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In June on the 21st I lost my mom to a major Heart atack and she was also clamed brain dead! I miss her so much and every body is there I just wish I knew what to do!

2006-07-27 19:56:46 · 17 answers · asked by Ashley E 1 in Family & Relationships Family

17 answers

OMG!!! I know how you feel. My dad has Cancer pretty bad, and they (the doctors) say that will live for 2 more months. if you want to, you can e-mail me and we can talk. believe me, talking helps alot. my e-mail adress is tyalyssa1@yahoo.com
I hope to hear from you soon!!!
- ty

2006-07-27 20:02:28 · answer #1 · answered by tyalyssa1 1 · 4 1

I know exactly how you feel..i lost my mom when i was 13.. it's been 6 pain full year's..i can't tell you what to do i wish i could.. my mom n i were very close,got extremely depressed for about a year.... i wish i could talk to her now but i can't..
talk to your sibling's they feel the same, am sure and i think it's 1 way to cut off of the hurt..
prayer is good too,pray for peace and understanding.
keep busy,it's good to keep your mind off thing's. You can't completely forget, that's a fact it will always be a part of you but with time you'll learn to accept that this is a part of life something we all go through,some people are lucky they go through it late in life...you Are not alone a part of her Will always be with you....
be strong it will pass........

2006-07-28 04:50:48 · answer #2 · answered by pdd 2 · 0 0

Well hun I can really really relate my mom died on March 21 after a year long battle of lung cancer.It is very hard I cry all the time she was my best friend all I can say it is just gonna take time like you know I am better now than I was a month after she died it gets a little easier every month.I know it is hard to sleep and you are always wondering about her well hun I will say a prayer for you

2006-07-28 03:04:31 · answer #3 · answered by sashaaspen 4 · 0 0

honey there isnt all that much you can do. just grieve and cry. let it all out. i cant imagine how hard it must be. just surround youself with positve things and people who can help you get through this.. remember after rain there is a rainbow. things with eventually get better. your mom would want you to be able to keep on living. and know even if you miss her.. shes with you right now. as you are reading this. she will be with you for the rest of your life. you wont be able to see her. but she will be there. so make her proud and be all you can be. im sure she was an amazing person.. so live an amazing life. for her. and that is all you have to do. :)

2006-07-28 03:02:40 · answer #4 · answered by Beautiful_Brunette235 1 · 0 0

I know it is hard to deal with the loss of a loved one especially a parent. I lost my grandmother last year, and it was very hard to cope with. I don't even know what it would feel like if I had lost a parent. If you cry that is normal because that means you miss them and love them. Just sit back, relax, think of happy times you had with them. Never regret anything that you have done. Wether it was good or bad. Remember they are always with you.

2006-07-28 05:58:54 · answer #5 · answered by pixelpinkprincess 2 · 0 0

first of all i am very sorry for your loss... i know how hard it is to loose someone u love... specially a parent... u know u dont have to do anything... the truth of the matter is the only thing u have to do is take care of urself and if u have siblings then help each other out be there for ur family.... but u can;t overdo it and no one should expect u too... ur a human being to and grieve.... dont hold back anything... cry cry and cy until u can;t cry anymore. i wish u the best and my sympathy's with u and ur family.

2006-07-28 03:04:15 · answer #6 · answered by kk 2 · 0 0

Grieving for your mother is not unnatural, and there is really nothing you can do to abate your grief. You will feel guilt, "why wasn't it me", "why my mother, she was so good to everyone", "she never hurt anyone". In time, months or years, you will accept, and you will acknowledge, the joy of her life and all the happiness she brought to you and others.

Rejoice in her life, talk with your siblings and other family members about her and the joy she brought to you and your family. Remember her as she lived. Look at family pictures, reminisce about family outings, reunions, vacations. She was here. You don't have to forget her.

Check your local newspaper or internet for support groups and GO!

2006-07-28 03:54:50 · answer #7 · answered by Baby Poots 6 · 0 0

I am very sorry to hear your loss. There is nothing more I can tell you. Our other friends have communicated via their answers almost every thing you should know. Time will reduce the grief. Life is like that. Keep yourself engaged in some activity. Move on. Your mom certainly would have appreciated that. We are all with you.

2006-07-28 03:24:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Communication is key. Dont withdraw into yourself, talk to freinds, other family etc.. Tell them what you are feeling. It is good to get a group of people together who knew you mom and talk about all of the things you remember best about here and why you loved her.
It gets easier but it never goes away. I am sorry for your loss.

2006-07-28 03:04:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry for your loss first of all. Just keep the memories of her in the front of your mind as much as possible. Pray. Losing a parent is a traumatic and very lonely experience. It makes you feel so alone.Keep your head up this to will pass. Take care of yourself, and try not to get yourself in a depressed state of being.KEEP SMILING.......

2006-07-28 03:03:08 · answer #10 · answered by um_er_ra 2 · 0 0

I lost my husband so I know how you feel.
You need to find someone to talk to. What I mean is, after my husband died, I wanted to talk about him to someone. I wanted people to remember that he had been alive and his life mattered.
People have this tendency to ignore the elephant in the room. This means that they are afraid of death themselves so they want the person who is grieving to "get over it" so they don't have to look at it. The problem is that the person who has lost someone can't get over it. How do you get over losing your mother?
If you can find anyone who will listen to you, talk to them about your mother and how you felt about her, that would be one of the best things you could do for yourself.
Also, you can expect to feel some guilt about her death. I just "knew" that if I'd done this or that differently my husband would still be alive. This is the kind of thinking that accompanies grief and it has no basis in reality. Try not to let guilt consume you. This WAS NOT your fault.
Whatever you do, don't try to pretend to yourself that it isn't "mature" to show grief. You loved your Mom. It's OK to show the grief you feel and to feel that grief.
Don't expect to start feeling better right away. It took me at least four years and Prozac before I could stop the feelings of sadness about his death. The only thing I can say that might make you feel better is that eventually the deepest feelings do become more bearable. They don't ever go completely away but they recede and your life is bearable again.
Don't let anyone try to distract you with trivia. By that I mean, don't try to take your mind off her by getting into a relationship or something like that. It won't work and it's not fair to the other person, or you. I really resented it when people tried to "cheer me up" with things like going to a casino. How could this kind of thing possibly make me forget that my husband was dead. That's another reason why it's important for you to talk about her.
If none of your friends will listen than go to a counselor or minister or someone like that. You REALLY need to talk about her and how much you loved her and how she made you feel and the kind of person she was.
Don't try to find a scapegoat. I know this sounds weird but it's natural to be angry at the person who died. After all, they left you and you really needed them. Death comes to everyone it's just that it's not necessarily when they are old. Don't become angry at God because He didn't do this to ruin your life. We, as humans, don't often understand the reasoning of God, but that doesn't mean there was no reason for what happened. Just accept your feelings of anger towards your Mom and realize that they are normal...and they will go away.
If you do get mad at God remember, He's a big boy, He can handle it, and He understands and loves you anyway.
I'll be praying for you and thinking about you. Remember, life will be better for you.

2006-07-28 03:52:57 · answer #11 · answered by Ellen J 7 · 0 0

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