You have the first two steps down. Make sure you never miss a payment for the visa card or incure any charges from the bank such as overdraft and so on. You need to establish your residence and job which both contribute to your credit rating. Starting out the first two years your score will be low. Apply for a merchant card from a reputable store easy to get and use extremely wisely. American credit is like a game, charge, pay it off, charge. pay it off. Just having a credit card account will not be enough. Residence, job and smart spending.
Good Luck
2006-07-28 05:08:03
answer #1
answered by danielle_vyas 2
Buy several things every month with your Visa, but only what you have the money to pay for. Save the money until the bill comes in, then pay it off. Do that every month and you will build OK credit. Really good credit comes from doing that for years, and paying your house loan and car loan always on time.
2006-07-28 05:05:29
answer #2
answered by jboatright57 5
The best way for you to build up credit is to pay all purchases in full with your credit and don't over draw on your bank account. If you can keep a steady amount of funds in there and not owe a lot of money, that will help you build up your credit to a nice number.
2006-07-28 05:04:27
answer #3
answered by penpallermel 6
in order to build a good credit score, you need to start paying with a credit card...and when your bill comes, pay it all and pay on time.
its a relatively easy system but people seem to have alot of trouble with it.
basically, dont use your credit card for anything you CANT afford to pay within a month...cause not paying or paying late will lower your credit score.
2006-07-28 05:07:30
answer #4
answered by Lola P 6
well you should get a credit card when you first get it buy something that is affordable then when you get the bill pay it off in full do that a few times its also good pay a little extra on the card it shows that you are responsible person good luck
2006-07-28 05:05:46
answer #5
answered by mario c 3
first and foremost, pay your bills on time! If you obtain revolving accounts (credit cards) do not run the balance up to the limit. Do not try to get too much credit too soon.
Good luck and welcome to the USA!
2006-07-28 05:05:11
answer #6
answered by Adios 5
that is simple pay your bills on time
don't go over the limit they give you unless you call to get an advancement
don't send a check that is going to bounce
thank you
2006-07-28 05:42:00
answer #7
answered by cooks delight 6
Here. Go to this website, and follow Bob's links. You'll have all the answers you need:
2006-07-28 05:05:00
answer #8
answered by ♥Saffire♥ 4
just pay all of your bills on time. pay your visa bill when you get it. dont put stuff on credit that you cant afford. and you will be fine! welcome to america
2006-07-28 05:05:00
answer #9
answered by bigbob33 3
pay your bills on time. And also, make full payment on each bills.
2006-07-28 05:04:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous