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Should we bring back Slavery and have women be property since the Bible supports both?

Philemon was not told to free Onesimus. Slaves are repeatedly told to obey their masters (Eph. 6:5, Col. 3:22, I Tim. 6:1, Titus 2:9)

Women are the property of their father until married, and their husband after that. (Ex. 20:17, 22:17, Deut. 22:24, Mat 22:25).

2006-07-27 17:19:18 · 15 answers · asked by azdbackfan99 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

C. B
What does S&G have to do with anything? Jesus and five Old Testament prophets all speak of the sins that led to the destruction of Sodom -- and not one of them mentions homosexuality. Even Billy Graham doesn't mention homosexuality when he preaches on Sodom.

Listen to what Ezekiel 16:48-49 tell us: "This is the sin of Sodom; she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help or encourage the poor and needy. They were arrogant and this was abominable in God's eyes."

2006-07-27 17:30:42 · update #1

15 answers

It is VERY refreshing to see somebody post the REAL reason Sodom was destroyed.

I get so sick of the propaganda most christians puke out on their keyboards regarding that city.

Imagine the word arrogant being used... and they think it means god hates fags... lol

Nobody pays a bit of attention to all the scriptures that detail EXACTLY what Sodom was destroyed for and invent the explanation that it was about homosexuality... so that they can continue to persecute people.

You know slavery isn't so bad if it only lasts 7 years.

Women as property... chuckle... yeah, that's gonna go over well.

Let's face it, christians only accept social evolution when they are forced to do so. If it were up to christianity, there would still be slaves and women would still be property. It would have never been ended... simply because it IS supported by the bible.

We have been through these fights before this current one regarding homosexuality. Equal Rights, when confronted with biblically supported travesties, always wins. It just takes time.

2006-07-27 19:15:29 · answer #1 · answered by Dustin Lochart 6 · 20 12

You make it sound as if the ban on gay marriage was something new and untried. The law never recognized any gay marriages until the relatively recent past. First the common law banned gay marriage in ever single state. Then many states created statutes to explicitly codify the tradition. Now more states are adopting amendments to the state constitutions out of a fear that the state courts will legalize gay marriage with misinterpretations of the respective state constitutions. But regardless of whether the ban was in common law, statutory law, or in constitutional law, it is still the same law. Nothing has changed for gay people in, say, Florida or Arizona. They couldn't get married before and they still can't. Now as to comparing gay marriage to marriage among first cousins, I'm afraid that you still don't get the point of why gay people are pursuing the right to get married and why opponents are opposed. Gay people pursue the right to get married for the sake of having equal rights, not for the sake of ratifying a broad, limitless libertarianism. And implicit in the granting of equal rights is a belief that homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal. Opponents of gay equality understand the point, too. Most opponents of gay marriage believe that heterosexuality is morally superior to heterosexuality -- that homosexuality is immoral. Your question seems like a distraction away from the core issues of the debate.

2016-03-27 02:56:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible also says that women shouldn't dress like men or cut their hair, and wearing 2 different types of fabric at the same time is a sin.

Do any of these make sense?

Society will one day realize how childish it is to use the bible as a guide when deciding upon social issues.

So I vote that instead of bringing back slavery and getting rid of all my rights as a woman, people should just realize the bible is wrong on the vast majority of... hmm... everything.

