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i'm not trying to turn anyone Athiest, I'm a Christian. But something's always bothered me. Our society's becomming more and more free, not necessarily in good ways. For example, Sexuality is common and more accepted. I've been raised to think that you shouldn't have sex before marraige, and I'm really confused now. There are a LOT of Christian people, but you can always hear in shool about who slept with whom... If they say they're Christian, why do they disregard that old belief? was it because that was just something the Church said, but was never actually mentioned in the bible? I really don't understand the origin of that belief, and homosexuality too. Why don't people care about it anymore, but are still Christians?

2006-07-27 18:39:50 · 17 answers · asked by toku_kuns 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i'm sorry, I typed that fast and didn't check for typos. shool is supposed to be school, but i'm sure you can guess that

2006-07-27 18:40:58 · update #1

17 answers

Be careful, my friend. Just because someone goes to a football game doesn't make them a football player. Just because someone goes to church, has a bible, and claims to be a christian does not make them one. Only the Holy SPirit can convict of sin, only Jesus Christ can save the repentant soul, yet there are many people who play the game, why? Because they are made to by parents, to keep peace with their mate, to fit into an accepted norm. And again, just because I go to the hospital does not make me a surgeon.

2006-07-27 18:47:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm not a Christian, so I can't speak from within that belief system. But morality changes. It's changed dramatically over time and there are always conflicting moral values that will cause us to view things ambiguously. In the Victorian era they might have asked how anyone could be a Christian and still reveal their lower legs to the public. Such immodesty would have shocked them and run contrary to their traditional upbringing. Christians are supposed to be modest, not go about displaying their bodies to the lustful gaze of people they aren't married to. Yet you probably don't wonder how a Christian could wear shorts. There was a time when some felt that Christianity condoned slavery. Others said it opposed slavery. Eventually the latter group won out and it would amaze you to hear any modern day Christian claiming that slavery is a Christian tradition.
Sexual mores change. Some will focus on the rules against having sex. Some will focus on rules that may or may not exist against having sex with members of the same sex. Others will focus on the Christian virtues of love and not casting the first stone. Some will condemn, some will say that all are sinners and selecting individual sins for condemnation is itself hypocritical. Perhaps what should matter most to Christians is how well they relate to the Lord and not how well their neighbors follow the rules.

2006-07-28 01:57:00 · answer #2 · answered by thatguyjoe 5 · 0 0

Just because people say they that they are Christian, doesn't
make them Christian. Just because an organization calls itself a
Christian Church doesn't mean that it is one.

In the book of Acts, the apostle Peter said that the followers of Jesus called themselves, The Way. Much later, in Acts, the followers of Jesus started to call themselves, Christians. To my mind, to be a follower of Jesus, a person has to try to live by the teachings of Jesus and His disciples as recorded in the Bible. Of course we all fail from time to time, but we are to try not to.

The teachings that we are supposed to wait until marriage to have sex is in the Bible, it's not just an old story, and those people who don't wait are committing sins. The same is true of homosexual sex, it is a sin.

I'm 63 years old. When I was a boy, all churches taught that the only sex that wasn't a sin was to the person of the opposite sex that you were married to. Everyone knew that homosexual sex was wrong so there was no need to even mention it in sermons.
All churches also taught that once you got married you were supposed to stay married. Even according to civil law, the only grounds a man could divorce his wife for was adultery or abandonment.

Our entire country has become more atheistic, even many of the churches. There are organizations that call themselves Christian churches where the ministers or priests are openly homosexual or lesbian. They are not Christian. There are many powerful Liberal groups that have been effective at lobbying for these changes. Also Presidents that were Liberal Demacrats appointed people to The Supreme Court that would make decicisions that favored Atheism.

That is one reason that all real Christians need to read and get to know, The Bible. It is the only place where we can be sure to find the truth

2006-07-28 02:27:58 · answer #3 · answered by Smartassawhip 7 · 0 0

sorry to pop their bubble but they are not christian if they do the things u are saying. People thing that they can keep doing bad things as long as they confess but it does not work like that. If you are a true Christian you will try your best not to do the things u know are wrong. And people do not think they have to go by the things in the Bible But they are wrong It tells u what u need to know. Well the Bible Say's the road of to life is narrow and the road to Destruction is wide. So what does that tell you? People are fooling themselves.

