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Okay i am not religious , but i have read lots of answers from people saying that we should do EVERYTHING he told us we should. Okay our society (for the most part) treats woman as equals- not what it says in the bible, That the Bible was written years AFTER jesus' death- by people that had not even met him, That the bible was changed when it was translated into more common languages in the western world. So i am curious how can you spend a life time basing your life on a book that is well fiction, and biased against woman and homosexuals among others.It may once have contained a good idea or even some nice words from jesus christ but it has been used as church propaganda

2006-07-27 21:19:58 · 16 answers · asked by lola c 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Actually no things were changed when it was translated

2006-07-27 21:25:13 · update #1

Maybe i should explain myself a little more- the reason i have asked is because everytime i have a serious question about religion (which has been on my mind after a death in the family) i seem to try to get converted by catholics and christians, no i do not have a personal problem with any religion, i would just rather get personal replies rather than people telling me i am going to burn in hell for not converting, so stop with the soddin' abuse

2006-07-27 21:29:43 · update #2

please remember that alot of people at the time could not read or write so relied on readings from priests.Doesn't anyone go to history anymore? sorry but the more people insult me the more it irritates me how about explaining YOUR OWN thoughts and explanations for this instead of blaming me or is it not okay in this day and age to ask questions of religions i mean you must of asked yourselves questions before choosing a religion, something to believe in?

2006-07-27 21:44:33 · update #3

16 answers

well, yeah, among other things, there have been some serious exclusions in the bible. if you check out mid century meetings like the Diet of Worms or the Council of Trent, you'll find that many texts originally included in sacred scriptures were omitted due to their not 'properly representing the christian religion.'

after several of these get togethers, you get the Vulgate (a translation from Latin into a version everday people could read) , so they're getting a version that's already been somewhat altered.

there's some proof of this when you consider the discovery of 'The Book of Mary' (not made up, i swear) or the Gnostic Gospels which were discussed at length by Elaine Pagels. I'm sure there are others you'd be more interested in, but those come to mind right now.

so you're definitely on to something when you say that they are useful ideas which can help pattern our lives, but you're also right when you say so many people use the SS as a proof text without realizing how much has been changed and how much was written ex post facto.

i'll shut up now.

2006-07-27 21:31:58 · answer #1 · answered by pyg 4 · 6 4

Alright, I'm gonna go quote by quote for you on this one; it seems like an honest question, so here's an honest answer:

--"i have read lots of answers from people saying that we should do EVERYTHING he told us we should."

Well, He created us. He is the Engineer of the human being. He knows what He's talking about... When you operate your computer, do you not do EVERYTHING the manual says to make it function properly?

--"Okay our society (for the most part) treats woman as equals- not what it says in the bible"

Did you read the Bible, or are you getting this information second-hand? Find me verses in the Bible that are not taken out of context and say to not treat women equally.

--"That the Bible was written years AFTER jesus' death- by people that had not even met him"

This is not true. The Bible has an Old Testament and a New Testament. The Old Testament is pretty much the Jewish Torah. This was written hundreds of years before Jesus arrived: it is filled with prophecies about Jesus' arrival.

The New Testament is about Jesus' life, and after His death. It unlocks what was hard to understand in the Old Testament, as Jesus is the fulfilment of the prophecies. This also contains epistles [letters] from some Apostles to the churches they founded in many nations-- these epistles have many Christian teachings, and were included in the Bible when it was compiled.

--"That the bible was changed when it was translated into more common languages in the western world."

If this accusation were true, don't you think they would've changed it back by now? Don't you think a scholar would've protested, reading the Greek version [original version] and comparing it to the English version to show differences? That hasn't happened...

--"So i am curious how can you spend a life time basing your life on a book that is well fiction,"

Believe me, YOU'RE the one striking the curiousity here... it seems you are basing YOUR whole life on "other people" and "what you've heard." Please read the Bible for yourself, and get guidance from respected Christian teachings... I can direct you to some, if you'd like.

By the way, prove to me that it's fiction, and I will believe you. The Bible is actually true: check history records and you will see that there indeed was a Jesus from Nazareth that was crucified at the age of 33, etc....

--"and biased against woman and homosexuals among others."

Again, it is not biased against women. Homosexuals, however, are an unatrual use of the human body...

--"but it has been used as church propaganda"

Please ask another question on here with more specific claims about this idea... don't be so general if you want a good, clear answer.

I hoep this helps. Take care :)

2006-07-27 21:34:09 · answer #2 · answered by Lazy 1 · 0 0

Yours is a big question, and you include an answer in your question already, which makes it difficult to answer well. I'll try to summarize:

(1) You disbelieve the reliability of the Bible.
(2) You disbelieve the accuracy of transmission of the Bible.
(3) You evaluate the Bible based on your own ethics and morals.
(4) You believe Jesus Christ said nice words.

