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my brother thinks iam addicted to methadone, is it addictive? if so what should i do besides rehab cause i hate those jokers, all they want is money., what are signs of coming down off methadone? can any one give me alil advice? i only take them 1/4 of a waffer at a time and never 2 days in a row and i eat and drink water while on them its bettr than doing meth right?

2006-07-27 19:29:12 · 6 answers · asked by kandecotd 1 in Health Other - Health

6 answers

Just about anything is better than doing meth, so don't use that for a rationale. Methadone is addictive, its mostly used to wean heroin addicts of the hard stuff by easing their withdrawal symptoms. As a recreational narcotic I would say its not as dangerous as X but more dangerous than weed. You should be very careful and continue to monitor your use carefully and listen to the people around you who care about you if they are worried.

2006-07-27 19:35:30 · answer #1 · answered by eggman 7 · 1 0

dude person.. listen to me methadone is the worst and most addicting opiate at all. harder then heroin to get out of, meth as in speed is alot diffrent id say dont do either, methadone stays in yoursystem alot long it has a very long half life, withdrawl from meth is horrible it takes years and years and many many failures befor people succed at it. you really should check http://www.heroin-detox.com/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=6 out its got some good threads again methadone is worse than heroini know many a junkie who think methadone is the devil it is more physically addicting then heroin it takes alot longer for the withdrawls to go away.. i know may peopel who would rather kick cold turkey then ever touch methadone,, and i know many people who started doing methadone to kick and ended up addicted to both methadone and heroin at the same time. be careful methadone is something that while detox from dope last about 4-5 days max physically methadone is a few weeks to a month and depression that sets in is the worst thing and can last over a year or more depending on how much you use. u really need to be careful opiates are really sneaky they trick you alot, please be careful and if you are having trouble getting off of it i suggest suboxone but dont go on matinence beacuse that is also not a good route basically matinence with any half opiate or replacement opiate is not the route i would take id say go quick weeklong max suboxone taper will ease the withdrawls to almost nothing well take care good luck. if you need any more help or have questions feel free to ask me.

2006-07-28 02:44:55 · answer #2 · answered by zumy 1 · 1 0

I can tell you alot about this cuz i have been taking them for over 5 years now. i used to take 1/4 waffers, to, but now i take the white ones, but that dose you are talking about is enough to be addicted. the reason you don't have to take it everday is cuz the effects last about a day after you take it.
it is completely different than meth (the speed), cuz methadone isn't speed. (if you take enough it kinda feels like it though...)
it doesn't matter if you eat and drink water while on it, it won't effect how dependant you are on it. i live my life completley normal on it.
the comedown is really bad. how long have you been on it? i have tried on a few occasions to quit.
the first time the pain only lasted like 2 weeks, but i started up again a few months later...
so, the next time it was really bad, but i had been taking more (like if you take the orange waffers...it would be 3/4 of it per day) and when i had to stop cuz i ran out, it hurt really bad...but i only had to deal with it for 2 days.
the pain starts in your muscles....they start to feel alive again, and it doesn't feel good. it will feel like you need to strecth, but you can't stretch far enough...you will get a bad stomach ache...and you will get cold sweats...it is really hard to sleep without it, since your body is used to having it. the effects of the withdrawal last awhile, but it depends on the person and how well you adjust to life without it. i am sorry you have to go through it, cuz it sucks...but good job at least thinking of quitting. some people i have talked to who had been addicted to both heroin and methadone say that coming down off the methadone is worse.....
good luck............

2006-07-28 02:52:49 · answer #3 · answered by VANDALEYES 2 · 1 0

First off, methadone and methamphetamine are two TOTALLY different kinds of drugs! Methadone is considered in the family line of opioids and can be considered a depressant, while methamphetamine is a stimulant. I just thought you should know that. Methadone is addictive! Methadone is usually what is given legally to those under care of a physician when the person is trying to come off of heroin. Though not as bad a heroin, it is addictive and they need to be monitored closely. You should really gradually step down off of methadone.

2006-07-28 02:40:00 · answer #4 · answered by Dorothy K. 7 · 4 0

Methadone is what they use to treat Heroine Addicts...and yes it's addictive.

No addictive drug is better than another...so don't look for positive reinforcement to justify continuing to use it.

If you can't get off it yourself, then you do need to consider rehab. Since you consider them "jokers"..maybe you've been there before?

Face it...you have a drug abuse problem that you need to resolve and that will only start when you admit it and "want" to quit...not simply substitute something else.

If there's outside issues driving you to drugs, then you need to deal with that also..through counseling.

2006-07-28 02:40:02 · answer #5 · answered by Dale P 6 · 1 1

Methadone is given as a substitute to heroine. It is prescribed by doctors and is usually taken orally. It is a green liquid and tastes disgusting.
If you have not been prescribed meathadone by your doctor, you should stop taking it. Methadone has been known to cause addiction in people not using heroine.

2006-07-28 02:37:08 · answer #6 · answered by Susan W 2 · 0 2

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