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The Book of Jasher
Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

The Book of Enoch has been found, but is not included in the KJV

The Manner of the Kingdom
1 Samuel 10:25 Then Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the Lord. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house.

Book of Samuel the seer, Nathan the prophet and Gad the seer
1 Chronicles 29:29 Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer,

Book of the Acts of Solomon
1 Kings 11:41 And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?

2006-07-27 20:16:07 · 12 answers · asked by azmurath 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Book of Shemaiah the Prophet
2 Chronicles 12:15 Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last, are they not written in the book of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the seer concerning genealogies? And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.

Prophecy of Ahijah
2 Chronicles 9:29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are they not written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

Prophet Iddo
2 Chronicles 13:22 And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and his ways, and his sayings, are written in the story of the prophet Iddo.

Book of Jehu
2 Chronicles 20:34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Jehu the son of Hanani, who is mentioned in the book of the kings of Israel.

Book of the Covenant
Exodus 24:7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they s

2006-07-27 20:18:31 · update #1

aid, All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.

Book of the Wars of the Lord
Numbers 21:14 Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the Lord, What he did in the Red sea, and in the brooks of Arnon,

The Annals of King David
1 Chronicles 27:24 Joab son of Zeruiah began to count the men but did not finish. Wrath came on Israel on account of this numbering, and the number was not entered in the book of the annals of King David.

These are just a few. What do you have to say about them?

2006-07-27 20:19:27 · update #2

Tekno, the Book of Enoch is the least of my concern. I am more looking forward to the Book of the Wars of the Lord...

2006-07-27 20:23:24 · update #3

12 answers

There are many Jewish writings that never made it into the canon of Jewish Scriptures or the Catholic canon of the Old Testament.

Before and during Christ’s life, there was no official Jewish canon of scripture.

The Jews in Egypt translated their choices of the many Hebrew writings into Greek in the second century before Christ. This translation, called the Septuagint, had wide use in the Roman world because most Jews lived far from Palestine in Greek cities. Many of these Jews spoke only Greek.

The early Christian Church was born into this world. The Church, with its bilingual Jews and more and more Greek-speaking Gentiles, used the books of the Septuagint as its Bible. Remember the early Christians were just writing the documents what would become the New Testament.

After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, with increasing persecution from the Romans and competition from the fledgling Christian Church, the Jewish leaders came together and declared its official canon of Scripture, eliminating seven books from the Septuagint.

The Christian Church did not follow suit but kept all the books in the Septuagint.

1500 years later, Protestants decided to change its Old Testament from the Catholic canon to the Jewish canon. The books they dropped are sometimes called the Apocrypha.

With love in Christ.

2006-07-28 19:10:34 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

3. For a fuller account of David's life and reign he refers to the histories or records of those times, which were written by Samuel while he lived, and continued, after his death, by Nathan and Gad, 1Ch_29:29. There was related what was observable in his government at home and his wars abroad, the times, that is, the events of the times, that went over him, 1Ch_29:29, 1Ch_29:30. These registers were then in being, but are now lost. Note, Good use may be made of those histories of the church which are authentic though not sacred or of divine inspiration.

Most of those books were historical accounts of the times. There were probably few if any copies made. We only have copies of the original manuscripts.

1Sa 10:25 -
The manner of the kingdom - i. e., the just prerogative of the kingdom, the law, or bill of rights, by which the king’s power was limited as well as secured. It is not improbable that what Samuel wrote was simply a transcript of Deu_17:14-20, which he “laid up before the Lord,” i. e., placed by the side of the ark of the covenant with the copy of the Law (see Deu_31:26). It would be ready for reference if either king or people violated the “law of the kingdom.”

Again, they were just records and laws for the kings reference. These writings add nor change any doctrinal issue nor any historical accounts in the Bible.

2006-07-28 09:08:41 · answer #2 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

There are a bunch of places to look for Christian writings that didn't make the cut. For one thing, Protestants and Catholics have included a few different books in their Bibles from eachother. The Apocrypha is the second most comprehensive compilation of Christian writings. Many of these were left out of the Bible because the rulers at the time deemed these books either unimportant, or heretical. Then there are the Dead Sea scrolls, and also the writings of various gnostic groups. (don't blame them for this recent Davinci craziness!) Also, archeologists are finding more and more writings all the time from the early Christian era and before. Not all of them have even been translated yet. Don't worry- you've got plenty of stuff to read.

2006-07-27 20:24:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some of these are Apocryphal, the Book of Enoch is one, but most of these are just lost, including "The Book of the Acts of the Jedi," and "Hutt: the Other White Meat."

I understand that they're in a galaxy far, far away.

Seriously, though, what is your fascination with ancient, extra-biblical literature mentioned in Scripture? I think the Bible is long enough as it is, even without the NT. Adding more isn't going to change the Gospel any, or tell us how to Force Throw battledroids.

I can be such a nerd when I'm tired.....

2006-07-27 21:21:48 · answer #4 · answered by midnight_190884 2 · 1 0

In view of the absence of any direct point out of God interior the e book, some charge that the e book is irreligious. even with the reality that, it tells of fasting and a “cry for help” on the component to the Jews, implying prayer. (Es 4:3, sixteen; 9:31) additionally, there is indication of God’s maneuvering of events interior the sleeplessness of the king on the opportune time (6:a million) and a possibility allusion to divine purpose in Esther’s reaching to the queenship. (4:14) besides, the reality that Mordecai strictly refused to bow in the past God’s enemy Haman, who as an Agagite could have been a royal Amalekite, is evidence that Jehovah exchange into worshiped via Mordecai.—3:a million-6; Ex 17:14. .

2016-11-03 04:25:49 · answer #5 · answered by saturnio 4 · 0 0

You know I tried asking a pastor about some of these books and I never got an answer other thatn becareful on what you read!

I agree though I would like to see where I can read some of these books I have only had the opportunity to read some of The book of Jasher (which means the book of the Upright) and The Book of Enoch. Please Email me if you ever find out anything about these other books that you listed!

God Bless in Jesus Christ!!


2006-07-27 20:45:17 · answer #6 · answered by iceman4christ@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

The "Apocrypha" did not pass the deuterocanonical and there for by devine call was not included in the bible. There is a lot written out there that is being touted as gospel truth and it just isnt so. The Davinci Code is absolute blasphemy against God but it is being portrayed as The truth. I would recommend you write your questions down as you have done here and ask you pastor for some in depth explanation and answers. God Bless Sweet One.

2006-07-27 20:26:05 · answer #7 · answered by Tina W 2 · 0 0

Some of them are in the Catholic Bible, but the protestants excluded them from there's for some reason so they are not in King James. They are scriptures and in existence. Some are quite compelling, like Macabees. Also you can find most of them now if you want to read them, Gnostic Texts, (which are pretty weird and I can see they were left out for a reason not really scriptural) Dead Sea Scroll Texts, also many in Vatican and can be found and read.

2006-07-27 21:39:14 · answer #8 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 0 0

Because they were lost or destroyed according to whomever was in power at the time's whims. Truth has often been a casualty in humankind's war on itself. If the rules don't get you what you want, change the rules. Whomever has the gold, makes the rules. Corruption Corruption Corruption.

2006-07-27 20:23:04 · answer #9 · answered by Alysianna 3 · 1 0

sounds alot like the books of the apocryphia. you can find them online. good question. check out my link.

now dont forget to give me the ten points for the best answer.

2006-07-27 20:22:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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