english and with no accent. Her father made her and her brothers watch TV news twice a day for two years because the newscasters speek with out accents. Chinese woman I knew was here from Mainland China and was enrolled in English class after being here only 3 months and spoke to me to help her learn. My wife and her family came here from Cambodia and all including her 74 yr old mother learned english with in a year or two (her mother too a little longer than the rest) and none of them had spoken english before except my wife who helped to teach in a refugee camp in Thailand. If people from Asia can come here and learn the language why can't Mexicans and other Hispanics? I tell you why it's because they have no intention of assimilating into American culture or society they don't care many don't want to stay here all their lives the want to get what they can and then retire to Mexico or where ever and many atre just racist or seem to think they are superior and Americans should learn spanish instead of them learning english, many feel it is our obligation to learn Spanish. Itomes down to a cultural arrogance really they just think theirs is better and they we have to bend over backwards to accommodate them and they don't even have to try to accommodate us or try to assimilate.

2006-07-29 11:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm real equal-opportunity on that, I don't mind if there's a 'helper' sign in a foreign language, but the main signs should be readable in english. I also think our K-12 system should be pushing to put kids through 2 foreign languages, at least 1 year of each...

2006-07-29 14:32:38 · answer #9 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

The family I married into came from Vietnam. They learned to speak English although it is very difficult for someone who speaks an Asian language. I do not have an issue with them bringing parts of their culture into ours, it strengthens us all. But most of the Vietnamese immigrants I know are very proud to be Americans and have assimilated very well.

2006-07-29 14:13:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know of whole cities in Spanish names.... What is your point? All I want when I say assimilate, is for you to be a law abiding citizen, and put this nation above all others. That is all really. You don't want to speak English, fine by me, but don't expect a nation of predominantly English speakers to bow to you and learn your language.

2006-07-29 11:08:27 · answer #11 · answered by Ricky 5 · 0 0

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