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Why are some americans lazy and those who come here illegaly actually work to get ther papers and things done? and plus if they do manage "to kick out" all the illegals woulding America be almost like a deserted place? because i have read and heard that illegal people make up almost all of america.


2006-07-27 18:03:11 · 24 answers · asked by Богатый Мальчик 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

for all those people that think im illegal im not!
and plus immigrants are not just mexicans! i socked my teachers jaw for saying that immigrants should get the hell out. and for you miss "Bones M" i will have you know that i will make yahoo employee block your computer from ever subscribing to yahoo ever again! even if you put fake names too bad!

2006-07-27 18:20:56 · update #1

ok first people STOP CALLING ME NAMES AND STUFF ORELSE I WILL MAKE A YAHOO EMPLOYEE BLOCK YOU COMPUTER FROM EVER SUBSCRIBING TO YAHOO! SECOND IM NOT ILLEGAL! and for you "hexador04" your the stupid jerk off, the stupid,asshole. one more of this and you will be blocked!

2006-07-27 18:41:14 · update #2

yes you can just ask and they will see what they can do so they blokc you something called ISPS or something like that

2006-07-28 06:11:21 · update #3

Debra R why dont you go **** your mother!
why dont you go back to your moms wumb and never be born so we wont here any of your **** that you have to say! y dont you say all the bullshit that you have to say about me in my face??!!

2006-07-28 14:18:45 · update #4

for tjose who think that i can block someone from enerting or having an accound WHAT HAPPEND TO Miss "Bones M"? :-)

2006-07-30 08:20:32 · update #5

sorry wrote it wrong ^: For those who think that i cant block someone from subscribing to yahoo WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND TO MISS "Bones M"? :-) :-0 i rest my case!

2006-07-30 08:22:43 · update #6

24 answers

THANK YOU!!!! I'm glad somebody understands this issue
I totally agree with you if we don't do something soon America will no longer be the land of of opportunity or the free and SOME Americans talk about immigrants like the Nazis did about the Jews and I completely agree with you I'm an immigrant Mexican to be precise and we are great people we are very hard working and don't ever let any racist tell you otherwise or brainwash you into thinking we aren't I know there are some bad apples but don't ever think we are all like this because we are not oh and by the way a lot of the bad things that you hear about immigrants are lies like them not paying taxes my family has been here since I was 7 I'm 13 at the moment and every single one of those years my dad has paid his taxes on time and we aren't lazy or uneducated my dad leaves for work at around 7a.m. and he comes back at around 10p.m and people who complain about illegal immigrants I highly doubt you would be willing to do the jobs most immigrants do oh and VIVA MEXICO THE USA AND THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!! AND

2006-07-27 18:24:28 · answer #1 · answered by loot 3 · 4 2

True. Not all illegals are Mexicans, but they do make up a majority of them. I have nothing against Mexicans or any race for that matter, but I am discussed with illegals! Why you say? Well, your first point about Americans being lazy is false. Many of the jobs illegals work are lower waged jobs that Americans would work if it paid a better wage. Think about it. A business has to pay U.S. citizens minimum wage. Why do that when businesses can hire an illegals for less, plus illegals don't have to pay taxes, and they get free health care and food stamps that I pay for. So you see, illegals can easily live of a 4 dollar an hour wage while Americans struggle on 8 dollars an hour. This my friend is why I'm upset. Illegals recieve better treament and more benefits than American citizens. Illegals also make up 27% of the jail population. They must be commiting crimes, and I also pay for these criminals room and board. Illegals are also bringing disease in America that we haven't seen in years like polio and leprocy. Not only that, but open borders is easy access for terrorists. I could go on, but I will let this sink in.

2006-07-27 18:39:48 · answer #2 · answered by Derek M 2 · 0 2

Since you go around punching teachers in the face, its good that you like illegals, since almost 15% of your fellow prisoners will be illegal Mexicans.

Also, you couldn't get a Yahoo employee to block a hole in the wall, much less someone else's computer from accessing the Yahoo system. So, its time for a reality check, when you get straight.

First, there are about 280,000,000 legal Americans in the U.S.A. Second, there are about 20,000,000 illegals. So, if they all left, we would still have a lot of people.

Third, legal Americans are not lazy, they, in fact, are the hardest working people on this planet.

Fourth, most of the illegals do not work. According to Hispanic "rights" spokespeople about 2/3 of the illegal Hispanics do not work -- many are children, some are wives and mothers. Some of the mothers, not all, are also on welfare with their "anchor" babies.

