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or do the answers come in a different way? and if you're gonna answer this question by saying that God isn't real, or put my God, the Christian God, down. just don't anwer it. i'm not trying to convince you that your religion is wrong at this time. so show me the same respect. anyone that answers this talking bad about God, go ahead and prepare to be reported.

2006-07-27 17:58:41 · 32 answers · asked by kittedoutbean 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Wait upon the Lord. Listen. Read the Word of God. Seek Him. Call Him by His name. Pray in Jesus name, "Father, I need to hear from you." Thank Him for sending His Son so you can have everlasting life. Pray for family, friends, & enemys truthfully from your heart.

Pray His promises. If any one is lacking in wisdom, let Him ask God who gives liberally to those who ask specifically without doubting.

Trust God. Without faith it is impossible to please God for those that seek Him must believe that He Is, and is a rewarder to those that diligently seek Him.

Abide in His Word & Love, ask what you will & it will be given unto you.

The Holy Spirit of Truth speaks in your spirit. He direct you in the bible. Seek answers in the bible. The Holy Spirit gives understanding in your spirit. Lean not on your own understanding. Trust in Him.

Repetative fancy prayers don't work with God. Prayers must be true/honest from the heart. The prayers of a righteous person (washed in the blood, trusting & obeying God) avails much.

Love rejoices in the Truth. God is Love. Rejoice in the Spirit in the truth. I discern many things this way. This Joy is rooted in faith that God loves me & gives me a true answer.

These verses are coming to my mind from God. I will add more later God willing.

Missy Answers, soul sista, Martin S, AK, Searcher & Ichiro have good answers for you.

2006-07-27 18:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 3 0

He hears you and he will answer. You have to remember there are usually three possible answers though; yes, no, and wait. How will he answer? Any number of ways. Sometimes it's that small, still voice. Sometimes it's just a feeling of peace and acknowledgment (you suddenly know what to do). Other times it can be very tangible indeed. I'll spare the details but I have had very difficult situations just resolve 'themselves' overnight. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months, even years of faithful prayer. Other times it's little more than a whispered thought and you have the answer.
Fasting is also a powerful tool in getting God's attention. And having others join with you in prayer for a certain situation or need gets quick results. Ask those you trust to pray with you. And pray with others when you get the opportunity.
Prayer is one of the most powerful forces and yet one of the most underused. You can take everything to God, he knows everything about you anyway. No need to be embarrassed or bashful with him.

2006-07-27 18:13:29 · answer #2 · answered by AK 6 · 0 0

Answers to prayer come in all sorts of ways. Sometimes its when God shows you something you will have peace about it. Other times it's when you pray and read the bible that God will reveal something to it.

When you pray, stop and wait. Don't rush off. Meditate on what he shows you.

But don't forget this, you are going to a non-spiritual website for answers to this question. When you see an answer here, do some make sense and other answers don't. It's the same way with God. He gives you wisdom.

I'm praying that God will grant you wisdom to know his will.

Continue to read your bible and pray, As you become closer to God and follow what God wants. You will get closer to him and then you will know what God wants for you.

Blessings to you!

2006-07-27 18:15:03 · answer #3 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

I'm GOOD not GOD, and your threat suspends the public right to express opinions,,, no real offense meant.

Perhaps when you pray you're ASKING rather than OFFERING???

On a very simple note GOD has to be extremely busy,,,don't you agree? Answers surely come to me in various ways,,,but admittedly never through an omnifficent "voice" I have no "expectations" only requests,,, at most,, to wake in the morning to say "Thank You"

I also suspect that there are questions that will never be answered, at least not to us, perhaps not even in a lifetime.

I liken this to asking something of the Universe. When we Ask, beg, even demand subtly, the Universe is like an echo chamber, and we "hear" or are responded to with "Give me",,,"Please can you",,,"will you",,,etc.

When we "Offer" up something to the Universe,,,GOD if you will, such as "I give this part of me, to you",,,"I am allowing a natural flow in events and circumstances to be acceptable by me, at YOUR WILL",,, very often that too is reflected back at us,,even if not a direct, clear, answer.

The problem we as a species have with prayer is that it is usually to ask FOR something rather than to OFFER something.

