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I dont believe in god or allah or anything else and in my opinion its just one big cult. I dont understand how believing in something that doesnt exist makes your life better.

Im NOT saying religion is bad, im just saying that theres no point in it. And now ppl are fighting because of it, wouldnt be easier if it was just abolished?

2006-07-29 01:57:11 · 36 answers · asked by bananabex 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I would like to point out that i have been christened, i went to a school ran by nuns, i prayed everyday of my life whilst at school and i have also read the bible.

2006-07-29 06:08:05 · update #1

36 answers

I can summit up in just one word------- "NOTHING".

2006-07-29 02:22:27 · answer #1 · answered by akar 4 · 1 0

There is no point in RELIGION at all to me ... see some of my previous answers!!

Now TRUE Christianity on the other hand is totally different... As this is not a religion: but a relationship, and way of life!!!

And for something that does not 'Exist'...

It has irrefutably changed Millions of people’s lives for the better all over the world: which has to be a good thing... and must be something worth looking into!!!

But RELIGION... is something you could never abolish ... too many people rely on it, live by it… follow it: whether right, or wrong... good or bad ... believable or not: while every one needs 'Something' or 'Someone' to believe in… Religion will always be there to fill that void!!

You may not believe YET: in God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha or whatever... but then I know of no atheists when standing on the deck of a sinking ship!!

You have your right under God to have your own opinion & beliefs: that is called 'Free Will' to choose: and because HE LOVES YOU: He gave you that right to decide for yourself!!

For obvious reasons I cannot agree, or share the beliefs of other religions or cults: and would rather they believe as I do!! But don't mock or nock anything in today's society that makes peoples lives on the whole 'Better'!! Rather everyone believe in something and their lives be whole and complete... than them feel lost and alone in the world!!

Even if some of the mis-guided minority would start a fight over it!! The same can be said for many a football, rugby, soccer, team!!! MAN OR WOMAN!!

2006-07-29 02:47:58 · answer #2 · answered by englands.glory 4 · 0 0

I think religion began as a kind of science--to explain things. Why it rains, what are the stars, why the sun comes up, etc. God did it is the easiest answer. Then you have a priest class come up, whose specialty is explaining God and getting God to grant you special favors, and they become a vested financial interest. Then you have the need of a society, a government, to keep people in line--its not necessarily bad--you do not want people murdering each other in the streets and robbing each other--you can't run a society like that. It requires organization and beneficial behavior, all of which religion helps by conveniently preaching that all socially constructive behavior is good and all socially destructive behavior is sin. It is also true that humans are emotional creatures, the thinking part of the brain is a thin layer, most of the brain is primitive and reactive, not analytical. So talking emotionally to that part of the brain has a great advantage over talking analytically. This is why political ads so often tug at heart strings, appealing to emotions rather than intellect.

2006-07-29 02:06:48 · answer #3 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 0

You do not need religion to live a good life.

But religion has a role. Lots of people have emotional and mental problems - and if they crowd the mental hospitals, there are insufficient specialists to help them. The religions provide mental assistance - they guide the religious followers like sheep and cows. They program (brainwash) each follower (everytime) to make them listen to the Ayatolah or the Pope or Archbishop or some head of a religious cult. You can notice that religious people, whether Muslims, Christians, Hindus etc - have a mental state that refuses to listen to reason. So don't waste your time trying to change them. They want to believe this way the rest of their lives.

Until more people are sufficient mature to understand the irrationality of religion, countries will continue to need religions.

Wars are started because of serious differences, and in recent times religion has been a major contributor. But wars are also started by other reasons - economic, political, social and ideology.

Abolishing religions will not take away wars.

2006-07-29 02:10:57 · answer #4 · answered by r 3 · 1 0

Some people use religion as a guide by which to live their lives. Religion is supposed to teach you morality etc, if you live by its rules. It also gives people an amazing sense of belonging, which is why so many people turn to god/the church after bad things have happened to them.

Personally I do not believe that religion should be abolished. If that were to happen today, it would simply go underground as Catholicism did when Henry VIII reigned. However, I do believe that it should be illegal for people to preach in public places. People should find religion of their own free will rather than having it foisted upon them.

I also think that religious schools and religion in the workplace should be banned. Schools that teach a single religion aid the continued segregation that we witness in society. Religion should be left at home. Ultimately religion causes war by creating another difference between ethnic groups.

