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2006-07-27 18:08:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

31 answers

Sort of. I think it's sad that she tried to get help so many times and never got the help that she needed. However, it's her children I really feel bad about. :(

2006-07-27 18:12:27 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

I have compassion on her. No mom in her right mind would kill her children. Obviously she was not in her right mind. Too bad her husband couldn't have realized she needed help and put her in a hospital before all of that happened. I don't feel it's the same as having a seizure, though. She probably was having thought about doing it for a long time. A common symptom of clinical depression is hurting loved ones around you. I think it is all very, very sad. Women who suffer mentally should aggressively get help. It's out there, but people are just scared to go get it.

2006-07-27 18:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by numbergirl 1 · 0 0

She openly admitted on tape that she knew murder was wrong. She should have called the cops/someone with authority and told them her urges were too strong or whatever.
As is, I feel like she is using PPD as an excuse and no I don't feel compassion for her. It's also not like suffering a seizure while driving, although most epileptics can tell when they're about to have an episode and they pull over, thus preventing the 'run over 5 kids' scenario.

2006-07-27 18:13:06 · answer #3 · answered by Miss. Bliss 5 · 0 0

WOW, Really, you need to think about the fact that she did this methodically. One by one, carried them into the bathroom and killed them. If it were an "accident" due to her mental or emotional instability don't you think that just one of your children looking up at you and struggling while you were drowning it would snap you out of it? I have to wonder if you have children?
No I have ZERO compassion for her, there are too many other options that she had at the time, hell we wont even list the agencies she could have called or all of the options she had. No her and Susan Smith should have gotten the firing squad the MIN they were found guilty. Or better yet, drown her and revive her Five times so she can feel the fear and pain that her children felt THEN give her the firing squad. Susan Smith should have just been strapped in a car and drooped off the nearest bridge. I for one am deeply offended that my tax money is now feeding her or any other woman that would kill a child.

2006-07-27 19:48:26 · answer #4 · answered by Tero 2 · 0 0

What if she was a man? Or a different race? Or an ex-convict? Would it matter then? Sure, I have compassion for every person who is never going to see the light of day again because of their crimes. Does that mean they should not be held responsible within the laws of the land in which they committed those crimes? Absolutely not, and if it does, why not argue for compassion for ALL criminals?

2006-07-27 18:13:09 · answer #5 · answered by jd 6 · 0 0

it's true and clear that she does suffer from mental illness. BUT, i would like to add that her religion contributed and her husband contributed to the death of those 5 INNOCENT little lives.

her religion believes that mother's determine whether their children to to heaven or hell... that's ALL up to the mother. she felt that she would be responsible for her children if they ever did sin and that SHE would then be the reason they would go to hell UNLESS she sent them to heaven when they were young and still innocent. she just kept saying that she wanted her kids to go to heaven and she couldn't bare the torture of knowing she would be responsible if they didn't get to heaven.

SHE DID MEAN IT. her own attorney didn't try to hide that fact, she didn't try to hide that either. and she admitted that she had planned their deaths out weeks before... she was just waiting to be alone with the kids... she complained that people were always around!

her defense attorney's point was: yes, she meant to kill them, yes she did plan their deaths, yes she knew it was wrong by societies standards BUT, according to her own beliefs at that moment she was doing them a favor and sending them to heaven because she loved them so much!

i don't feel sorry for her... her life is a waist of oxygen
i'm angry that her husband isn't in prison as an accomplice... he was TOLD by her doctor to NOT leave her alone with the children and yet, he left her (even if it was only going to be for one hour). she how much can happen in one TINY hour? she said it took 8-10 minutes to fill the tub... and that the oldest struggled the hardest BUT, she was determined... the oldest she left floating in the tub, the rest she put into bed as if they were just sleeping... she even took the time to pose them... with their arms around one another. I KNOW those kids are in a better place than where they came from!

2006-07-27 18:20:46 · answer #6 · answered by JayneDoe 5 · 0 0

There was a similar question few days ago. I say now the same what I said then:
She should be locked up, in a psychiatric institution or in jail.
She mustn't walk around free. Some of you here say that her husband is also guilty, for not understanding her. Well, what will happen next time when it darkens in front of her eyes? I mean, because of lack of understanding?

2006-07-27 19:51:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We should always have compassion for the suffering..I think That woman had her babies way to close to one another...and she never got to recoop..from the previous baby..and of coarse..your body goes through alot when having a one child ..and it takes awhile before you recoop physically much less mentally..going through post pardoms that are aweful..those are scary..but, to have one child right after another..and not being able to recoop from the previous baby can probably throw you into a tailspin..cause to have 5 babies.gosh come on..one can make a new mother crazy (from only the fact the baby is crying and you dont know why)...and when especailly you are working and doing housework and so on and so on..and doing it (times) x 5..... little ones..= needs help...I just think she never gave herself a rest..to let her body and mind coincide,she just kept having them...but its not only her fault..her husband should of taken care of her too..and realized it was too much for her...he should of realized her odd ways and reactions ..of the things she was doing that he had questions for because he felt she wasnt herself that alone is a RED FLAG..

2006-07-27 18:30:21 · answer #8 · answered by ck1_content 4 · 0 0

I don't believe she really knew what she was doing, and I also think that her husband should be on trial too because he was told be her therapist not to get her pregnant again after their 3rd child, and he just kept at it when he KNEW that she had a problem. Does this mean I think she should go free? No. I think she belongs in a mental hospital where she can get the help she desprately needs, and her husband needs to be snipped.

2006-07-27 18:12:40 · answer #9 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

i have compassion for her. i come from a family that is full of mentally ill people and I've seen the ones i love do some awful things during their crazy episodes. never anything to the extent of murder or anything. but i have seen how a loving caring person can turn into a monster do to their mental breakdowns

2006-07-27 18:14:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have compassion for her, but disagree with the overturned verdict and think your example is poor. Drowning 5 kids in the bathtub is not an accident.

2006-07-27 18:13:43 · answer #11 · answered by YedidNefesh 4 · 0 0

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