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33 answers

they're good to treat symptoms but it's up to you to help yourself. do something you like. drink lots of water to help your immune system. eat veggies or fruits. treat yourself to some chocolate. talk to someone. if you want to contact me dogmicjoe@yahoo.com. i take meds and know the feeling. just love you. you are special cuz you have God. one day you'll get off this and your life will get better. just hold on. try depression-helper.com, conqueringstress.com, mentalhealth.com, nolongerlonely.com, more-selfesteem.com, zacharyodette.com, bipolarhappens.com. God will help you.

2006-07-29 12:52:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

People often think that anti depressants are bad for you- but if you were to ask the same question about another type of medicine for example, that was used to treat a physical ailment people would give you completely different answers. It is just because of what it treats- a mental dysfunction- that people have such major problems with it. If you have just started taking anti depressants, they may might make you feel worse to begin with, but then once your body gets use to them after a few day, you should begin to feel a lot better. However if your symptoms persist, then I would advise that you go see your Dr again, because they might not be the right ones for you. There are many of them out there- so don't give up if one doesn't seem to be working for you. Hang in there hun- hope this helps =)

2006-07-29 02:11:23 · answer #2 · answered by Crissy 2 · 0 0

Anti depressents were the worst thing that happend to me in my life. I didn't take them cuz i was depressed but for fun with alcohol it gives the drunkeness a new twist and feeling. The thing is they are addictive and they leave you feeling like a zombie, if you stop taking them you can become uncontrollably depressed. Maybe it's from the effect of going from no feelings to when the effects wear off you suddenly have a surge of feelings or emotions that you can't handle. And remember, they don't cure you from being depressed, only from feeling depressed. When the effects wear off you become a wreak and have to take even more. Believe me, Two people I know took anti-depressants as part of a weight loss medicine. They are both in the mental hospital. I'm not joking. get help or counselling if you feel depressed or get a new hobby or do something to get your mind off whatever you're depressed about but anti-depressants are not gonna help you. I speak from experience.

2006-07-29 01:03:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If they make you feel worse, stop taking them. Or at least tell your GP.

Some medications, like seroxat, are known to exacerbate depressive thoughts in some people and people have been known to become suicidal from taking anti depressants.

On the other hand, many anti depressants take up to 3 weeks to kick in, and you might not feel better for a while.

There are lots of other ways to deal with depression apart from medication. Ask your doctor to refer you to a cognitive behavioural therapist or to a counsellor. Insist that they do this - it's your right to have your depression properly treated.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do. It's a devastating illness, but it is possible to get over it - without drugs!

2006-07-29 01:00:38 · answer #4 · answered by trixie firecracker 2 · 0 0

Anti-depressants CAN work. There is no guarantee. Using medications for depression is only one small piece of the overall puzzle. To beat your depression, you must do other things in addition to taking meds.

Therapy, exercise, eating right, getting the right amount of sleep, having a strong support network, paying attention to your spiritual life, and practicing thought-stoppage and thought redirection are all pieces of the puzzle as well. If you aren't working on these things, the meds will be useless.

In addition, do you use drugs or alcohol? If you do, even moderately or a tiny bit, they will prevent the medications form working. You must avoid ALL mind altering substances, or else you're wasting your time with medications.

Love, Jack

2006-07-29 02:01:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If they prevent you from committing suicide, then they're good.
People have all kinds of reactions to medications. Some of them go away after a couple of weeks, others just get worse. Your health can effect how your body reacts to medications, and interactions with other medications complicate the picture even more. However, there are a fairly large number of anti-depressants to pick from. You may have to just keep trying them until one works and that has side effects you can live with.

2006-07-29 01:01:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Antidepressants have saved my life & many other friends of mine. I also have friends & relatives who have committed suicide because of the lack of the rifght meds. Antidepressants take 4-6 weeks to work & for you to stop feeling "funny" That's why you have to be proactive & read medical journals & speak to others W the same conditions as you, (go to support groups) that;'s where everyone says, oh you feel like that? I feel like thwet too, then you talk to 10-20 other people so you don't feel sooo alone, then you discuss the different meds. Everyone is different so everyone has to be on a different cocktail of meds, because you're talking about the brain here, the only part of the human body that experts don't know everything about.Yes antidepressants might make you feel worse so do your homework & discuss it w/ your Dr. & if you don't like your Dr. ask for a 2nd opinion or change Drs.Just accept you have a disease ( like cancer) then do what you gotta do to feel better. There are 100's of meds. Talk therapy is good to. Psychologist of MSW. Hope you feel better, I do. Good luck!

2006-07-29 01:33:06 · answer #7 · answered by Maui No Ka Oi 5 · 0 0

Bear in mind they can take up to 4 months to start to work and not all anti depressants will help everyone it's a case of finding the one that will be right for you.

They can be a great help in the short term & have helped many people to get through some bad times

2006-07-29 00:59:22 · answer #8 · answered by madamspud169 5 · 0 0

In many cases anti-depressants are a valid and necessary component of mental health treatment. It is important that they are part of a program that also includes therapy and that they are taken under the supervision of a psychiatrist who prescribes and monitors their effect. It is not unusual to have dosages or the medications themselves changed to find a situation to your best benefit.
Maybe, this sounds like a big hassle, but the alternative(s) could be dreadfully worse. Best of luck to you. There ALWAYS is a solution.

2006-07-29 01:03:41 · answer #9 · answered by ElOsoBravo 6 · 0 0

How long have you been taking them? Often, people will experience some side affects that should go a way after a few weeks. The best thing to do though would be to call your doctor today and let him/her know what is going on. Their are many different kids of antidepressants and your doctor should be able to try you on a different medication. Quite often it takes several tries before one can find the medication that works for them.

2006-07-29 00:58:02 · answer #10 · answered by Josie 5 · 0 0

I was in Anti depressants for a while, but decided to go cold turkey, because I didn't really see how it was going to help me in the long run.

They are good as a blindness for your emotional pain, however when you stop taking them, damn it's really really hard!
When I stopped taking them, I would just cry and cry. However now that I have stopped taking them, I am much better for it.

If you really feel you need them, try asking your doctor to prescribe you another kind. Initially though, they will take upto one month for you to notice significant difference.

Be aware though, that it is just like a security blanket, it's not going to help you permanently, and if you do stop taking them, you might notice your emotions have changed a lot.

2006-07-29 01:08:03 · answer #11 · answered by kara_nari 4 · 0 0

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