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Whether it was annoying passengers ,crying babies uncomfortable seats,horrible food.or unsupervised kids running all over the place.

or something like jet lag ,motion sickness,or not being able to sleep at all. tell me about it!

2006-07-27 18:05:45 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

23 answers

i was on flight landing chicago midway. snowing and windy, perfect conditions for casual flyers to pee their pants. this chick beside me is white knuckling her arm rest and i can see the terror in her eyes. meanwhile there's these two idiot cowboys sitting directly in front of us.

they had already collected all the cups, fastened seat belts etc. but the cowboy had snuck and kept his unfinished beer. the idiots are kiddin about crashing, blah blah. being "quiet" but not really tryin. this chick is startin to really freak when all of a sudden we hit a air pocket and she loses it.

she slams the back of the chair of the cowboy with the beer. his head snaps forward, cowboy hat falls off and his beer flys in the air and lands all over the morons uncovered head.

i was dying laughing all the way to touch down.

2006-07-27 18:13:03 · answer #1 · answered by mex-o-funk 3 · 0 0

Flying back to DCA from texas; lots of storms. This was in the '80s when union strikes were common. The PA system didn't work and I noticed we were flying into thick clouds (at 30,000 feet!). The pilot made some distorted inaudible announcement and flashed the seat belt sign which was ignored by the FA's and passengers.

I was watching the wing strobe light at the end of the wing, when a brighter than nomal flash occurred. The plane immediately fell what felt like thousands of feet sending people sprawling in the isles and food and paper flying all over the cabin.

We descended very fast for a time afterward and then leveled off. The smell of vomit filled the cabin. A FA in the galley was hit in the head by an unsecured drawer and had to hold a bag of ice on her head for the entire rest of the flight. She was sitting on the floor until the plane was stable again. Apparrently the jolt fixed the PA system because the pilot announced "I'm sorry, I was in control the entire time and there was nevery any danger. We were'nt 'pinging' anything on radar....." I never did learn the exact cause of the incident.

2006-07-28 00:29:55 · answer #2 · answered by gwhatch2001 3 · 0 0

(1)Over-heating engine on a 747 out from JFK over Cape Cod. Dumped 30 tons of fuel to do an emergecy landing.

(2)Also at JFK, in final flare of a 767 just 50 ft off the runway when a 747 rolls across the far end of the runway. All engines light up and we do a touch and go. Took 45 minutes to get back in line and land. Our pilot was not a happy man

2006-07-28 00:36:40 · answer #3 · answered by andyoptic 4 · 0 0

There are plenty of things which happen up there, which make you feel ............ nothing could be worse than this. Crying babies and nosy fellow passengers ... but my worst experience riding an airplane for a short flight of 20 minutes from India to Bangladesh.

It was a cross-border flight and those 20 minutes were the most terrifying and hillarious at the same time in my entire life. It was a very very small 25 seater plane called BANGLADESH BIMAN. When I walked up to the plane on the tarmac (yes we had to actually walk up to it on the sidelines of the runway) it was a small dingy plane and the moment I entered it, I was given a seat (there are no numbers as it is a handful of seats and passengers). Even before I was seated, the Air Hostess in all her kindness gave me a Coke and a Sandwitch to eat. In approximately 2 minutes (and we are still firmply grounded) she comes to collect the tray back.

We start our ride and when the plan was gunning down the runway, trying to pick up enolugh speed to take-off, it felt like eternity.

Once we do manage to take off and we are flying nice and cozy, all sorts of crazy things start to happen. The plane hit an air pocket and the overhead compartment banged open with the luggage spilling on the people (thankfully no one was injured). The window shades automatically closed down (as if to avoid the preying eyes of the birds outside to see what happening inside the plane).

Another moment and I feel something cold running down my back. On close inspection, I find that its cold water which is falling from the roof on my head. Thats when I realized that the plane might be coming apart and water is coming in because of the temp. outside.

Even before I could say my prayers (thought they were going to be my final one), the pilot announced that we have reached Dhaka and will be landing in 2 mins.

We touched down a bumpy landing but that felt like smooth silk as compared to the flight. 20 mins made me realize what life and death could mean to a person.

2006-07-27 19:23:46 · answer #4 · answered by Deepak M 1 · 0 0

I had a rude flight attendant. I don't know if she was racist or not, but all the pieces seemed to fit pretty well. This lady sitting next to me asked her for a pillow, and the flight attendant gave her a rude smile and said that they didn't have any more. So we saw a lady ahead asking a different flight attendant for a pillow, and she got it for her. That is when the lady sitting next to me wrote a report to the head of the airlines about her. It was sort of uncomfortable because I didn't want to ask her for anything that I needed! Why have you had a bad experience on an airplane?

2006-07-27 18:14:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I was fifteen I was flying from Bermuda to London and our hydraulics began to fail, the nose wheel was trapped and we had to do an emergency landing after dumping all the fuel into the atlantic.
Pilot wasn't sure if the undercarriage would hold up on landing and we were chased by fire engines as we came in to land.
Very scary. Passengers were completely silent as we made our final descent and erupted in applause as we touched down

2006-07-29 12:18:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Landing in Kuwait just before Operation Iraqi Freedom started. That, or coming back from NC, being so drunk It's still a mystery today how they let me on the plane, but takeoff is no good on a queesy stomach. Oh not to mention the fact that on the way to NC, We had a 12 hour delay in Georgia...

2006-07-28 04:42:00 · answer #7 · answered by dirtmerchant_12b 3 · 0 0

hahahha, the cow boy one was sooooo funny! anyways, i was flying from new zealand to hong kong and after take off, my brother puked everywhere and the seat belt sign was on, so no one came to clean it for a while. Then mid way, one of the engines was smoking black, so we made an emergency landing in Aus. while the plane was a bit tilted, with people being scared everywhere and kids crying. and once we were landing in toronto, and something about the wind on a run way so we had to change to another run way and then we were told to brace ourselfs for a possible crash landinng.... that was weird, because nothing happened and everyone was so scared. then once the plane was hit by this uh... i dont know how to say this word, its when suddenly the air pushes down for no reason and the whole plane loses alot of altitude. now that was really funny because this guy beside me wasn't wearing his seat belt and he happened to me american. anyways when the plane was going down, he was one of the many people who just floated in the air, and hit the ceiling, some of them had bloody noses..

2006-07-27 21:06:39 · answer #8 · answered by GigaHard 1 · 0 0

I had to fly back to Britain on the day that Heathrow had a bomb scare approximately 3 years in the past, and we weren't allowed any hand bags in any respect, so i could no longer take on the holiday pills i mandatory, and so I felt sick the completed way residing house. 0.5 way residing house we've been flying above a hurricane, so there became turbulance and anybody became panicking approximately something going incorrect with the airplane. Then they served up a "cooked breakfast", which became actually soggy gunk in a foil tin. once you already sense sick, this does not help the area!

2016-12-10 17:02:32 · answer #9 · answered by allateef 4 · 0 0

i was flying emirates airlines one day and most of its aircraft have nose cameras so we can see what the pilots also see. usually the runway can be seen from a few miles out, is perfectly lined up as it approaches and we land smoothly. however, on this occasion as we were landing in frankfurt i could not see the runway as we approaced. we were now very low and all i could see were buildings and trees!! my heart was in my mouth and then when it seemed like we were about to crash, the runway popped into view seconds before we touched down. i only found out afterwards that the pilot had executed a perfect crab/slip maneouvre as we were flying into a strong cross wind. phew!!

2006-07-27 19:48:58 · answer #10 · answered by theplanes! 1 · 0 0

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