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They don't believe so why do they just want to put the rest of us down? They say that there are faults and lies and all this other stuff that just annoys people that actually ask questions there for spritual help.

2006-07-27 22:40:38 · 19 answers · asked by Pwnazorous 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

not all atheist do this just too set the record straight.

2006-07-27 22:43:30 · update #1

19 answers

it's like the little infant sitting in the corner - who cries to get attention.
they're such a tiny percentage of the population - this gives them a chance at equal access.
plus - it is America and all opinions are welcome to be heard.
lots of Q and A from atheists on this site is really cool and engaging and information swapping.
but it is a shame when people are hurting and some answerers just try to bum them out. it's because they feel that way themselves and want to push it on others.
but not all are like that - and you'll see a lot of people from all faiths here doing that. and converesly saying wonderful things.
it is curious.
it is our world

2006-07-27 22:49:29 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin A 4 · 0 2

I come because I was one of the born again wackos. I finally started to use my brain instead of relying on an out of date book that was written by men, been changed by men thousands of times through translation, and been abused by men to seize power and take money from the poor masses who are led to it like sheep to a slaughter.
Fathers don't ignore their children, they talk to them and guide them. So the challenge is that you can convert me into being a believer on the day when your god will spend 15 minutes in a conversation with me and answer my questions. Not something you think you hear in your head, or that still small voice that is probably indegestion. No an audible real voice. Have him bring the Powerball numbers with him, I could use a vacation.

2006-07-27 22:48:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religion and SPIRITUALITY is the name of the area, my friend. I don't believe any of us (at least most of us) are putting any of you down, but simply expressing our OWN opinions, thoughts and beliefs. Just because they're not YOUR beliefs doesn't make them any less valid than yours. We have our own idea of spirituality, so please don't sit there like a hypocrite, putting US down and telling US that WE'RE wrong. It works both ways.

Oh, and Prem, we DO have a set of beliefs - just not the same as yours. As far as facts go, keep this in mind as well... their is no fact in FAITH - the age of the Earth, the existance of Life on Earth has been proven, by SCIENTIFIC fact. Still not saying you're wrong and we're right - just pointing out the flaws in your statement.

2006-07-28 00:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're faith is so easily shaken, get off the internet.

That said, I look for interesting questions, and present information and evidence to answer those questions. Usually I find them on THE FRONT PAGE. I don't hunt for xtians to annoy. I believe in sharing knowledge, meaning fact and hard evidence. You're on a site that encourages questions and answers from all walks of life, even one's that oppose your own. If you don't like the answers, don't read them. I'm sorry if my using the bible to discount the bible offends you. I'm sorry if my presenting an opposing arguement can shake your foundation. From my own personal experiences, the best way to strengthen ones beliefs are to have them challenged.

2006-07-27 22:50:00 · answer #4 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 0 0

I view it as a civic duty to help to at least point out to the hoodwinked that they are/have been hoodwinked. Even if the hoodwinked won't let you lift the veil.
Read the parable of the underground den from Plato's Republic. it's a wonderful piece and it might help you understand why "Atheists" ( Non Theists) feel compelled to "bring their brethren into the light", if at times in an uncharitable fashion.

2006-07-27 22:50:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

surely faith would not choose a God. faith could properly be merely the belief and the motives for the way or why we existed and if we continually existed and how our universe exchange into created and if God had to help. regardless of you have faith approximately those motives is maximum truthfully a faith. and you replied your guy or woman question. this could properly be a place to talk approximately faith, and merely because of the fact Atheists don't have faith in what the final public of people or Christians do have faith in worshiping- Jesus Christ, and that they don't have faith in God, would not advise they could't share their opinion, perspectives, and ideology of why no longer. i in my view think of this is relaxing to have an excellent argument now and then.

2016-11-03 04:33:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because its religion and spirituality.. SPIRITUALITY and religion.. not just religion. they put spirituality for those who lack a defined religion such atheists. just because you're godless doesn't mean you are some rabid animal who doesn't have some beliefs. being godless is not a bad thing.

anyway, i find fault with individuals not those of a particular belief system. you ask why they do it, ask jehovah's witnesses why they cram christianity down people's throats and you'll find the same answer.

2006-07-27 22:53:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anthony Taurus 3 · 0 0

Why do you guys use this site as some kind of virtual pulpit to try & preach? Do you not get enough converts at the church?. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don`t want people to disagree with you stop asking questions here!

2006-07-27 22:50:15 · answer #8 · answered by flicflac 3 · 0 0

Where else would they go? Poor people. Do they have fellowships to encourage them. No. They don't even have a set of beliefs to base their life on. They get so much joy in ridiculing religion with generic statements with absolutely no facts to back them.

2006-07-28 02:00:18 · answer #9 · answered by P P 5 · 0 0

1. This question is posted many times every day.

2. I realize that no one reads this when I just link to it, so here is my response to a previous version of this question:

I believe that I have been nothing but courteous to the people of faith here. I openly deny their belief-system. They openly deny mine. That's fine. We have, however, engaged in some very respectful debate, much to the benefit (I hope) of both sides. I know that my beliefs have not changed, but my preconceptions about young-Earth Christians have been shattered by some of the people I have found here. I think that they are wrong, but I am thrilled to have the opportunity to debate with them without resorting to name-calling or rudeness.

Granted, this requires an openness on both our parts. I think that their faith is "wrong." They think that my lack of faith is "wrong." This is where most people get hung up and debate can go no further. If someone disagreeing with you is "offensive," you're stuck. Once you accept this disagreement, you are quite free to exchange ideas. This is what I have found here (for the most part.)

As for why I spend so much time in the religion and spirituality forum, I see faith as playing a huge role in the lives of everyone in the world, be they moderate Muslims, fundamentalist Christians, Pagans, or Atheists like myself.

In my supposedly free country I see gays discriminated against due to faith. People who would never think of using the N-word openly hate and criticize homosexuals for what they are, not who they are.

I see medical advances that could help millions of people stymied by arguments that have their basis in faith. Stem cell research could potentially ease the suffering of billions around the globe, but people of faith stand in the way.

We are currently involved in what may or may not be a holy war. This is an issue of faith.

Our current government supports "faith-based initiatives" in what may be a breach of The Constitution itself.

I know that faith helps people sleep at night. This doesn't undo the tremendous amount of suffering it has inflicted at every turn of history.

I see faith as a problem, and would like to encourage people to put aside their myths and embrace reason. However, I realize that this is futile. As Jonathan Swift said, "It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."

That said, I think that Yahoo Answers provides a wonderful opportunity to try to see where other people are coming from. I disagree with the Christians (and Muslims and Pagans...), but I think it is very important for me to try to understand them. I would hope that they will try to understand me. Once we find some common ground and some mutual respect, we can truly start to talk about things.

I hate the name-calling. The largest problem I have with religion is that it is divisive. I feel that this is the most important aspect of faith that needs to be removed from the equation. Name-calling is also divisive and does not fit into my attempts to act reasonably.

I feel that I deny, but do not scoff. I embrace and enjoy open debate. I think that the things discussed here are important. I'd like to think that some of the things I have to say are pertinent.

If you want a place for only Christians (for example) to exchange ideas, there are plenty of places on the web for that. However, I think that this exclusion of other mindsets and worldviews does a disservice to those who would seek such a closed system.

That's why, as an atheist, I show up on the religion thread.

2006-07-28 05:19:11 · answer #10 · answered by wrathpuppet 6 · 0 0

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