2006-07-28 01:50:07 · answer #4 · answered by CHAEI 6 · 0 0

Well, isn't that just like all of us? We say that sin is evil, we hate sin - and yet all of us are sinners. We all do what we say we ought not to do. That's why we are all in need of the grace of Christ.

Remember to remove the plank from your own eye before worrying about the speck in your brother's or sister's eye. Or, in other words, scrupulously analyze your own self - your actions, your words, your thoughts - and focus on making yourself more like Christ.

That doesn't mean that you should let others off the hook, though. Paul tells us to confront fellow Christians who persist in sin and lead them to reconciliation and restoration - but we must use caution, lest we commit the sin of pride:

"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself." (Galatians 6:1-3)

In short, Christians are called to walk a tightrope between being judgmental and apathetic about the sin of others. It's easier to do when we remember that we are no better than they - and that we are just in need of grace as the next guy.

2006-07-28 02:18:07 · answer #5 · answered by jimbob 6 · 0 0

The bible says we will be turned away by our lusts. Unfortuanatly that is what has happened at least in my opinion. God is clearly against premarital sex and against homosexuality. Here is a website with some bible versus regarding sex. www.twopaths.com/faq_premaritalsex.htm / you can read Leviticus Chapt 18 v 22 and Leviticus 20 v 13 regarding homosexuality or ck out this website www.soulforce.org/article/homosexuality-bible-walter-wink goodluck

2006-07-28 01:50:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with you but the problem is worse with preaching love and peace in one hand but spreading hate and war in the other. I don't think Jesus son of Mary PBUT will change his characters from a peaceful prophet in his first coming to suddenly war warrior in is his second coming, something wrong in this faith. Look how the world changed to a nasty please of living under the influence of the new conservatives and the Zionist in preparation for the coming of the messiah. Horror and war crimes are on daily basis in Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon just to mention some.

2006-07-28 02:10:14 · answer #7 · answered by helper 4 · 0 0

Society....ahh the crazy world we live in. First remember that everyone has a mind of their own. It's how they choose to use that mind that causes the problems in life.
I am glad to know that you were raised in the way to save yourself until marriage. This is important. I am not a theologian so I can't tell you exact Bible references but I do know that God intended for every individual to leave their parents and join with another of the opposite sex in marriage.
In Old Testament times the people were living in sin (worshiping idols and basically partying) and God placed his wrath upon them.
We are to live our lives "Christ like". Did Christ live like our society now days? Heavens NO!
Christians who say they are Christians must be accepted by us to be just that. We can't be judgmental. However, if someone is stating they are a Christian and not living in the ways of Christ then as an individual we must decide if we are going to associate with that person and possibly bring ourselves to their level just by association.
As for homosexuals...God intended for us to join with those of the opposite sex. Again, I honestly can't remember Bible verse but I will follow up with this later. (it's almost 1am and I need sleep)
God bless and please know there a lot of Christians in this crazy world we live in.

2006-07-28 01:50:36 · answer #8 · answered by okiemom67 3 · 0 0

They're called "hypocrites", and they existed even back in the olden days when Jesus was around.

Jesus already said that the road of salvation is a hard one, and only few will truly be able to find it. Some people were complaining to Jesus about that, and he replied that if it was hard for righteous people to be saved, what of the wicked and sinners?

Again, I think it's hypocrisy, cause people say they love God/Jesus, yet don't do what Jesus says to do (such as loving their neighbors).

2006-07-28 01:48:05 · answer #9 · answered by komodo_gold 4 · 0 0

Religion came into the picture to streamline the human mind and kind of lock everyone into living a uniform good life. but the way it was implemented was through fear of GOD and not love of god.And hence once the fear or dependency on GOD goes away, all the good things that came along lost it's value. Only those people who be good because they want to be and not because their religion wants them to be will be good. Again Good and Bad are relative terms as what one calls good maybe bad for another but that's a different concept and lets not go into it.

2006-07-28 01:47:57 · answer #10 · answered by msgtoab 1 · 0 0

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