To answer, briefly:
(1) The Bible is the most reliable book of its time, based on number of sources and independent copies (people write books on this topic).
(2) The Bible, by historical standards, is extremely well transmitted. It began as a document in the most common language of its time; translation was a natural extension of the idea that God's word should be available to everyone. The early translators made some mistakes, for sure, because they didn't have the same resources today's translators have - for that reason, I suggest buying a new translation like the ESV or NIV or so.
(3)(a) The Bible is at once a document written in the context of its time and written for the ages. To just take its sayings on women, for example, and compare to what we think today without taking into account the status of women at the time of writing will not give you an accurate picture of how much God (who made men and women in his image) values women.
(3)(b) On the other hand, any moral or ethical text stands as an absolute normative, per definition. There are many things I'd like to do (at times) that the Bible clearly says not to. That's annoying - but then our code of law does the same, and I don't advocate changing that just because I want to: that wouldn't work.
(4) I agree - and the best place to read them, the most reliable documentation we have, is the Bible. More importantly, the gospels convey Jesus' character - see for instance the gospel of John. Yes, Jesus is countercultural, now as then, which is why meeting him through the Bible narratives gives you a glimpse into a new idea of what life should be like. Do have a read.

2006-07-27 21:41:33 · answer #3 · answered by thduggie 2 · 0 0

The Bible still holds good for today's times. Some things are time and culture sensitive. There are things in our culture we don't do because we have evolved as a society. Same thing.

Also nothing has been changed or lost in translation. Translators take care to see that their translations are true to the original text. Also, the New Testament were written soon after Jesus' death not the whole Bible. The Old Testament in in its fullness was written before Christ's birth.

2006-07-28 03:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by P P 5 · 0 0

I think you shold read the book of Ephesians (in the new testament). You are wrong that it is biased against women. In this book, Paul says, that "husbands should love their wife as they would love their own body". It has a book in the old testament-Esther- a young Jewish girl who became the Queen of the Persian empire through a "beauty pageant". The book shows her bravery, amidst the threat to her and her countrymen. There's Deborah in the book of Samuel (1 or 2). Ruth, Rahab, a prostitute who became the great grandmother of King David. She was even listed in Hall of Faith in the Book of Hebrews.

And you are so wrong with saying the book is fictional. Most scientist would disagree with you with that. Of course not the evolutionist guys who still believe we came from monkeys. The Ark Noah built has already been discovered...before it was called a myth. Many historians have proofs that Jesus actually existed and His miracles are true. Even some wrote that He did actually died...and rose again after three days.

Every signs and prophecies the Bible gave us in the book of Daniel and Revelation are taking shape within these days.

The Bible wasn't changed through time, it was translated so that we could read it. FYI, when Jewish rabbis recopy the Old testament books, when there is a discrepancy with just one single dot, that copy is burned. If you want a very reliable copy of the Bible, why don't you try the King James Bible, the New American Standard Version. There are also a lot of books which gives enough evidences about the bible which critics normally asks. Why don't you check out the books of josh mcdowell? he might help you!

2006-07-27 21:45:34 · answer #5 · answered by lem 2 · 0 0

I'm totally down with you, honey! I've been wondering the same things for literally years. That's why I'm not a Christian anymore and why I have decided that I will never belong to another organized religion ever again and believe that no one should. Organized religions are really just glorified cults - don't drink the kool-aid! And further more, there is a passage in the bible that states that one should not belong to a sect (don't ask my where because I have forgotten where it is) - and what is a sect? A sect can be defined as a church.

There is really only one lesson that can be learned from the Christian bible: treat others as you would like to be treated. If we could all do that - the world would be a much better place.

2006-07-27 21:31:39 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Melissa♥ 4 · 0 0

The Bible was written over a span of thousands of years. The scrolls and letters were published right after, or not long after, the events occured. If it was fiction, wouldn't there have been hundreds of thousands of people contradicting it in the beginning? Also, the events in the Bible can be proved historically. Oh and one more thing, nothing at all in the Bible contradicts itself. Try reading cover to cover and you won't find a single thing.

2006-07-27 21:38:19 · answer #7 · answered by k 3 · 0 0

Well you do have the proper to be indignant. You must be ready to ***** up to you wish, get all of it out. Be as indignant as you prefer, however do not be sour. The factor is that God isn't a magic fairy that offers you what you wish. To me God is extra of a far off factor, if it in which no longer then the arena might no longer make experience to me. Why might God deliver a few grasping cooperate fats cat the whole lot however make orphans in Africa undergo? Try to not be indignant at your self, it isn't your fault. Try and permit the anger move. Don't wallow in self pity considering the fact that it is only going to pull you down. Just grasp in there, technological know-how will preserve to increase and develop and perhaps one day it is going to be a little bit bigger. Try and get that bitterness out. I write unhealthy poetry and hit matters to make myself suppose bigger. But however my existence is not as rough as yours, so much of my affliction comes from a damaged loved ones, poverty and a bloodless un-serving to society. The factor is with scientific issues is that you simply both have none or to many to depend. See the negatives as simply one more problem no longer a lifeless finish and continuously have desire.

2016-08-28 16:37:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why can't people of all religions accept the fact that the world will never be one religion and move on? Half the people on here keep asking why does one religion/non-religion hate the other? GET OVER IT. I have Christian friends, Catholic friends, Jewish friends, Buddhist friends and Atheist friends. Get a life and stop asking dumb freaking questions.

2006-07-27 21:24:37 · answer #9 · answered by wldntulike_2know 4 · 0 0

I am sorry for you but you must seek Jesus for yourself to find Him..Read the bible for yourself and check everything out for yourself. I have been misinformed at times because I thought the preacher must know more than I did. I have assumed things and got things twisted up but hang in there God reveals Himself to you and will lead you to the truth. Go in peace.....

2006-07-27 21:35:30 · answer #10 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 0 0

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