Fifth, and most important, America has neither the income or capital to support all of Mexico. Every legal American pays thousands of dollars a year to support the illegals in this country. The money may not be paid to the illegals, but our health insurance and other medical services cost 10 to 25% (depending upon the source) more because of the free services provided to illegals. We also pay increased costs for many other products including taxes because of the illegals, 100,000 Mexicans are said to be in U.S. prisons at a cost of $3.5 Billion per year. Then there is the cost of educating millions of illegal children which is over $20 Billion per year. ETC. Simply put we cannot afford it.

Sixth, many illegals take jobs that Americans DO WANT, since they are being paid more than many working LEGAL Americans. In addition, because they are here and willing to work for whatever they can get, they lower the wages of ALL Americans not just the ones whose jobs they are taking. We directly reduces the incomes of all Americans

Seventh, the Mexicans are not coming here as immigrants but as migrants, seeking to get what they can to either send or take with them to Mexico. This poses another problem because of the loss of spending in the U.S. caused by all the money being sent to Mexico. That spending would have generated jobs, incomes and taxes, in the U.S. if it had stayed here.

Eighth, there is a culture of ignoring the law in Mexico. When that is brought here, it threatens our entire economy, because as Mexico proves, you cannot have a good economy without a generally honest citizenry.

Simply put either illegal entry into the U.S. is dramatically reduced or the U.S. that we know and to which over one Billion people would like to come, will cease to exist.

2006-07-27 18:57:17 · answer #3 · answered by rehabob 4 · 0 2

America got along just fine without ILLEGAL invaders and we can get along just fine without them now. If you don't believe me, all the illegal invaders can go back to their own country and see. If we fall down to a craphole like Mexico you can say 'see I told you so" and you' ll already be out of the USA and won't have to live in the craphole it became because you all left. Go ahead, I want you to prove you're right!!

Awww, Богатый Мальчик, it'll be OK!! Don't cry, all the illegal invaders can come back after we build it back up again------(NOT!!)LMAO!!

Angela R up^there - YES. THE USA "IS" HIS COUNTRY!! HE has a right to defend it as do all true Americans!! Any American citizen who would support the illegal activity of people abusing the USA and it's citizens is a TRAITOR to their country!! Illegal immigration is a crime and those who do it are CRIMINALS!! THOSE who SUPPORT them are traitors and should be IMPRISONED!!

2006-07-27 18:24:57 · answer #4 · answered by vacant 3 · 0 2

Well you read wrong! Do you know there are people here illegally taking jobs that many HOMELESS LEGAL Americans can take? Giving back billions of dollars to their home countries? As many of poor black people who can't seem to find a job..these people are jumping fences taking jobs that they could've had? As many people living on the streets, and on poverty who can't seem to find a job.This is also a land of laws.We having to pay high taxes, but they don`t? Then they have the audacity to come into our country and try to say what's right and what isn't. Instead of them coming into our country and trying to change things, maybe they should try their own first. Protest there! I`m 14 years old..And I seem to know way more than you. Shame, it's hard to even believe that your American.

2006-07-27 18:12:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Why can't illegals actually get their papers before they trek illegally into the U.S.?
By the way, the US population is about 300 million
And there are i think somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 million illegal immigrants in this country

2006-07-27 18:08:16 · answer #6 · answered by Austin 3 · 0 2

The American citizens have declared war on the illegal aliens. ( The government needs to open it's eyes to the problem and do more than make stupid token gestures that are suppose to stop the problem! )

We welcome legal immigrants with open arms, yes America is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. The illegals are trying to destroy us. We won't let them!

2006-07-27 18:42:09 · answer #7 · answered by rexski 5 · 0 2

You stupid jerk off, they do not make up most of America, Dam I hate stupid people like you, their are over 300 million people in America, and they don't even come close to even half of the population, I am sick of them coming her like they own the place, and breaking our laws, they are to dam lazy to stay and fix their own country, they are lazy in mind and body, even their government is to lazy to help their own people, If it weren't for Americans building this country, they would have no where to run asshole. Their is nothing worst than stupid people like you. And what don't you understand about illegal.

2006-07-27 18:29:29 · answer #8 · answered by hexa 6 · 0 2

Americans are not lazy at all. We work jobs every day. where in the hell do you get that illegals make up most of America. lmao now you gave me something good to laugh about

2006-07-27 18:10:54 · answer #9 · answered by angels_among_us 2 · 0 2

There ARE illegal immigrants who don't work. If they do manage to "kick out" all the illegals, America would be a better place.

2006-07-27 18:18:53 · answer #10 · answered by bekkiboo31 4 · 0 2

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