Reverend Steven

2006-07-27 18:14:10 · answer #4 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 0 0

It is rare that God speaks to people in an audible voice. Usually He will put a verse of Scripture in your mind or you will "just know in your knower" that God is giving you direction. Or sometimes when you are reading the Bible the Holy Spirit will illuminate a passage for you and you will sense that God is giving you personal instruction from his Word.

Other times He will speak to you through other Christians or you will feel a warning or a conviction come upon you from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He won't say anything because He knows that you don't want to obey what He might have to say to you and He just waits and works in unseen ways to bring you around to his will for your life.

Basically, He does what He wants, when He wants to, and however He wants to because He is all wise and his thoughts and ways are as high above ours as the Heavens are above the earth. Don't be discouraged. Just keep on praying when you have something to say to Him and trust that He hears you and will work all things together for good over time.

2006-07-27 18:12:35 · answer #5 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

The reason Christians often give why prayers don't seem to be answered is that one is looking for a specific answer versus a Universal answer. This means that you are expecting the response to come one way, but it could be something entirely different.

By the way, it's not against the rules to say God/god does not exist. It is against the rules to threaten other participants though.

2006-07-27 18:04:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you expecting a burning bush or what not?

If so I don't think that that should be your intention. The point of praying is to honor god and ask forgiveness for your sins while at the same time looking for guidance. Look at the Lord's prayer

Our Father
Who arte in heaven
Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in heaven

Grant us this day our daily bread
And forgive our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from sin

For thine is the kingdom and power and glory
For ever and ever

That being said that doesn't mean that G*d doesn't hear your prayers or respond to them, merely that his responses are quite as vivid and clear as they are portrayed in the Old Testament.

My suggestion is to keep on praying, but not lose heart if you don't hear or see the response directly.

2006-07-27 18:09:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you expect to hear from the God who spoke to Paul from the midday sun in the Acts of the Apostles, or the God who spoke from the sky at the Baptism of Jesus?

Do you see the word Christian in any of the four Gospels?

Or do you see the word Christians in the Acts of the Apostles as a name for those who preached a risen Zeus and son of Zeus?

Yes! You are doing something wrong and your prayers are not going anywhere but filling the space around you, and if you were to go to the mouth of a tunnel with your prayers you will surely hear them echo back to you.

Please Try this prayer: - Almighty God! Grant me eternal life that I may know Thee, The Only true God, and those whom you have sent. Sanctify me by Your Truth, Your Word is Truth. Grant that I will obey Your Word and know everything that comes from You. Keep me safe from the Evil One and protect me that I will not be lost. Amen

You can search for these words in the Seventeenth Chgapter of the Gospel of John, where the christ prayed for his disciples. If he was around with you he would have wanted you to say the same prayer for yourself.

Try it and see if it works for you. You got nothing to lose.


2006-07-27 18:12:34 · answer #8 · answered by mythkiller-zuba 6 · 0 0

I have felt the same way. I think that it comes down to what you are praying about. if it is self serving then you can pretty much expect it not to happen or at least not in the way that you want. there are things that I really want but I have learned to ask God to provide it for me if it is his will. I don't know if he will answer it because he does things to better me and the kingdom but I have told myself that if it does not happen then it would not have been good for me then. It goes the same for events in life for me. I currently live in a town I despise, but I know that I am here for a reason and I have to be patient and have just asked the Lord to use me for what ever it is that he has planned for me here so that he can use me somewhere else. That is all I can do, I know he would never hurt me or not give me something to be spiteful so I just trust in him. after all, I am not skilled to understand his ways.
God Bless

2006-07-27 18:05:49 · answer #9 · answered by melissa s 4 · 0 0

Maybe sometimes God does answer your prayers but you may not recognize it. Maybe God answers it on a timetable we cannot recognize. Maybe, unfortunately, sometimes the answer is no.

Are your prayers of thanksgiving, worship, or supplication? If you are asking for something, perhaps you need something else.

Actually, I would be a little concerned if I did hear a response, because I wouldn't know how to determine if God or the Deceiver was providing the answer.

2006-07-27 18:08:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I think that all you have to do is wait and be patient. I mean what are you praying for? If it is stuff like I hope that I get this or that, then he is answering your prayer by giving it to you, I mean I am not trying to make you feel stupid or anything because you probaly already knew that. Sorry if I didn't answer your question like you expected, and hopefully someone can answer it the way you want. I think you should ask your pastor or parents. ~Good Luck~

2006-07-27 18:05:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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