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14 answers

I believe that not only is it very real, but it will kill most life on this planet in the next century. We cannot scrap all our air, water, and soil pollution regulations in the pursuit of higher profit margins, but we've done just that. (Actually we didn't do it. A few of our more "forward-thinking" politicos and industry leaders did it for us.)

This legislature was necessary for the last thirty-five years or so since its implimentation. We've added another hundred-million people to the US population alone since then, so it's now more essential than ever. The US is the only "civilized" country in the world who refuses to sign the Kyoto Treaty, which protects the world's environment. And now our country has helped to enable a billion Chinese to drive cars, too, four times as many as our own country. Until now, we were the world's largest polluter by far.

Goodnight, Irene.

How to prevent it? The genius of our current government. We had too many wildfires out west, so their solution was to strip and sell off timberland and National Forests. Global warming is caused by way too many people polluting much too heavily, so what do you think the solution is there?

You can't sell off people, but you can do what? That's right, kiddies, you kill them off, and that's our lesson for today. Just let them war and pollute themselves into nonexistence.the way nature always intended.

Maybe, in a million years or so, a more socially-responsible lifeform will replace us pea-brained carnivores that willingly allowed ourselves to be killed off in the name of Corporate Greed. If we're this stupid, it's certainly no big loss.

Lemmings with Platinum Cards, that's us.

2006-07-29 02:59:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bogus theory based on faulty and outright erroneous data. The proponents of Global Warming have said before they will lieand distort the facts and hide any caveats or doubts they have about it to promote it even if they are wrong, just to promote their political agendas. Nothing man has done or can do can prevent the Earth from warming because if it ishappening ( no real proof yet) it is caused by the SUN and I don't think we can turn the thermostat down on the sun. Oh and don't let a week of warm temps fool you the record temps of the past week are taken in cities that are considered ,even by the Global Warming theorists, to be temperatur sinks that collect heat due to asphalt and concreet absorbtion and are not accurate measure of global tempepratures. Ans the instruments used today are more sensitive than even 20 to 30yrs ago. Also remember that most of the records broken have been from the 1949 heatwave.

2006-07-29 01:16:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it is a complete hoax. Whether or not the Earth's temperatures are changing to one side or another is pointless to even worry about.

When I was a kid the lib's all said we were suffering from gloabl cooling, now 20+ years later its global warming.

The Earth's climate changes, the effect that mankind has on it is so small it is not worth adding into the discussion. We have had and will have ice ages, we have had and will have times of very warm temps.

Seriously though, there is nothing we can do about it either way, we are not causing it, and we can't stop it. The climate will do what the climate wants to do. You really have to stop and think why some are trying to make this a political issue. What is the point? There is an answer to this, and I know what it is, can you figure it out?

2006-07-29 01:11:09 · answer #3 · answered by tm_tech32 4 · 0 0

It is not a hoax. It is real. In 1957, scientist knew there were dangerous amounts of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere left over from our world's industrialization and vehicle emmisions.

Scientists have been issuing reports to the government, but they were re-written in some parts by officials, who previously worked for the oil industry.

It is very real and the extinction of all life is at stake. The Arctics are the earth's cooling system, and they are melting at alarming rates. The Rain Forests are the earth's lungs, and they are dieing...not just from being cut down, but also from lack of rain at this point.

People seem to be asleep...groggy.

Americans can:
Start doing dishes by hand...stop using dishwshers.
Drive only when necessary...take the bus, walk, bike.
Turn off all applicances when not in use.
Buy produce and products that are grown and made in their area.
Hang out their clothes on an outside line to reduce using clothes dryers.
Change their light bulbs to energy efficient ones.

These are a few changes the average person can make. If you own a home, set up solar panels or use wind machines.

This problem will not go away unless we all dig deep and make real changes.

Write to your elected officials and let them know you are serious about this and want to see changes made in the type of fuel we use.

Get involved: Join the Sierra Club, give contributions and talk to other citizens about making changes.

2006-07-29 03:32:14 · answer #4 · answered by Baby Bloo 4 · 0 0

global warming is one step before end of the world. when the earth is really heated with this global warming, glaciers from the poles will melt, thus, this huge water can submerge islands, an dmany people will die.

1.Stopping the pollution is the main solution.
2.encourage people to use non-engine machines.. (like bikes.. etc)
3.Use earth friendly products.
4.avoid CFC's.
5.plant more trees.
6. stop deforestation
7. Reforestate.
8. stop smoking (even pot)
9. ban companies that involves on to something that can destroy the earth.
10. Pray.

2006-07-29 01:13:13 · answer #5 · answered by ♠šCep†ΩЯque♠ 3 · 0 0

Afforestation efforts now being started should be taken to its logical conculsion of bringing down the temperature in an area. Feed back should be used for further improvement for that area.
Industrial exhausts will have to be cooled or water sprayed and brought back and a safer disposal method should be found out.
Automobiles on road had to strictly comply to the norms so that air pollution does not take place.
Hands off the Antartic.
These may help bring down the effect of global warming. If it persists, the no. of plant and animal life will be brought down further and environmental balance will be affected leading to natural calamities.

2006-07-29 01:12:46 · answer #6 · answered by sarayu 7 · 0 0

Global warming will only get worse if population continues to rise. We must, through attrition, lower the population to around two billion and come into balance with the ecology of the planet. If we don't, we are no better than a virus that attacks a host and multiplies until the host dies. No matter what you believe, no matter what you have been taught or programed to believe, you have to realize that we are no different than the lowest form of pathogen and we must adapt (mutate) to become a benign presence on this planet.

2006-07-29 02:21:35 · answer #7 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

Republicans say it's not real science just contrived. Americans need to wake up. They can not drive SUVs and be free of the price to be paid. A true Godly person would not do such a thing.
Republicans also hate mass transit in the USA. Republicans own stock in the oil companies and they prefer short term gain over long term pain for all Americans. One reason for this is that they are in fact Godless, they could care less about your grandchildren choking to death on bad air.
BTW, many liars will tell you it's not a problem. That's because to them stock return is more important. Average temps are taken at sea not on land.

2006-07-29 01:31:43 · answer #8 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 0 0

Global warming is part of natural climate change. We couldn't have a significant impact to cause of prevent it if everyone on the planet did nothing else.

2006-07-29 07:34:12 · answer #9 · answered by STEVEN F 7 · 0 0

I think that Global Warming is a natural occurance. However I think that man is contributing to it. I think we are speeding things up and maybe making it worse and there are only two answers and one is to let it happen and have it run its course or do something about it by limiting the burning of fossal fuels and other things that contribute.

2006-07-29 01:49:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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