I am in no way religious but believe that if religious people want to be respected for their beliefs they must learn to respect the moral values and lifestyles of non-believers.

2006-07-29 02:44:49 · answer #5 · answered by Libby 3 · 0 0

Religion is completely personal - just between you and God. God talks to each person differently, but almost always at the edges of life. Religious attitudes and convictions are based on unique, poignant experiences. Grief from loss of a loved one, professional failure, the birth of kids, or miraculous gifts are some of the ways that God transacts with us. You will know that God is near when an experience is unexplainable, genuine, unexpected, and remarkably true. God loves what he has made and reaches out to us. Look for his work, and you will understand why religion is so important to so many people.

2006-07-29 04:11:43 · answer #6 · answered by clapham c 1 · 0 0

Even way back, wise people learned that it is impossible for reason to penetrate the majority of minds where animal hopes and fears rule supreme. So, religions have been invented with the best of intentions - to prevent stupid people from doing evil. There is most often quite a reward for joining: Eternal life, heaven, karma, and other such useful psychological devices. Reward and punishment, hope and fear. Those are the tools of animal training. If you are wise, you don't need religion, but the mob probably need it to keep them from destroying everything. That was the original plan - but of course religion cannot work when every Jim, Jack, and Joe has 'freedom' and 'democracy'.

2006-07-29 03:35:57 · answer #7 · answered by Jesper 1 · 0 0

Everyone need to believe on something either God (Allah) or science.... There is evidence everywhere of life start somewhere... Someone put us on the earth and we growth up to what we are today... That someone also give us knowledge and attitude to face the life, good or bad.

I believe on allah. But I do know lot of people who don't. I respect their choice. But The life had to start somewhere and at a certain time...

they fight because of their ignorance and not for religion... They misunderstand themself...No religion ever says to kill someone for it. But there is so many gentle way to make someone believe in God. They do wrong and will be punish, today, tomorrow or at the day of the judgement. But they will.

2006-07-29 02:05:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iff you mean that now fighting is going in all over the world this is disgusting propogenda honeslty again,st Muslim,s & Islam but this is the punishment for Muslim,s as well becouse they are not strong with there faith and not practicing Islam with understanding

beside,s let me ask you that you don,t beleive in GOD why ?

give some answer,s or ask your self

when you see any thing around you table chair computer tv carpet road,s building,s painting,s machine,s every meterial thing is the creation of someone who create,s then it is nonsense to say it has come into this shape was a co-incidence
this is all happen from BIG BANG theory but Islam believe in BIG BANG & QUraan have mentioned BIG BANG theory mention in its verse 1400 year,s ago is it possible to imagine someone that time had modern research on science ?

who created the sky,s and give it stability .....every star planet moon and sun moving who programed them all?

who programed the system of mother,s womb.....who feed the child inside the womb can you imgaine that ?

who have created thousend,s of species in the world and feeding them & most kind,s of living thing,s living in the comunity,s

why day and night changing slowly day into night and night into day ?ALLAH said we have created night,s for you to rest & day,s for you to work

these are few example,s but i have found the stabished science compare to Quraan is true and this time of modern science is the only way to identify the true religion that does,nt mean that Quraan is scientific book this is the true word of GOD

any kind of problem you have just reffer to Quraan for the solution believe me you will find the answer now what happened to Muslim,s they just read it but don,t trying to understand reading
it just as formality

The Glorios Quraan is the instruction manual for all human kind believe me read it once with understanding

2006-07-29 02:27:41 · answer #9 · answered by Deepest-Blue 2 · 0 0

Humans are religious. Even if you don't believe in God, I bet there are people or things or ideals or goals in your life that you hold to and cherish and try give your all to and yearn to stay true to. That's the expression of religious-ness in your life.

As I Christian, I definitely believe in God and I believe nothing should take His place in Life. Yet, though you may be an atheist, you have the same yearning to "worship" as I do. You've just allowed something else to have the place God would have. Think about it.

2006-07-29 02:14:26 · answer #10 · answered by antfaz 2 · 0 0

The point of religion is t have guidelines to live by. I believe in God and he has always been there for me and I look to him for help in times of trouble. He makes everything work out in my favor. That's why I love Him so much. If u believe or not.....u need help that comes from a higher place. He makes my life better because he is dependable...he's always there.

2006-07-29 02:12:02 · answer #11 · answered by netta07may 2 · 0 0

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