Definately they are what have made my life what it is today.. also made me the person I am. Nooo regrets!!
2006-07-28 02:09:54
answer #1
answered by ♥♥Squirrel ♥♥ 4
I've considered this question myself and on balance I would have to say yes. Life without kids would present a great many opportunities such as the time and money to travel or whatever takes your fancy but my kids are wonderful and watching them and helping them grow up is something that I wouldn't miss for the world, despite the odd ups and downs. My kids are now teenagers and just starting to find themselves. I'm really looking forward to seeing them blossom into adults and see what they makes of their lives.
2006-07-28 02:16:08
answer #2
answered by Dougal 1
No way, I would rather stick needles in my eyes. There are to many kids in the world and most of them are being brought up as gene pool slurry. If i could go for it again i would have six siamese cats and four giant main coons. Cats love you and they don't reach a point where they are waiting for you to die so they can share out your money. Cats don't start drugs or crime, cats do have smelly poo though and male cats sometimes pss up the curtains, but you can kick a cat in the nads without it claiming abuse later in life.
2006-07-28 02:31:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would of least made sure i had myself financially secure, thought a little more about my career and probably went off globe-trotting. Even thou i can still do these things now, with kids it just makes it a little more harder. But i suppose i can't complain, because i do love a challenge. To think about not having my kids in my life, my life would of been deeply meaningless.
2006-07-28 02:18:24
answer #4
answered by lonely as a cloud 6
Yes i would still have kids i had them young and would do it again i can now enjoy my life , but each to thier own.
2006-07-28 02:33:19
answer #5
answered by dreamyuk67 3
as hard as my life was with kids and no child support. I would not have missed a second of life with out them in it with me.
2006-07-28 02:10:55
answer #6
answered by marilee w 4
2006-07-28 03:20:36
answer #7
answered by R.I.P. 4
absolutely! They're the ones that have taught me to be patient, compassionate, understanding, spontaneous, strict, silly, and half nutty. My life would be incomplete without them. Regardless of the difficulties, i would change a second of it.
2006-07-28 02:14:29
answer #8
answered by animalcop06 2
over and over and over again i would have my children! children are made of the best part of the parents. their love is unconditional and pure. i would not think life worth living without them
2006-07-28 02:13:57
answer #9
answered by notyours 5
I would have them for sure, but I would have left it later to have them. Say early 30's. I also would do things differently - ie - drum in tidying up from birth!!! lol!
2006-07-28 02:12:16
answer #10
answered by Moi 3
yes but I would do a lot of things differently with the rest of my life!
2006-07-28 02:10:05
answer #11
answered by lozzielaws 6