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I grew up in a very abusive household and was recently apalled by the news of a family whos parents beat there kids with belts and such for things like talking back or not changing the TV channel.

Why do american households suffer from this black plague?
Is it because they work to much overtime and get paid way to little at the local tire-plant that causes there social class to degrade to the point of being boozed up daily only to come home and beat there kis silly in a depressed rage induced from beer and cheap drugs that these meth heads need to grind out life?

2006-07-27 17:41:38 · 16 answers · asked by oxyman42(r)BEWAREcheapIMITATIONS 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Lots of methhead children posting in defense of this shame on our children of the world,, we need to nurture and caress the kids !!! Not harm them or beat them for everything.

2006-07-27 17:52:45 · update #1

I serached the web and found fact finding survey that this happens 80% more likey in africans in american homes and/or whitie americans who work in a shop.

2006-07-27 17:54:19 · update #2

16 answers

Beating in a violent nature is a shame. It is unfortunately a cycle that gets passed from generation to generation, and requires someone of strength to break the chain. There are all alternatives to beating a child when discipline is necessary, but ignorance on this topic is rampant. However, I also feel that no one is ever above getting a spanking when handles appropriately.

2006-07-27 17:49:41 · answer #1 · answered by bloomquist324 4 · 0 0

It's not only the American households. There are bad parents all over the world.
There's an idiotic philosophy that says: your children don't need you as a friend. They'll find their own friends. They need you as a parent.
I have two children, 21 and 16, both male. I've never raised a hand on them. I've never called them names. They are fine young men - loving, reliable, good students, with exeptionally good working habits.
We talk very much. That's how it's been since they were little kids. Even now, when they are much older, they trust me an feel that they can tell me everything, that nothing is that bad that I shouldn't know about it and try to understand or even help if I can.
Discipline your children with love and understanding. If you beat them, they tend to become wounded and bitter human beings and a vicious circle could continue.

2006-07-27 19:27:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the USA, household violence can be related to religion, or frustration like you mentioned. Alcohol abuse is a common factor, too.

One thing that one religion teaches is "Spare the rod, spoil the child." I know people who follow this teaching closely.

The hectic schedules that many families follow these days (because of the necessity of two incomes to support a family) can make the parents short-tempered even while the kids act up to get some attention. Money is one of the main sources of conflict in marriages/families.

Conflict is what leads to violence in the first place. There are a lot more causes of it than what I've mentioned, and all of them can be a factor in household violence.

In some people, the use of alcohol can bring suppressed anger and conflict to the surface and result in violence.

2006-07-27 17:56:13 · answer #3 · answered by Baxter 3 · 0 0

let me tell you how this happens... it's called the "FAMILY PRESERVATION ACT". this act was put in place in the hopes of rehabilitating abusers and reuniting families. it was thought that the best thing for all children is to have their daily needs met by their biological parents. this act puts abuse victoms back in the home of the abuser after a counselor says that the abusor is "sorry" and does "regret" their behavior. any time someone is found by protective services to have a "proponderance of evidence" that they did commit the act of abuse upon a child there is a "goal" statement that includes that the parent will not use physical forms of punishment on the child/children ever again. HOWEVER, nothing is done if the person continues with physical UNLESS there is bodily injury that is caught, and reported, as a direct result of improper punishment as set forth in the action plans "goal" statement.

soooooooooooooooooooo... the abuser continues to pull the kids hair, kick in their bedroom door, beat them with objects or their hand... and nothing happens until SOMEHOW someone sees or hears of the abuse and wants to get involved.... and there are to many people today that still don't want to report abuse.

please don't say that social class has anything to do with abuse... abuse wears MANY faces! some of the more prominent ones are hushed cases, however... leading people to believe that only low income, low class people have anger and abuse issues... that means that middle and upper class children have more abuse because people don't recognize the signs because a certain family doesn't fall into the typical stereo-type.

i'm so sorry i know so much about this... but my ex-husband is an abusive man. he's a captain in the national guard and works for the federal government... who would have ever suspected him? he looks calm, cool, collected... prominent. BUT, he's on the national registry for child abuse... and he admitted to protective service that he still spanks... but he says he doesn't leave marks now... SO, long story short? there's nothing i can do except wait for the next sever beating on another of our children.

2006-07-27 17:55:59 · answer #4 · answered by JayneDoe 5 · 0 1

People who grow up in abusive households usually have a skewed outlook on discipline. I was beat with a belt by my mother when I was growing up and I don't feel I was abused. I actually thank her because I believe that I am well adjusted.

Beating your child is not violence per se, it's discipline. And it should be used as a final measure of discipline. Still, I believe beatings can be taken too far and cross over into abuse.

Not everyone who spanks their children are hateful and disfunctional. But on the contrary, they are the ones who love their children the most. It teaches them the fundamental truth that disobedience brings pain. And as a parent you should want to be the one teaching that lesson---instead of some guy in a jail cell named Bubba.

2006-07-27 17:52:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Some people cannot handle the pressures of being a parent. There is nothing wrong with a little pop on the butt or tap on the hand once in a while, especially if the child is doing something that can harm them, but to hit a child with anything other than an open palm is wrong.

2006-07-27 17:48:05 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

There is chastening as spelled out by one of the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, Proverbs 29:15 - "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
There is also abuse. One is spiritually directed towards obtaining discipline and the other is an outgrowth of frustration and or other unresolved conflicts. A lot depends on the family's history and its domestic and spiritual atmosphere.

2006-07-27 17:54:33 · answer #7 · answered by Boaz 4 · 0 0

Why do we beat our kids....CAUSE THAT SHI* WORKS! I was "beat" when i did something dumb. Kids that got beat back in the day turned out way better than kids are nowadays. All this sit them down and reason BS is retarded. There not old enough at 4 to understand "i have authoritie, so sit down and be quiet" and at sixteen kids wont listen to that BS, theyll do what they want cause theres no real punishment. So hit your kids just dont beat them out of anger in violence, do it because you know that kids need to be put in there place when they get mouthy.

2006-07-27 17:49:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hey hun....im sorry to hear you were brought up in a violent and abusive house hold....as for me my mom would spank me and my sister if we did wrong and it helped us to stay in line...naturally i spank my child as means of discipline mind you not all the time and i NEVER spank her if im simply mad over something that has nothing to do with her or to let off steam... i do believe that is wrong....i also never use any thing other then my hand and her back side...there is a big difference in spanking and beating....another thing people must keep in mind is if your so mad that your close to loosing your head or not able to punish your child rationally then you should NOT touch them until you have calmed down...that's part of why we have a lot of kids in society today talking back, hitting their parents because they were not disciplined growing up...like i said my mom spanked me and my sis growing up and i don't think any less of her for that, thus showing there is a right way to spank and a wrong way... i would also like to state that this topic like abortion, religion, and many other topics will always have people on opposite sides...but you should be respected for your beliefs like any one else...love daisy

2006-07-27 18:06:09 · answer #9 · answered by crazy_daisy 4 · 0 0

it's not beating! it's disciplining...you need to understand that!

If your parents hurt you because they are mad, thats child abuse. If the parents spanks you for correction out of love, thats discipline. There's a very thin line between the 2.

If you don't discipline a child, someone will...maybe the cops (by jail) when the child grows up.

2006-07-27 17:49:00 · answer #10 · answered by alandicho 5 · 1 0

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