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Tell me your solution to the illegal alien problem, and don't put something stupid like "send them home on airplanes and push them out".

2006-07-27 19:11:24 · 12 answers · asked by Derek M 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

Sorry theboi! Your wrong! It has been estimated that illegal aliens cost the U.S. about $100 billion a year my friend. That is like all 50 states having a hurricane Katrina every year!

2006-07-27 20:03:10 · update #1

Excuse me, 1 Hurricane Katrina that affects all 50 states every year. Either way, $100 billion a year!

2006-07-27 20:05:34 · update #2

JJ C brings up an excellent point. Mexico's government is one of the major problems. Mexico is filled with natural resources (such as oil) and beaches for tourism, but the government doesn't utilize this for its citizens. The Mexican government is reach, but yet it's citizens are poor. However, the U.S. government is to blame also. There are laws in the place that are meant to keep illegals aliens out, but we don't enforce these laws.

2006-07-28 05:04:39 · update #3

12 answers

1) close our border
2) deport all illegal immigrants
3) no amnesty
4) prosecute anyone who hires them
5) no documentation=no welfare, no free medical assistance, no low susidized housing
6) babies born of two illegal immigrant parents should not be given automatic citizenship.


Get out the glock .357 and "Lock 'n'Load"!!!

2006-07-27 19:24:23 · answer #1 · answered by vacant 3 · 1 3

First we need to recognize the problem. The problem isn't anything to do with our system (The US) The problem is the corrput Mexican government that doesn't take care of its people. Its easy for them to just say, "You want jobs go to the US". Its great for them...more $$ for mexicans without any effort on their part. This makes them too reliant on the US.

...another issue reguarding the problem is i don't think these mexicans know anything about 'LEGAL' immigration. All they know is you sign up and if your lucky in about 8 years you might be able to migrat to the US. They are in poverty now and cannot wait that long. Thus, they enter ILLEGALLY.

My solution would be....

First you secure the border by building some sort of barrier, such as a wall...duh! we need to do that for obvious reasons. Then we need some sort of system in place where we can allow mexican immigrants to enter legally. We should work with the Mexican government...let mexicans know if you want to come here then first there are some things in Mexico you must accomplish first, these would be incentives in order to speed up your process of LEGAL immigration....such as a certain amount of community service in Mexico, some sort of education or degree, learn english, etc.

I think if we do something like this...then while mexicans are trying their hardest to get here as soon as they can...the flip side they will also be improving their own country. If alot of them are doing comunity service, then they are bettering their cities and with an education or learned skills some will just find it better to stay in Mexico with it turned around now for the better.

2006-07-28 04:09:10 · answer #2 · answered by JJ C 2 · 0 0

illegal migration to this country is indeed a problem. They keep comeing. When they get here, they get the free schooling and medicaid. Foodstamps and free health care. But they don't pay taxes. They take allot of the jobs our people could be working. Then they and their legal counterparts get upset if we try to pass laws to prevent them from takeing advantage of all these things. If you get the service you should be helping fund it like every other tax payer. I used to live across the street from a guy who was illegal. He worked hard and had a family but he also sold drugs. They sent him back to Mexico three times in 4 years. His family always said he'll be back in exactly three months. And he was! I don't know how we can solve this problem. Looks like the national gaurd is blocking most entry now but they say the illegals are just finding alternate routes. Other than putting up a huge fence like the Berlin wall, I just don't know if there is a solution. They would just dig a tunnel under it any way so I just don't know what solution there could be.

2006-07-28 02:28:11 · answer #3 · answered by Carolyn T 5 · 0 0

First we need to stop them from entering. I think we need to give 100% effort on securing our Southern border.

We need give heavy fines and maybe even arrest employers of illegal aliens. Criminally charge landlords renting to illegals. ( Assisting in a felony crime. )

As far as the illegals already here, we should give them the opportunity to stay, but they have to earn it.

I would like to see a CONDITIONAL amnesty given to all the illegals here now. (Assuming we are stopping more from coming in). The conditions ...

They must learn basic English.
They must learn some American history and culture.
They must be financially dependent, i.e., either employed or have a financial sponsor.
They must swear their allegiance to America and be signed up for the draft. (Within the draft eligibility guidelines)
They will have a FELONY conviction on their records so they can never posses a gun or vote, even if they become citizens.

They must do this within a time frame, such as 1 year. If they don't, or at least show effort after the time frame, they will be deported.

This will only work if we protect our borders. If we keep allowing them in, it's just a waste of time!

2006-07-28 02:24:41 · answer #4 · answered by rexski 5 · 0 0

hmm, i think if we stopped making it an issue, all would be fine. Well, I dont mean to stop recognizing illegal immigration as a problem, but rather to stop making such a big deal about it. This fiasco was made to divert people's attention from the war that costs this country billions of dollars a day, as opposed to the illegals which cost millions of dollars a year. I'd say that if we can take action in something as useless as Iraq, then we can divert our attention to Mexico. Not so much to start a war there, but call attention to the corruption of the government and such. If their living situation was fixed, then there would be a significant amount of decrease in immigration. If you think about it, people emmigrate from their coyntry in order to escape bleak conditions, thus, this will decrease if living conditions are improved. If we can do it in Iraq, we can do it in Mexico. jezz.

2006-07-28 02:42:08 · answer #5 · answered by theboi 3 · 0 0


Americans can be drowned (this includes anyone who is deemed American regardless of race, religion, creed, sexual orientation...yada yada).

The Native Americans get back their country.

And everyone else goes home.

How do you think you got here? Your ancestors had a vision of freedom- why should we take that away from the new generation of freedom seekers? You are spoiled. Our American life is very comfortable. You dont know how good you have it- so quit being stingy and try some benevolence.

2006-07-28 05:02:15 · answer #6 · answered by Ivy 2 · 0 0

For starters Shut down the border! Build a wall, high tech surveillence equipment, more border patrol as well as air patrol. Then, YES deport as many as possible also actively look for employers hiring illegals.

2006-07-28 02:24:18 · answer #7 · answered by Mona 4 · 0 0

Enforce our laws, arrest them when they are caught here illegally, and void their ability to become a citizen, there by protecting our democratic voting system, and then focus the hammer of the law on the employers to destroy the means of sustaining their illegal residency- coupled with eliminating all social benefits to noncitizens. It is called ATTRITION!

2006-07-28 02:14:37 · answer #8 · answered by Americans1st 2 · 0 0

I agree 100% with Cherokee Rose. Great solution.

2006-07-28 02:34:35 · answer #9 · answered by ShrtCake66 2 · 0 0

simple..... Upgrade the Wall on the border and go around with military and search every Mexicans in the US...if they dont have their Green cards anywhere...send them to the local jail and later that day send them on a big *** wagon back to the border to be dumped...

2006-07-28 02:17:44 · answer #10 · answered by Iceman 4 · 0 0

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