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Apples have nothing what so ever to do with what happened in the garden of Eden.

What Eve did was have intercourse with Satan.

Cain and Abel are fraternal twins, which means they came from two separate bags of water. They had separate conceptions. It is possible for fraternal twins to have different fathers, just like Cain and Abel did.

Look at Adam's genealogy you shall find that Cain is not mentioned. That's because Adam is not Cain's father, Satan is.

In Genesis 5 we have the generations of Adam all the way to Noah and his sons. Cain is not mentioned as a child of Adam.

2006-07-29 01:55:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Your interpretation is a very Gnostic one ... I like it .. Interestingly a surviving Gnostic creation mythos details the creation of Lilith ... Adam is supposed to be a higher and more celestial being in this myth- as it is prior to the partitioning of the sexes ... The "Lilith" is created as a higher celestial being also ... as his consort ... but she does not want this role ... instead she goes off to be with Ialdabaoth and the Archons ... archetypes of nature and undistinguished chaos .. In this myth, the angels are sent to her to plead that she return to Adam ... She refuses preferring her chosen place with the dragon-hydra like Ialdabaoth .. Fascinating iconography in this myth when compared with "Babylon" ...
Anyways .. when God relents on this project .. the partitioning out of Eve is decided upon ... which is naturally a lowering from a prior celestial state for both of them ...
Interesting researches you have done there on the "begats" ... lol ...I find it both fascinating and viable ...
In the first three centuries after the advent .. such creations were allowed ... rather "creative interpretations" .. Doesn't a scripture actually live and breathe when it is allowed to change perceptions and readjust it's position to culture ?... The Gnostics (most of which were "Christians"- though there were Manicheans, and Mazdeans also) seemed to think so ... Many of them paid for this disposition though with their lives, once the canonization process came into being, and the city clergies and bishops began expanding their powers to war, and declare "anathemas" ...

As Tommy G, I am inclined to place more layers in the "Tree of Knowledge" as well ... but that is not necessarily in contrast to your proposal ...

I should mention astrosophy and the Greek Ophite traditions ... Consider Gemini and Virgo ... signs at both the summer solstice, and the vernal equinox ... Each is ruled by the planet Mercury ... besides Hermes ... Mercury was also represented by a snake and cadeucis( the sign of Harpocrates) ... Trust me- this iconography has much to do with the Adam and Eve tale also ... The partitioning of Adams rib to the twins ...It underlies Eleusian mysteries also ..That involve Demeter, her daughter Persephone .. and Pluto Vulcan ... and her Resurrection in Spring as Kore ...

In fact the male/ female snake creation tale ... has emerged in independent cultures around the world ... even Montana Amerindians ... and South America .. and Africa ...

2006-07-29 02:16:34 · answer #1 · answered by gmonkai 4 · 1 1

Interesting theory no matter how far from right it is. So, based on this, since Adam also fell when Eve did, are we to assume that he and Satan were the first homosexuals? Genesis 5 is tracing Adam's line through Seth to Noah. In Genesis 5:4 it says "After the birth of Seth,* Adam lived another 800 years, and he had other sons and daughters." You will note that their lines are not given in this chapter either.

2006-07-29 09:20:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whoa put the Bible down and think for a minute! Even if this were true all died during the flood except Noah and his sons which had a direct path to Adam! So everyone that is alive today can truly say I am from Adam! Not Satan!

2006-07-29 18:32:39 · answer #3 · answered by Retarded Dave 5 · 0 0

That's interesting. I've often wondered if the "forbidden fruit" was strictly allegory. I'm not sure.

But the genealogy thing can be explained. It follows neither Cain, nor Abel. It follows Seth, the third boy. The term "Semite or anti-Semite comes from his name. Seth is the descendant from which Abraham came, then the Bible continues on with the Issac side on down to Jesus. If I'm not mistaken, that's where the Koran (sp?) takes a different turn.....I'll shut up now, sorry.

2006-07-29 09:08:25 · answer #4 · answered by nancy jo 5 · 0 0

No. Adam was Cain's Father.
If you read Genesis, you will read where God tells Cain sin is crouching at his door. Gen 4:6
Why would God tell Cain that if satan was his Father.

And you are right, apples have nothing to do with the fall of man. It was a fruit- we are not told of the particular genus.
We also do not know the names of her other children- were they too conceived with satan?
Sorry I have heard this argument before and it makes no sense at all to me to put words in the Bible especially when it does not lead down that path.

2006-07-29 09:06:15 · answer #5 · answered by IN Atlanta 4 · 0 0

Cain was NOT the son of Satan. Our mother Eve did not fornicate. Satan has no power to fornicate with any human female. A mad one may imagine that she did. Your knowledge may have been based only on a single source which you believe to be un-altered word,correctly translated into Greek or Hebrew from Aramaic--- the language spoken by mylord Jesus the Christ who is a very highly exalted Prophet according to other sources. He spoke with the Will of God the Father... in the language understood by his audience, which was neither English nor Greek etc. We have translations with us. The Biblical scholars continue to research the texts and do make occasional revisions in the texts of English Gospels. Until then, pl. use kind, respectful words about our mother Eve. She is the blessed lady in Heavens.

2006-07-29 09:19:22 · answer #6 · answered by hasanmuizudin 4 · 0 1

OH NO...Here we go again.
So Eve was a naughty girl according to you?
Seeing that Cain is not mentioned in Adams genealogy i suppose we will have to somehow look into Satan's genealogy -

PS just curious, where in the bible is it mentioned that Eve had sex with Satan?

2006-07-29 09:09:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is a metafore for judgment.

It has nothing to do with sex, unless of course you judge sex as something distastfull.

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of God plan for us. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology.

Love and blessings

2006-07-30 12:57:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Satan is not his real name.
It's Saturn. As in...
Saturnday in the park... I think it was the 4th of July.
The Band 'No Doubt' dedicated a album to him.
"the Return of Saturn".
He was a King who threw a party and put on lamb wool chaps and danced around with a Bull's skull on his head.
(he didn't have a lamp shade)
He is due to be 'born again', if he hasn't already.
Many people think he has been born again several times.
Helping to create the World as it is today.
Who is he today?

2006-07-29 09:05:57 · answer #9 · answered by thomas n 2 · 0 0

Hey, it's a myth, for Pete's sake. Most religion is about making people who cannot be reached by reason refrain from doing evil - by believing in the myth. Has the Enlightenment become so unpopular that it happened in vain?

2006-07-29 09:04:45 · answer #10 · answered by Jesper 1 · 0 0

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