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I am a non believer. I believe in ne supreme being... I believe that man is connected by a universal energy we ALL connect with and can use...

But some of you belive in a 'God' or supreme being....

Explain to my what makes YOU believe this.... so that I can better understand.

2006-07-27 22:01:25 · 35 answers · asked by Mr_Moonlight 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


I dont belive becase NOTHING good has EVER come from religion.

Because No god has ever answered a proyer of mine(and we all pray/wish for something important at sometime in our lives).

Because all religeous writings are a MASS of contridiction.

Because more people are killed in the name of religion than anything else.

Because I have seen no proof!

Because Darwin is more believable.

Because I FEEL the universay energy and NOT a god...

Because I refuse to believe something just because someone said I should.

Because I got ME out of my DEPRESSION and no god intervined.

Because the religeous people I have met dont know why they believe either.

2006-07-27 22:15:06 · update #1

Firstly, Thank you for all your answers. You have all given me MUCH to think about.

Secondly, I am sorry is some of you have taken this as a rant against Religion. It is not meant that way... I just listed a few of the things that stopped me believing.

Thirdly, If I had had an experience like the catching of my child then maybe I would belive. Although I will admit I would have looked for a 'human' answer first.

Fourthly, I purposly didn't specify 'which' god people should comment on as if there was one(and none of us can truely know) then he is capable of being ALL the different gods.

Any one wish to debate further, and I hope someone does, please email me at red270172@yahoo.com.



2006-07-28 00:48:12 · update #2

35 answers

Well, you can't expect a god who you don't believe in to answer your prayers. I suppose.
I was brouht up in a church and so I saw lots of answered prayers and have had many prayers answered. However, this could all be put down to coincidence/life/circumstances/wishful thinking.However, one day my son was in an indoor swing that was suspended from the doorway. The chains were very heavy. I was washing the dishes and suddenly I was moved across the room - I can still see the bubbles on my hands in my mind's eye - and I held my hands out. As I did so, the hook holding the chains snapped in two and they fell into my waiting hand. I can't explain it, can you? I saved my child's life but what made me move across the room and hold my hand out?
I don't expect you to believe me, why should you? But I know it happened and I can't explain it other than an unseen force.

2006-07-27 22:27:13 · answer #1 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 1 1

You make a lot of interesting observations. Mainly I believe because of the things I've seen that God has done. Miracles, healings, stuff like that. I've always believed in God, even when I was a child, but I truly believed for sure when my mother was healed of rheumatoid arthritis (an incurable disease that gets into the blood and can't be removed). After she was healed the hospital did tests and tests and could find no trace of the disease and all the damage was repaired. The night she was healed she had been almost a cripple. Then two children of God came and prayed for her and ministered healing to her and she got up the next day completely healed. Dancing and leaping around which she couldn't have done before.
So, there is a God. He does heal and deliver and he doesn't believe in religion either. Religion is all man made, it has nothing to do with God. That's why there's all the hate and murder etc. Because it is ruled over by the God of this world, aka the devil (accuser) or Satan (Adversary).
I myself have been delivered of illness, depression, and other things. I have seen others healed of cancer, physical deformities, mental issues, etc.

2006-07-29 15:16:49 · answer #2 · answered by ManoGod 6 · 0 0

I believe because one day God called me, it was like a feeling inside that He was really there. I wasn't raised a Christian or anything else, never went to church or sunday school and didn't know a whole lot about it. I was listening to some people say why they believed in Jesus and something awoke inside me, I was crying and when the guy spoke about all the pain inside people and the different ways they try to make it go away, I felt it was just for me, never felt that way before. I raised my hand when he asked if we wanted to be blessed by Jesus and at that instant I was filled with the most beautiful love and peace and I knew God would always take care of me, also my depression was healed at that moment. I studied the Bible and other faiths after that but I have never been let down by God.

2006-07-27 23:16:17 · answer #3 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

I agree with u about religion be a load of cr*p, but that's because men have altered everything and have changed it into what they believe will get people to think what they want them to think. I don't like religion for this reason, no offense meant to anyone, but I do believe in God and the Bible. The reason...? simply because I don't believe that this world, this life was an accident (which is basically what scientists are saying when they talk about the big bang and evolution). The one thing I have always believed in, even before I had faith in God and the Bible, was that everything happens for a reason.

2006-07-28 01:01:39 · answer #4 · answered by Al 2 · 0 0

I agree only that I add that the universal energy connects us all to Him. Well, how else would that force exists in the first place? =o Other than that, I don't have any idea to argue with you except with some common sense and logic. It's incredibly hard to believe we exist by accidence. Why would we evolved from monkeys? There is like thousands and millions of creatures on earth, why are we the only ones who can think and talk and write? I've heard people are fascinated by the facts that dolphins are so intelligent and other creatures are ... blah blah blah intelligent too... So, why aren't they evolved to something else, intelligent creatures like us. Besides, science only explains, they don't create. Even in physic, energy can't be destroyed or created. It can only be transfer to another form of energy or power. So, how and who creates the energy in the first place?

