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I do not mean to sound cheap, but I can not afford to give 10% of my monthly earnings to church for tithes/offering. I am not saying that I do not give anything, because I do. But does not being able to provide 10% mean that I should not attend church since I can not monetarily support [God]?

2006-07-29 02:14:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

God doesn't need your money - Tithing is not a requirement for church attendance, your desire to meet with the living God is. Tithing is for your benefit, not God's.

2006-07-29 02:17:49 · answer #1 · answered by lead2jesus 2 · 2 1

This is a question I have delt with many times.

Our churches often teach that you must give 10% to be a good Christian. However, they fail to note that this tithe is only mentioned in books that deal with the Law. Under the Law, 10% was required...in fact, 10% was only the beginning under the Law. All totaled, the Law required approximately 24% of your income be given to the Lord.

It is true that the tithe is mentioned in the New Testament, but only in the gospels and Hebrews. In Hebrews, the writer is comparing the Law with Grace. And, you must remember that in the gospels, Jesus had not yet fulfilled the Law, therefore, the Law was still in effect. But, when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, the Law had been fulfilled. Because it has been fulfilled, the Law is no longer in effect. For example, if you sign a contract with a bank stating that will will pay back a loan by giving them $100.00 each month for 20 month, thereby paying back the amount they gave you, plus interest, after the 20 months of giving them $100.00, the contract is fulfilled and is no longer in effect. You can stop giving them money. This is what happened with the Law.

Romans 6:14 tells us that we are no longer under the Law, but under Grace. This means that the Law in no longer in effect. So, what does the Bible say about giving to the Lord now that we are under Grace? Let's look.

2Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Each person is to decide for himself the amount that he should give to God. This should be done in prayer. Ask God how much He wants you to give. A person should not give grudgingly, only because he is required to do so. God wants us to give willingly. If we cannot give willingly, then it is (in God's mind) as if we did not give at all. (Consider the following passage: Luke 18:10-14)


2006-07-29 02:47:09 · answer #2 · answered by Terry K 3 · 0 0

Y'know, it's not that God needs your money. That's not what tithing is about.

What it's about is surrendering yourself to God's will and care. There are many, many commands that God gives us through the Bible that are followed with statements like "do not test the Lord"

--except tithing. On this one, He says "Go ahead and test me on this one."

I've been tithing for years. I've tithed when I've made lots of money and I've tithed when I was on unemployment. I'm telling you, I never missed the 10%.

Most churches encourage the tithe and encourage you to work toward tithing. It's not a "requirement for salvation" or "attending church" (at least, churches shouldn't do that). And if God has to choose between you going to church and not paying tithe or you not going to church (well, and not paying tithe) He wants you in church!

Let me encourage you to start working toward the tithe. If you currently give 5%, give 6%. If you currently give $5, give $10. Heck, it costs that much to go to a movie now.

2006-07-29 02:36:57 · answer #3 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 0 0

Ah... a common dilemma.

Well, let's be fair. You're not supporting God per se with your tithe. You're more like contributing to support the church you're attending realistically.

As for not being able to afford to give 10%, I understand it's difficult if you are in dire straits but if I may offer a different opinion.

My father couldn't afford 10% either, not at our current expenses at the time. See, he quit his five-figure job at the time to go full-time into church work so with two children to support, it wouldn't make sense then to give 10% especially with such a pay cut (we're talking at least 60% here). However, since God promised in the Bible that He'd take care of our needs if we honored Him, Dad gave anyway.

And guess what? Did we lose everything? Did Dad have to put a mortgage on our apartment? No. God actually did take care of all our needs and me and my brother BOTH got sponsorship to attend college, all tuition fees payed. Plus I got some extra to go on a trip to Africa.

I don't blame you for the state you're in but I find that God has gotten our backs as long as we stick with Him. God bless.

2006-07-29 02:23:31 · answer #4 · answered by Studier Alpha 3 · 0 0

A lot of Churches will require it. But it is a Man made thing not Godly. You should give according to your Heart nothing you give grudgingly will bless you or the recipient, Give where God Directs you to, if the so called Churches were doing their part there would be no need for welfare. The Bible says purpose in your heart what to give before hand and keep it a secret. between you and God.

2006-07-29 02:25:55 · answer #5 · answered by kritikos43 5 · 0 0

Let me encourage you...I tithe 10% of my before tax income. I used to say that I couldn't afford it, but now I say I can't afford not to. It is a step of faith, but God WILL take care of His people.

You may have to make some sacrifices though. For instance, my wife and I can't eat out as much as we'd like to. We also don't save as much as we'd like.

Seek the counsel of God's word and a godly individual who can help you set up a budget. Also check out www.crown.org. If you are familiar with the Money Matters radio program-that's their web site. You can find tons of stuff about tithing.

2006-07-29 02:32:24 · answer #6 · answered by nickacarroll 2 · 0 0

God knows your heart, and He knows what your able to do as well. When we was in church we was so badly in debt that our checks barely got us by. We tithed anyway, and God made it to where each week we did not miss that money. If we only trusted Him he will provide our needs, but sometimes thats hard.

2006-07-29 02:23:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tithing is the spirit of giving. Give as much as you can with a joyful spirit and you will reap huge rewards.

I wouldn't say I can't pay tithes this month because I spent my money on lottery tickets. An example of a bad steward.

2006-07-29 02:23:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

keep going to church. pray about tithing. i think that God will bless you if you pray/ask about it, and you may find that tithing is not as much of a burden as you thought it was going to be. God wants you in church no matter what you give, but more importantly, he wants to have a relationship with you.

2006-07-29 02:22:46 · answer #9 · answered by forjj 5 · 0 0

you aren't supporting God as much as his work through your church. all of your earnings are his anyway. tithing is a faith thing. don't you think if you step out in faith that God is big enough to take care of you? He will supply all your needs, his grace is sufficient. it may mean some sacrifice on your part, like not eating out as much. but believe me it is worth it.

2006-07-29 02:23:40 · answer #10 · answered by one hot mamma 5 · 0 0

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