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17 answers

I would think the computer has contributed more than anything else they've come up with. It has allowed huge strides in studies, health, exploration, and pretty much everything you can think of. Without the aid of computers, we'd never have the Hubble images, been able to see ancient documants and scrolls aged to illegibility, looked at things too small for normal optics, created vaccines and treatments , performed surgeries through a tiny hole or see into the human body with such detail, flown the shuttle, seen Mars close up, and the list goes on forever. Science would have to be my choice, but religion has merit too. Without laws based on religion, civilization falls back to survival of the fittest and who has the bigger gun.

2006-07-29 01:59:02 · answer #1 · answered by fishing66833 6 · 1 1

Has a war ever been started for Science? No.
Has Science saved millions of lives? Yes!

Have billions died for Religion?

Is there proof of God? No..

I stand down...

If there was a God she would be pretted p***ed off right now.

Answer for Miz Boons: I subscribe to the bin bang theory. According to it, at the beginning of it all there was a singularity, some call it a primal atom, which exploded.

However there are discrepancies in this theory as well. For example our Earth; and the billion or so coincidences which make it possible for us to be here, conscious and aware.

Science has shown us more and answered more questions than religion and has proven more than any church ever has. If you ever studied quantum mechanics, for example, you might begin to lean toward the scientific views. I have never seen or heard of actual proof of God. I am not saying there is not a God, I believe that if there is, and I am sure there is other intelligent multi-dimensional life in the universe, if there is a God then it is, or she is, something that no human could fathom or even comprehend and were we to witness God we would surely perish from the realization of our own insignificance.

If you have faith in something that is a good thing, as long as you practice justice and kindness towards others. In such a way we as humans can ensure our continued existence.

I stopped believing after an accident I had when my heart stopped twelve times. I was dead for a while and all I remember was that there was nothing, no tunnel, no light, no pain, no sound, temperature or anything else. Just nothing.

Good luck you all. I hope we can all learn to get along no matter what we believe.

For what it's worth I am an Agnostic if you want to label me.

2006-07-29 01:53:06 · answer #2 · answered by JAR2 2 · 0 0

Depends entirely on your definition of "humanity"
If by humanity you mean "who we are as humans" well, hands down it's gonna be religion, I mean how many people have dedicated their lives or even been martyred for their faith!

However, if by "humanity" you mean" "the progress of humanity" I would have to say religion again (because religion is just so influential even in the sciences) but it could be argued that science has done more.

This Question will no doubt be viewed in light of your religious beliefs (showing again how influential religion is) if you are a Christian, Muslim, etc... you will surely agree that religion is much more influential, however if an atheist looked at this question they might possibly disagree, saying science has raised us up and religion has held us back. But in passing judgment you would only be proving that for good or evil, religion has been the major influence in our "humanity."

2006-07-29 02:03:50 · answer #3 · answered by J 3 · 0 0

Humanity is good - helping your fellow man is always a good and needing thing in times of need

Science is good - bettering our lives in many ways , although science, which should always be open to "theorys" is quite closed minded i.e. evolution THEORY vrs Creation. Science doesn't want to hear ....." we may be wrong" so they don't allow other teachings

Religion in my opinion is the biggest contributor because religion is the basis for all moral conduct. Without religion as a basis we would live in lawlessness.
I know there are many who think religion is for the weakminded, but they are the very ones who should be thankful that religion exists because it brings at least SOME sense of peace to life.....including theirs.

2006-07-29 02:22:23 · answer #4 · answered by kenny p 7 · 0 0

While many will say nobody's life has been saved by religion I bet many will differ. One could argue some "born-again" Christians' lives have been saved by religion, in a spiritual sense of course. Science HAS in fact, and in body, saved millions of other people...however compare THAT with the millions science has killed due to the development of weapons used for war, gang-violence, and of course those "mercy killings", Hitler's Holocaust, etc.

I'd say that both religion and science (please know that I am a non-believer, and a religious person) have the ability to save people. It is our inability to use both for good and our inability to choose appropriately has led them to be used for evil and to cancel each other out as having contributed to humanity.

Religion (most) teach love for humans yet humans do not love each other, this is obvious. No one is following what is being taught, or if they are, they are very few. Science has furthered our knowledge in helping others and taught us that we all come from the same place, we are all the same. However, science has also furthered our knowledge about killing each other. Much the same as with religion, our knowledge about saving through medicine has not led to a world-wide distribution of medicine, food, or water. In many countries people die of starvation, and poverty.

In my mind, they're both equal. They have potential to save people, but it is people that misuse and misinterpret them both.

2006-07-29 02:06:44 · answer #5 · answered by bitto luv 4 · 0 0

technological understanding is a faith to no longer be puzzled in the 300 and sixty 5 days 2015. There are extensive contradictions of the "theory" of evolution. the place are the fish with ft? What explains skeletons with elongated skulls? What explains the skeletal maintains to be of 10 ft human giants? If apes have a brilliant style of hair to guard them from the climate then why would not present day guy? Have human beings developed previous murdering different human beings? AND scientists could be offered to reach at predetermined effects. The scientists can lose can supply and investment in the event that they communicate up against something that's no longer extensively regular.

2016-12-14 15:57:07 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hmmm... I'm sitting at a computer communicating with you. I have a bit of a toothache because of a crown that I had put on last year but I've got some aspirin with me to take. It's really hot today but I feel okay because this place has air conditioning. Which is powered by electricity. The building I'm in is well-constructed and seems safe to me.

After this, I'm going to travel by bus and ferry to my job. I've used the internet to prepare for my job and they'll deposit money for my work into my bank account. I'll use that money to keep myself alive.

Religion, on the other hand, has served to tell me things I would have known anyway and cause wars around the planet.

I'm not sure...

2006-07-29 01:57:54 · answer #7 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

Science. Religion has done more to retard humanity than help it - Intelligence, education and science are the bane of religion, because religion preys on the weak, the gullible, the ignorant and uneducated. They need a status quo of stupidity and ignorance to maintain their fraud. If you get too many people looking past the curtain of ignorance, the sham of religion falls apart.

2006-07-29 02:12:59 · answer #8 · answered by ceprn 6 · 0 0

I stand up;
Religion: A fun campfire story that makes me go sleepy.
Science: The Atomic Bomb,Germ Warfare,Laser Guided Heat Seaking Fire and Forget Luminscent Condoms. A Clone of George Bush...its a freakin nightmare!

2006-07-29 02:06:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Science has added to the quality of life in ways to numerous to list. The life expectancy has been multiplied by at-least a factor of three. Infant mortality rates have been lowered to the point over the last 100yrs., that people no longer anticipate burying there children.
Tammi Dee

2006-07-29 02:05:18 · answer #10 · answered by tammidee10 6 · 0 0

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