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8 answers

after.. firmly take her by the hands. holding them at her sides and say. NO. Then tell her that hitting hurts and she should be kind.
Then have her sit out the activity for a few minutes.
keep repeating til she gets the idea. If you hit her for it, its only teaching her that hitting works.

2006-07-27 19:45:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hmmm..did someone use to slap hands when saying ..No No? :)

Time outs are sometimes the best way to deal with it. Establish a place (like a chair) where she will always be put when time out is used as punishment. Don't use bed..or that may be viewed as punishment at normal bed time. Make her sit in the chair for 1-2 minutes to start. That's a long time for a 2 yr old.

You can also consider taking away a privilege for a short time. Like a favorite toy or a show she likes to watch. Something you know she enjoys and will noticeably miss. Just for an hour or that day. Chose carefully so the correct meaning is conveyed. It should be immediate also so she connects the punishment with the act.

2006-07-28 02:55:28 · answer #2 · answered by Dale P 6 · 0 0

Young children don't realize that when they hit, it hurts. Simply because it doesn't hurt them to hit you or someone else. The most common mistake parents make (including myself back then), is to smack the child and tell them no. What are you saying....? You can't teach a child not to hit by hitting them. Now, I'm not saying you can't spank your child on the bottom. I have and I do. Does it work? Sometimes.
Your daughter is not too young to learn time out. Even if you tell her it's wrong, will she remember it later? Probably not. But after a few days of time out, she will remember not to repeat the behavior that had her sitting for a few minutes over and over.... it might take a while. But the end result is worth it.
All children go through this stage. Don't think that you are alone in it... or that your daughter is a horrible child.. she isn't. But she is just a child. Always remember that. And for God's sake, don't try to argue or reason with her.. you are the adult..

2006-07-28 09:32:37 · answer #3 · answered by Mary J 4 · 0 0

Tackle her (-: (jkn). She need to know you the mother and not the 2 year old. If you always give in to what she cry for, she will always do what she do. If you give her a warning of something that you will do, do not fail to do it. She will push another limit if she see that you do not meant what you said.

Remind her what the warning was and carry it through. Keep up with it, and she will soon got tired of it. She needs to know you are the provider and she is not the controller. She see that what she do gets to you, and she think she is in control.

Sorry you have to face her in such a young age, imagine whats going to happen when she reach adolescent age. If you send the message now by not giving in to her behavior tantrums she will soon see that its not working. Bear in mind she will find something else. You still need to stick with your guns, then she knows that she can't rock your grounds.

Stand firm and not to be bothered by her behavior. Be strong and take control of your emotion over this.

2006-07-28 02:52:00 · answer #4 · answered by Farani P 2 · 0 0

Children this age are constantly testing their boundaries- be firm with her. When she hits, get right on her level and look in her eyes and say "Hitting is not okay. If you hit again, I will spank you."

I know that it feels hypocritical, but spanking and hitting are not the same thing. If she does hit again, tell her, "I have to spank you because you hit again and I said no." Spank her on the tush-that's what it's for. Never spank out of anger- this teaches that hitting when you're mad is okay. She has to understand that there are consequences for breaking rules. And she has to know what will happen EVERY time she breaks a rule.

The sooner you get her under control, the easier time you will have with her as she gets older. She won't hate you, and spanking is not illegal! Good luck!!! : )

2006-07-28 09:04:23 · answer #5 · answered by MamaMia 4 · 0 0


You only will have to tackle this problem with paitence. no amount of forcing will help. The problem will get worse.
Speak to the child tell her whats right and whats wrong.

I suppose u can use rewarding system.

But, believe me, all these activities are only for few days, enjoy it. as she grows up.... u will be missing it all.


2006-07-28 02:48:31 · answer #6 · answered by Shyam s 1 · 0 0

Give her a hug whenever she tries to slap you and act as if you are crying. This might cool her down.

2006-07-28 02:51:33 · answer #7 · answered by maxvijay2003 3 · 0 0

try having compassion - this is normal behavior for this age (i have a 2-year-old girl, myself). visit www.askdrsears.com and click on the section about discipline. good luck.

2006-07-28 02:45:18 · answer #8 · answered by aj 3 · 0 0

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