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Criminal trespassers use forged or stolen I.D's to gain employment once they have snuck into this great land, That is unlawful. Certain groups of people support this activity with skewed reasoning. That has been proven to be unlawful.
And it seems that these criminals have even resorted to stealing, & forging I.D.'s here in this forum. Is this unlawful also? What can be done about this lack of morals & respect?
These people & the supporters have no common decency about them.
Do we really want people such as this living & working alongside us?
Are they are common criminals who have no redeeming qualities? Your thoughts please.

2006-07-29 01:40:47 · 22 answers · asked by Renegade. 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

Angel, why do you belive that The question is of a prejudice, or racial nature?, I mentioned no nationalities. Straighten up!

2006-07-29 03:33:55 · update #1

Angel, why do you belive that The question is of a prejudice, or racial nature?, I mentioned no nationalities. Straighten up!

2006-07-29 03:34:01 · update #2

Mocosa cabazona, please re-read the question.
Do not put your words in my mouth, the taste is too bitter.

2006-07-29 06:25:40 · update #3

Analysisisthisss, I call em as I see em. you make broad statements which carry tiny bits of possible fact.
Show me proof of the things you believe to be truth. I have done things in my own defense in the past. I do not need or want any pity from any quarter. Analyze that.

2006-07-29 07:17:14 · update #4

Analisthisss, I am glad to know that you are paying attention. Am I getting to you yet, still, some more? If you do not want your children to see pornographic images, I suggest you supervise them more closely.

2006-07-29 11:52:03 · update #5

OOPS! pardon me please for misspelling your name, it is Analyisisthisss. My bad.

2006-07-29 11:54:40 · update #6

To all the accusers, many theories, but where is your proof?
I have done things in the past inj my own defense. You try to spin things to make it seem like I just jumped out of a box and went after these "innocent" people. Yeah, I am a bad guy when I am attacked repeatedly, You were saying?

2006-07-30 02:59:40 · update #7

22 answers

It is certainly no easy task to enforce our immigration laws which such a huge open border and I salute the men and women on the front lines who protect this country from illegal immigration. It is also not acceptable for a person's first act upon entering our country to live here to be a violation of our laws.

Having said that, this will continue until our politicians grow spines and develop the will to protect our country from this threat. It will also never stop completely as long the United States of America is the best country in the world in which to live and prosper. May God bless and keep you.

2006-07-29 01:45:54 · answer #1 · answered by blowry007 3 · 3 0

Who ever quote the stars and stripes should know the history behind the song.
An American wrote it for a purpose and it is a song about a soldier. And what he was looking for at the dawns early light.
The expression-land of the free-was for his rights-not the worlds--go look it up. Home of the brave--the citizens here who fight to keep this country a great nation. You are quoting it WRONG. Misunderstanding its history. I guess you need to learn a little history.
Often people pick out parts-they do this with the bible too--yet if they understood the whole book-or in this case a song they would know the meaning. Any one can pick parts out of something-but than they would not be true-perhaps deceivers than -some people don't want to hear the truth.

To the question
I don't think it is unlawful on yahoo-but it is probably rude and ignorant. And perhaps a bit immoral. Not good qualities at all. Not really someone you would want living besides you.

well look who followed me--not much of a surprise.

Go ask the group with a B what you should say now A. And when did Pod become a dirty word--I don't see you calling those dirty word callers out.

2006-07-29 13:29:44 · answer #2 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 0 0

How do you know for an absolute fact that stealing and forging I.D.s is happening on "Ask the World?" If you know of such a case, have you reported it to Yahoo?

As for criminals entering the United States of America please read a little about the history of this country. Many of the people who built this country were considered criminals in the countries of their origin. If you disagreed with the religion in a given country, you were considered a heretic with the punishment being death. If you were too poor to pay your bills you were considered a criminal and sent to prison. If you disagreed with the government openly or even were suspected of doing so, you were considered a criminal. Many of those people were either sent here as punishment, as indentured servants, or simply escaped from their country of origin.

How can you find fault with someone that wants to make a better life for themselves? True, it would be better if things were done above board, but sometimes that just isn't possible. Does that mean I advocate identity theft? No. I can understand however, why someone would do it if they had no choice.

2006-07-29 09:00:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
By the twilights last gleaming
Who's broud stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
Or the ramparts we watched
Weren't so gallantly streaming
And the rockets red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof to the night
That our flag was still there
Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave
And the home of the Brave.

So, my point is that this is America, land of the free, so I figure that anyone can come here. America needs these people to do jobs they don't want to do, and leave us to the high paying jobs. America will never realize this until they push all the illegals out the country..
Just my thoughts

2006-07-29 08:48:45 · answer #4 · answered by ChaiTea 5 · 0 0

Keep in mind that the forged documents are provided by American agencies themselves. I have been a victim of identity theft and illegal immigrants had nothing to do with it.

As for the stolen "id's" on this forum, Renegade, you are too funny. You are soooooo part of that cloning group and your partner is probably Sqwirl Hater or yourself. As we read, your partner holds 2 identities and she told us here that Panocha4ever is yourselves. Mexican Cat is more like a pussycat about his heritage; and I can call him that because he refers to a post in an obscene manner.

It will stop when everyone takes responsibility and begins to treat eachother with respect, asking and answering questions having to do with immigration. This has become a meeting place chat room for closet racists. I have read your new blog, and you actually sound like a decent guy, so why all the games here. When the harrassment and disrespect ends, maybe you can have your wish. Have a great day.

2006-07-29 19:04:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is only going to get worse if we do not ship the illegals back. Yes they are forged or stolen I.D's.

Did you hear on the news about that A-rab who downloaded Brad Pitt's picture off the internet and tried to use it as his own. He clearly did not look like him. He was a towlhead, Duh that's Brad Pitt.

We need to send them packing. If we do not it is going to be the down fall of our country. Those illegals coming over the border have like six or seven kids to a family. They are ruining our country and do not belong her.

I watched 30 days on FX last wednesday and it really made me hate the illegals.

THEY NEED TO GO HOME. I am sorry that Mexico sucks, but hey I was not born a princess. That's what happens, you are born who you are and where you are. They need to stop trying to steal what belongs and is deserved to us.

The only job that I agree with them having is picking tomatoes or cabbage in the field. But even when they do that they are lazy. I live in a town where the illegals come every year to pick the tomatoes. They are vulgor, rude, and say sh*t to the young girls in my small town. I finally got sick of it and started to tell them to "quit looking at me." I would say it to a whole bunch of them sitting in the bed of a truck. Like 10 or 15 at a time.

Also, not a week goes by that the fire wistle goes off and it is just one of those mexicans stabbing another mexican on their mexican farms.


Oh, and one more thing. They are willing to work for hardly any money and that those people are lowering our minimun wage, which is already so freaking low it's not funny.

2006-07-29 09:18:12 · answer #6 · answered by sarah 4 · 0 0

I see the slanders here-I hope others do too. I have been following posts. Why don't you knock it off kids? You should talk about name calling Analysisthiss this-how about we just call you Anal for short. And look who agrees with you. No surprises here. I read the posts. I can not believe your rudeness-what is your problem? Your making jerks out of yourselves. No common decency is right!

2006-07-29 15:53:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah it's going to get worse much worse I think. I mean look at all the freebies they get handed to them,they have it better then the real Americans that actually work for a living. I had my purse stolen and my license,SS card,everything it took me almost a year to get all that back but they can come in and D.M.V. gives them out like candy !! Makes no sense to me !

2006-07-29 08:55:55 · answer #8 · answered by midnightsmokerchic23 4 · 0 0

ID theft sux! I can not believe that ppl want this crap around. Morals and respect? Not in the vocabulary of a illegal immigrants. They don't respect our country, so they do not deserve respect. I hope my Sheriff arrest more and then maybe will festering in 118 degree weather the will realized they should have been respectful!!!

2006-07-29 19:52:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Woe is me, that's your message, right? While you mention the reality of identity theft in the country, which by the way, is being done by regular citizens, not only the illegals, I have to ask myself what world do you live in? Your avatar is so reflective, yet your real reason for this post was to complain about the people who impersonate you.

As always, you label such people "criminals" in this category. What I don't understand, is why you feel you have a leg to stand on regarding this subject.

"What can be done about this lack of morals and respect," you ask? Do we really want people such as these living and working alongside us, with no redeeming qualities?" You have a lot of nerve, to ask as if you and your partner are exempt. JD impersonates Kubrickian to condescend against the Mexicans, you post x-rated pornography againt Stompamudholenu just because hadenough decided it was him. Not to mention the trash you use against the user Pancha with your Panocha4ever ID that has both you and your Princess behind it.

You and your Princess make unfounded accusations against users here, is it any wonder you have become the butt of imposters. I have yet to see a post from Stompamudholenu that indicates any impostering against your insecure wife/girlfriend, whatever she represents for you. This forum has been hijacked by both sides, so don't play innocent, please.

Hadenough should change her name to "Nipper" because she delights in causing trouble calling people PODS. So what did you expect, sympathy from this forum? No one is more abusive and rude than you. If you mean what you say here, remove all the garbage you have posted yourself. You simply are not credible.

I hate what happened to Searlborder but I respect her for trying to fix the damage that came from her side. I will welcome her questions because she sticks to the subject, but not yours nor your partner's, who post nothing but insults to this forum.

And those are my thoughts. Govern yourself accordingly.

Edit: I can't show you proof, because the pornography against Stompamudholenu, Pancha, and Sqwirlsgirl was removed from your 360 page, at my abuse report to Yahoo. But, it was there for the world to see. I have children in my home, and they don't need to see your trash or anyone's else's. More proof? As for your Princess, she has a question, bigger than day, calling Stompamudholenu a criminal, and you have a question accusing him of impersonating your wife; so why the denial? By your wife's admission, you and her are Panocha4ever. You and your wife use Panocha (vulgar for c*nt), and you ask for respect?!! No way. Your version of respect differs from mine. You need to control your partner girlfriend, not this forum, which has never been about immigration debate. You weren't suspended for being this introspective guy you wish to demonstrate this day.

2006-07-29 14:03:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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