2006-07-27 17:27:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no not actually. the examples you use for the slaves doesnt actually say slaves in the bible passages it says servants. yes you can make the argument thatservants are slaves but most of those scriptures are written by paul and are to be used as instruction as to how we should live to repersent christ. so you can make the argument that servants are also employees in todays time. example a christian that works needs to work their very best, if they are always late for work and dont complete thier task waste time and are just all out lazy then they are not repersenting christ the way they should. God feels the same about slaves in the new testament as in the old. he is against it forcing someone to do your bidding against thier will is wrong now if the person is indebted to them then its a different story they owe so they need to pay and that time in history it was a custom people didnt veiw it as wrong but being held against your will has always been wrong no matter what time in history it was. women in the old testament were viewed as property to thier husbands but God never taught for that to be like that. that was mans idea of how it should be these things were put in the OT for examples for instruction. you can read in the NT and jesus shows that people in that time misunderstood the OT and perverted most of the teaching to fit thier desires but jesus showed in the NT the correct interpertation. jesus had women in his ministry that wouldnt have happened in the OT the NT says husbands love your wife even as christ loved the church and gave himself for it, OT that wouldnt happen women wasnt regarded very high but once again that wasnt Gods idea just look in genesis he created adam and eve he did create adam first but notice what he done when he created eve. he took a rib from adams side. he didnt take something from adams feet so adam would be over her nor did he take something from adams head so she would be over him but by his side and were would any man want his wife? by his side. women likewise with thier husbands. but one things for sure Gods always been against gay lifestyle nowhere in the bible does it even remotely say that its acceptable. one of the first commandments to adam and eve was for them to replenish the earth, and to reproduce after it own kind now this is a commandment so if two men or two women are together in that lifestyle they cannot keep this commandment so if you dont keep his commandments then its disobiediance which equals sin. God called it an abomination.so the slave and women issues you mention the bible doesnot support it, just because its in there doesnt mean its ok with God but on the other hand God is clear on what he thinks of homosexuality.

2006-07-27 18:08:57 · answer #4 · answered by anthony p 2 · 0 0

Since in the Muslims world Gay Marriage is prohibited, even punished by death, and in some countries they kill them just for being Gay!
Women are considered some what the man's property, and there is slavery in places like Sudan! why bother and bring it back. If you like it so much, you can move there, and be treated as property, a slave, and if you are Gay, expected to die for who you are!

It is a small world after all, and if that is what you are looking for! go for it, and good luck to you.

2006-07-27 17:35:10 · answer #5 · answered by Sierra Leone 6 · 0 0

I agree, my gripe is that Christians in general think that it is their right to judge others and that anyone that does not fall in line with their beliefs should be outcast. Well, we know that God holds final judgement and it is Gods decision alone not anyone here.

People should be free to live as God created them with Free Will. I personally could careless what any person does with themselves as long as they are not harming me or anyone I know. It is not my place or anyone elses to tell someone what is right or wrong.

I think people should have a certain expectation that they can with their lives what they want and not have to worry about someone taking away their rights to live, love and be happy.

2006-07-27 17:31:44 · answer #6 · answered by mr_e_mn007 2 · 0 0

Specific instructions from God concerning His creations are not really subject to correction or interpretation from the created. As for being slaves...yeah, He told us to consider ourselves as slaves, and act as such....more because this type of attitude was conducive to us displaying the type of humility and servant attitude we are to adopt as temporary dwellers here in this world. As for women being property...true, they had little rights in Jewish culture, as far as owning property or such, but this did not mean that God ever gave man the right to dismiss or treat a woman as anything less than himself.
If you look at Proverbs 31 this is woman who is making her man look good because she is able to do, get done, and labor all on her own...and her good job makes him look good. But that is not a woman who is a property...no scripture says this...even the ones you quoted. They are the "responsibility" as the word you misquoted, would state in Hebrew or Greek.
As for Gay and Lesbian marriages...that has nothing to do with anything you stated. God has always said that men with men and woman with woman was not a natural thing and a sin...

So, what does your quotes have to do with anything of gay or lesbian wrongness??

2006-07-27 17:31:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sarcasm is the attempt of a feeble mind to express itself creatively!

2006-07-27 17:22:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes exactly.. If you want to make a law on something based on the bible, then have the balls to make every law based on the bible!

2006-07-27 17:25:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think he is pointing out the idiocy in your book and showing how you only pay attention to the verse that suits you

2006-07-27 17:23:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NO!! I'm christian and I belive that people can do and feel and say what they want...its in the fricken constitution!It really pisses me off when people think that god hates them for who they are and their choices.

2006-07-27 17:23:28 · answer #11 · answered by Goulet2011 1 · 0 0

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