There's like billions and gazillions(who cares? Nobody knows the exact numbers) planets and stars and whatsoever in this world. How come earth is the only planet that have creatures and plants? How did the accident happen in the first place? And why does it happen?

I don't know.. there's a lot of questions like why God created us, what is the purpose of us to live in this world and so on.. but it is definitely very hard(to the point of impossible) to think that we are here just because of some tough luck... Not to mention, how is this world exists? All the planets, asteroids, our body functions and all, are just too organized...

Oh and not to mention, no matter how intelligent people are, how exactly miracles happen and religions are created in the first place? You don't say it is a tough luck that people who don't have any idea of morals suddenly have morals just because now don't you? <---- Read about people who live in Arab before Islam arrived... and there is also answer on "how about people who live before Prophet Muhammad was born, are they all sent to hell?" if you learn about real Islam throughly.. from reliable sources of course.

"Because I refuse to believe something just because someone said I should."

- If you did that, you're an idiot. Do you really think that all religious people are sheeps? Nobody asks you to freeze your brain.

I can't really argue about your points in why you didn't believe in God because I'm not that knowlegable myself. I barely pass my Biology, Physic and Chemistry final exams :P But I really wondering if you have ever take a chance to know a lot more further about any religion at all? Just curious... because to me there's a lot of proof that God exists... =o

ps: Don't tell me about any spelling mistakes cause the spell check isn't working when I post this.

2006-07-27 23:48:45 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

God is not just a supreme being, he is the Alpha and the Omega, the light of all light and the way forward in a misunderstood world of lapsed faith, hatred and destruction, as I myself have always felt "with God I am everything, without God I am nothing!"

The reason for existence is beyond our comprehension, we are mere mortals in this world as it is now but attain immortality beyond belief when we pass from this world, why believe in God because he is all the goodness you feel around you…

Love is not a chemical and neither is hatred, the feelings you feel come from a source in your soul, the light of your very essence. Our beings are more complexed than simple biological functioning...
Religion is what it is today simply because man made it that way with his stupidities, naivety and ignorance, war is because of religion and nothing else, God is not a war monger and considering men wrote the bible and the severity of its religious context has thrown the world for centuries into conflict.
I believe in the Gospel according to Thomas. Why? Because these are the words of Jesus Christ on the last night of his existence on this earth. The Vatican describes it as heresy and has locked it in a tomb for no man to see for fear it would tare down the church...
As Jesus has said "The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there -- lift a stone and you will find me. These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke. Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings shall not taste death...

God exists because I have seen the truth and driven myself to the point of needing to know it for sure. Now I am satisfied at his existence. If you are unsure maybe you should find who you really are and what you feel is your purpose in this life...I don’t need a church or religion to have faith, I am my own church!

2006-07-27 23:02:35 · answer #6 · answered by celtic_colieen 4 · 0 0

Sweety Pie: Sorry, but that's a lie.

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
[Albert Einstein, 1954, from "Albert Einstein: The Human Side", edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press]

2006-07-27 23:59:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I am a believer ? well do u know science....little bit,
dimensionss...if u know then u can understand if something we cant see doesnt mean it doesn't exist. a lot of people who are non-believers think it's sort of believing in supernatural...but can any thing be more supernatural then death..a man alive and minute later dead. what made the same body go rigor mortis. moreover scientist trying hard to make robot, computers but no match for human brain. who made all these complexities...matter.in matter atoms,,,,within atoms ..electron.. elementary particles..all these indicate to a being (GOD) far more superior than us... we a 3-dimenstional so we can see 1-dimentional or 2-dimentional things but we can't see a thing which is 4-dimentional or even multidimentional...have u heard of metaphysics.. hell and heaven are some sort of multidimentional entities... we need to be multidimentional to see them...all what science reveals makes my believe firm on God
i talk to God and i feel He listens to me. COZ WHAT i wish it is when granted and when not some time later i realize it wasn't in my best of interest

2006-07-27 23:11:29 · answer #8 · answered by faiman_zareh 1 · 0 0

We are face to face with a grand, limitless universe. Man's mind fails to discern its beginning and visualise its end. It is moving on its chartered course from time immemorial and is continuing its journey in the vast vista of the future. All this cannot be without a creator, a designer, a controller, a governor. But who can create and control this majestic universe? Only He can do so Who is master of all; Who is infinite and eternal; Who is all powerful, all wise, omnipotent and omniscient; Who is all knowing and all seeing. We know that the very first humans on this earth did not knew nothing, as time passed we started discovering new. so how could a human possibly be the one to create? It is He, God who has done this all.
Recite (Iqra'): In the name of thy Lord Who created,
Created a man from a blood-clot.
Recite: And thy Lord is the Most Generous,
Who taught by the pen,
Taught man that he knew not.

2006-07-27 22:26:59 · answer #9 · answered by Cidra <SyntAx ErroR> 1 · 0 0

I believe Spike said it right! God has given this life meaning and purpose otherwise it is all for nothing. Find the Lord while He may be found and your life will be a lot happier. Not only do you get eternal life in the future but your life while you are here will be much better than you could ever imagine. God be with you on your journey and may Jesus reveal Himself to you!

2006-07-27 22:13:15 · answer #10 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 0 0

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